"I don't care what kind of beast it is, run away first!" Su Yuan raised his hand and waved a wind blade to greet him.

Then he didn't even look at the effect of the blow. He turned around and grabbed Liu Xianguang and ran with him risking his life!

"Don't run, don't run!" the messenger shouted hurriedly: "Listen to me, the Nian beast is the kind of ferocious beast recorded in your myths and legends that will come out to eat people on New Year's Eve."

"I've heard of this," Su Yuan replied in his mind as he ran, "I just didn't expect that this thing actually exists!"

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Su Yuan said, looking back and found that his wind blade could not even hurt the Nian Beast's hair. The wind blade that can cut through steel is as weak as a fart to the Nian beast.

According to myths and legends, people can scare away the Nian beast by setting off firecrackers and pasting Spring Festival couplets.

But Su Yuan felt that considering the size of the Nian beast behind him, he might blow up the entire firecracker factory and it wouldn't have any effect.

Seeing that Su Yuan didn't believe it, the messenger couldn't help laughing and said: "You are wrong. Not only does the Nian beast exist, but it does have two major weaknesses as recorded in the legend!"

"The Nian beast is very timid, so it rarely attacks other creatures and only eats corpses. In addition, it hates metal very much."

"As long as you make good use of these two points, the Nian beast is nothing to worry about!"

"Are you serious?"

Su Yuan suddenly remembered the group of skinny crocodile-mouthed beasts he had encountered before.

If the Nian beast really eats corpses, then it is not difficult to explain why the crocodile-mouthed beast, which is also a scavenger, became so thin, because all the corpses were eaten by the Nian beast.

"I have no reason to lie to you." The messenger said solemnly: "Look back and take a good look. The Nian beast has not come to chase you at all."

Su Yuan turned around in disbelief, and found that the Nian beast did not bother him at all, but lowered his body to lick the uneaten rat corpses in the underground pipes.

"In your myths and legends, it is not wrong to say that people setting off fireworks and firecrackers, beating gongs and drums, and posting Spring Festival couplets can drive away the Nian beast." The messenger explained:

"But the Nian beast is not scared away. It's because the fireworks and gongs and drums will make the gathering place look lively, letting the Nian beast know from a distance that there are living people there and there are no corpses to eat."

Su Yuan nodded thoughtfully and began to believe what the deliverer said. But there was still one thing he hadn't figured out yet.

"I can understand setting off firecrackers and beating gongs and drums. But what does posting Spring Festival couplets have to do with the Nian beast? Does that thing even know how to read?"

The messenger smiled and said, "Of course I'm not showing it the content. The Spring Festival couplets are all bright red, and the red pigments at that time were mostly made from ocher, which is hematite. The Nian beast hates metal, so naturally it's even less willing to get close to it."

"Oh..." Su Yuan's eyes lit up, "It's simple. There isn't much else in the city. You can get as much metal as you want!"

"And..." Su Yuan chuckled twice, "I still have moving metal. Go! Tikachu."

Su Yuan waved his hand, and a mechanical trilobite was immediately thrown out by him.

If the mechanical trilobite was intelligent, it would definitely curse inwardly, saying that it had been a bloody misfortune for eight lifetimes for it to have such an infuriating owner.

Su Yuan watched it rush all the way to the Nian Beast. As expected, Nian Beast snorted in disgust and moved two steps to the side.

"There's something going on!" Su Yuan simply released two more mechanical trilobites, one hung on his chest and one on his back.

Then he was seen walking cautiously towards the Nian Beast, intending to take a closer look at this big guy.

As the distance got closer, Su Yuan felt more and more like he was walking in the Jurassic era. The Nian beast in front of him looked more like a huge dinosaur.

Just when Su Yuan was observing the Nian Beast attentively, two second-level zombies suddenly came out from the side and pounced on Su Yuan fiercely.

"Thank you, you came at the right time." Su Yuan passed over with two wind blades and cut off the zombie's neck neatly.

Then he threw the corpses of the two zombies towards the Nian beast one by one with each hand.

Before the body even hit the ground, it was caught in the air by the Nian beast's long tongue and swallowed into its stomach, as casually as a frog eating two flies.

Su Yuan took this opportunity to get a lot closer to the Nian beast. If he wanted to continue moving forward at this time, he would have to remove the mechanical trilobite from his body.

Su Yuan was unwilling to take risks. Testing to this extent was enough to verify what the transmitter said.

Just when he was about to retreat, a "wow" sound like a baby crying suddenly came from Nian Beast's back!

Su Yuan suddenly became shocked when he heard such a cry!

Almost at the same time as the cry started to sound, Nian Beast turned its head sharply, raised its front paws and smashed the trilobite that Su Yuan had put over before into a pancake!

Then, he stretched out his big whip-like tongue and rolled up the metal pancake!

This scene not only made Su Yuan's hair stand on end, but his scalp was also numb.

While cursing the messenger in his heart for being unreliable, he quickly put the trilobite hanging on his body into the storage space.

"Old bastard! Didn't you say that Nian beast hates metal?"

However, the messenger seemed even more surprised than Su Yuan, and swore that the Nian beast would never swallow metal.

But the facts were right in front of him, and Su Yuan was not interested in finding out what Nian Beast liked to eat. At times like this, of course it’s important to save your life!

Su Yuan used the Eight Steps of the Heavenly Dragon without thinking, stepped on the first-floor window of the building next to him, and climbed up to the roof of the six-story residential building, then turned back to look at the Nian Beast.

At this time, Su Yuan was looking down from a high place, and suddenly found that there seemed to be something lying on the back of the Nian Beast.

The Nian Beast lifted the crushed mechanical trilobite on its back with its tongue.

The little guy lying on it immediately ran over and ate it up cleanly with a few "crunch, crunch" bites as if eating potato chips.

The mechanical trilobite is made of D9 grade metal, the same material as the armor. What kind of teeth does this little thing have?

Su Yuan looked at this scene in shock, muttering to himself: "There is a small horn on the head, and it looks like a rhinoceros. The front limbs have claws, the hind limbs are hooves, and the body is only as big as a guinea pig... Damn! Isn't this the one that Lao Caibanzi and the others talked about... what is it?"

"Tang Ni!" The messenger suddenly shouted like a convulsion: "This is Tang Ni! What kind of shit luck do you have? You can even meet Tang Ni!"

"Divine beast! This is a divine beast! Tang Ni's leather armor is known to have the strongest defense, and nothing can hurt it. Your Eda armor is made in imitation of it!"

Su Yuan subconsciously looked at the Eda armor, and then looked at the seemingly harmless little Tang Ni lying on the Nian beast.

I didn't expect this little guy to have such a big background.

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