"Don't run yet, it's not the right time yet." Su Yuan stopped Lao Caibanzi and told him to look at the zombies stacking up downstairs.

"Don't just run, you have to learn how to consume them in motion."

As Su Yuan spoke, he rolled out a big fireball, ready to set the building on fire after more zombies gathered.

Winter is dry and dry, which is a good time to set fire. And Su Yuan is an expert in setting fires, plus his air ability, fire uses the wind.

In such an environment, his killing ability alone is enough to match a company of regular troops.

Su Yuan's favorite thing to do is to pick up the shining crystal cores from the ashes. Every time he is happy like a little girl picking mushrooms.

In his previous life, when Su Yuan set fires, he had to consider his own safety, and he was restrained when setting fires.

In this life, he has the burning ring from the god of war Mosmar to protect his body, so he can stand in the fire and set fires as he likes.

Su Yuan saw that the time was almost up, so he winked at Lao Caibanzi and told them to quickly follow the steel cable and retreat to the next building.

Then Su Yuan rubbed the big fireball and prepared to jump and set fire.

Just when most of his body was out of the building, he suddenly heard a series of explosions like watermelons breaking, one after another.

A blood line passed through the piled-up zombies, and countless zombies were smashed into flying pieces at this moment.

Then, Su Yuan felt his shoulders sink. Little Tang Ni actually ran back again!

Tang Ni seemed to not need to slow down, and could instantly switch from high-speed movement to a static state. In Su Yuan's view, such an ability was even more terrifying than seeing Tang Ni knock countless zombies to death.

How strong a body must be to withstand such a transition between movement and stillness?

The Nian beast followed closely behind Tang Ni, grunting and revealing its huge body with great visual impact. From a distance, the sound of earth-shaking footsteps could be heard, getting closer and closer.

The dull "boom" sound was like a signal, and the zombies downstairs immediately fled cleanly, leaving only a piece of broken body parts like a car accident scene.

Tang Ni "shua" ran to the top of the Nian beast's head again, and then waved his little paw at Su Yuan.

Su Yuan pointed at his nose, "What do you mean? Let me pass?"

Tang Ni naturally would not answer him, but Su Yuan immediately knew what Tang Ni meant. Because the Nian beast opened its big mouth and spit out two people!

Su Yuan rubbed his eyes, and after a closer look, he found that it was Sanglong and Black Eye Circle.

"There should be a limit to life, right? You are not dead yet?" Su Yuan hurriedly jumped down and helped the two up.

Sanglong and Black Eye Circle were shaking wildly, and they were scared to death.

Su Yuan noticed that the armor on the two of them was gone, and he knew without asking that it was gnawed by Tang Ni.

No wonder the little thing looked down on the mechanical trilobite, it turned out that it had eaten enough of the inferior sea soul gold.

"Boss, is that you?" Sang Long's current appearance might be more appropriate to call him a stray dog. "Ah... I didn't expect you to die too. That's good, we can have a companion in hell."

"Fuck you!" Su Yuan slapped Sang Long in tears and laughter, "Hurry up and get up and pick up the crystal core for me."

"And you," Su Yuan shouted to Liu Xianguang and the others upstairs, "Come down and pick them up too! Hurry up, don't let the Nian beast lick them all."

At this time, Tang Ni pointed at Sang Long and Black Eye Circle with his little paws, and then pointed at his little mouth like offering a treasure.

"Oh... Do you want to exchange them for Draman alloy?" Su Yuan immediately understood.

"No, these two can only be exchanged for a mechanical trilobite at most." Su Yuan picked up a crystal core from the ground, "If you want to eat it, use this to exchange it. You need a lot of it to exchange for one bite, understand?"

Su Yuan believed that with Tang Ni's intelligence, even if he didn't understand what he said, it should not be difficult to understand what he meant.

Sure enough, after he gestured for a while, Tang Ni finally nodded.

But the next second, Tang Ni did not collect the crystal cores as Su Yuan hoped, but his big round eyes showed a fierce light, and it seemed that he was going to take action (mouth)!

Su Yuan stared back without showing any weakness, just like teaching a naughty child a lesson. At this time, it depends on who can scare whom!

The man and the beast just looked at each other, and the nerves of the people next to them were already tense to the brink of collapse. Because the Nian beast also joined the staring contest, and helped Tang Ni stare at Su Yuan together!

In terms of the Nian beast's exaggerated physique, its eyeballs are really too big. If you dig out the eyeballs and fill the eye sockets with water, it will be enough for Su Yuan to jump into the bath with a little girl.

Su Yuan glared with gritted teeth, and showed the momentum of a gambler who was betting his wife's money on the last card.

He thought to himself that if it really didn't work, he would just give up and hand over the syringe.

"Or just hand over half?"

At this time, Su Yuan suddenly thought of a problem. Tang Ni didn't know how much Draman alloy he had.

What if Tang Ni refused to give up after he handed it all over?

"Fuck you," Su Yuan's eyes suddenly became a little sharper when he found the problem!

Tang Ni immediately responded with a protest roar: "Wow!"

It sounded like a baby asking for milk in the middle of the night when he was hungry, and there was no deterrent effect at all.

"Woo... Roar!!" But the roar of the Nian Beast instantly shattered the glass of the residential area in the three nearby streets, and glass rained down from the sky.

Su Yuan, who was close at hand, felt as if someone had stuffed an atomic bomb into his ears.

If he had not strengthened the defense of the Eda armor when he saw the Nian Beast open its mouth to inhale, I am afraid that this roar would have shaken him into a pulp.

"Okay, let's compete in voice, right?" Su Yuan wiped the Nian Beast's stinky saliva on his face, looked around, and saw a rolling door on the side of the road.

He walked over and rolled the iron sheet of the rolling door into a trumpet with three punches and two kicks, and then took a deep breath!

Su Yuan's mouth was like a black hole, and a tornado visible to the naked eye immediately appeared around him. The violent airflow even made the Nian Beast and Tang Ni squint their eyes.

The old chef and the others who were watching this scene nervously also subconsciously held their breath, as if this would help Su Yuan breathe in more air.

But they soon blushed and had to breathe heavily.

A minute passed, and Su Yuan still didn't stop breathing. Silver light flashed in his eyes, and he secretly exerted his air ability to the extreme.

Tang Ni tilted his head curiously and looked behind Su Yuan. It wondered if so much air had quietly slipped out from somewhere.

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