"Oh my God!"

"What did you say?"

"Say it again!"

"What's going on outside? Are you here to save us?"

The army of two hundred people in hospital uniforms rushed over like zombies who had discovered humans, and surrounded the North Wind Wolf Squad.

Everyone's eyes flashed with crazy light!

The North Wind Wolf Squad has traveled all over the country and saved more than a dozen gathering places.

This kind of scene has been experienced countless times, and even a complete set of procedures has been formed.

The four people kept silent. They waited until the people's agitated emotions stabilized before letting them elect a representative to discuss things.


After a brief statement by the North Wind Wolf, everyone present fell silent.

"It turns out that the whole world has fallen." The person who was elected was still Doctor Hao.

At this moment, he had calmed down a lot, but his fingers still couldn't stop trembling slightly.

"We have been trapped here for too long, so long that we have forgotten that there are other people in this world." Doctor Hao carefully took out a bottle of glucose solution from his pocket and took a sip.

His Adam's apple moved violently, obviously he had not drunk enough. But he did not drink any more, but carefully capped the bottle and put it back.

"As you can see, it is not easy for us to live." Doctor Hao pointed around and sighed bitterly, "At the most, there were more than a thousand people here."

"All dead... But, it's good to die!" When Doctor Hao said this, his eyes suddenly revealed a violent look that was very inconsistent with his personal temperament!

With such a look, he began to slowly tell Beifeng Wolf a horror story that existed in reality.

At first, everyone thought that the disaster would soon pass, so they were more orderly.

The hospital had sufficient supplies, and the reserves in the staff canteen and the things in the inpatient department were enough for us to eat for a long time, so there was no conflict.

But after a period of time, it should be five or six days. As rescue was delayed, people's reason gradually collapsed in despair.

The darkness of human nature quickly revealed itself in this place without system and rules.

Because of a little verbal quarrel, I can no longer remember what the cause was. Anyway, the first fight happened at that time.

Punching and kicking soon turned into a fight with weapons, and one of them was accidentally hit on the back of the head by another, and he died with a kick of his legs.

People are like this. The fierce ones are afraid of the violent ones, and the violent ones are afraid of the ones who don't care about their lives!

When people found that they didn't need to pay any responsibility or price even if they killed someone, barbarism could no longer be controlled.

Have you heard of the law of the jungle?

We are like a group of talking beasts, even more terrible than wild ones!

Because... beasts don't have as many desires as humans, and desires that can never be satisfied.

Finally, without anyone being infected by zombies, a fight that was crazier than beasts took the lives of more than 50 people.

The group of people who were the most hateful and cruel successfully ruled here. However, they didn't survive that night.

Late that night, their boss and several key members were stabbed in the eye sockets with a stool leg while they were sleeping.

Then, after several fights and melees, they beat everyone crazy and scared them.

When mentioning the word "them", Dr. Hao's eyes were very complicated, sometimes showing overwhelming hatred and sometimes deep fear.

People were divided into two distinct types. One was the majority of people who were timid and could only be oppressed and exploited; the other was the ruthless people who dared to take action and fight with others for the slightest dissatisfaction.

The ruthless people ended the melee and became the masters here. Due to the abundance of materials, they naturally set their sights on women.

They acted recklessly and did whatever they wanted.

No one dared to go against their wishes here, especially after the rebels had their hands and feet broken and thrown out to feed the zombies.

Although the number of violent people was far less than the number of oppressed people, no one dared to stand up and resist.

Everyone watched and was glad because the person being bullied was not them.

The bullied female survivor screamed for help from the people around her. However, she only received fearful, evasive, and indifferent looks.

For a period of time afterwards, because of their brutality, this place became more dead than a morgue.

People were more depressed than corpses. They dared not fight or escape, and could only wait to die in despair.

Doctor Hao took out another bottle of tranquilizer from his pocket, poured out a pill, broke off half of it and swallowed it, and put the remaining half back.

It seemed that what he was going to talk about next was the fear that he had suppressed in the deepest part of his heart!

Doctor Hao moved the corners of his mouth strangely, squinted his eyes and continued to talk.

Some of them were sick, the kind of disease that they deserved.

Some people had small blisters on their thing, which dug into their bones and hurt when touched.

Others had layers of skin peeling off near their thing, revealing pink thin flesh, and they were so itchy that they wanted to cut the flesh off by themselves.

But don’t be fooled by the fact that this is a hospital and there are quite a few people here. These are all people who escaped from nearby areas on the night of the disaster.

So among those who survived, not many are medical staff.

Even some nurses have been harmed by them. They used knives to force doctors and nurses to treat them. Here comes their chance!

It is not easy for medical students to find some harmful things in the hospital.

So not only did their diseases not get cured, but they all contracted tetanus and sepsis, which are easy to get.

The virus made them weak quickly, and their arrogance was gone. One night, they who had broken people's hands and feet and thrown them out to feed zombies also enjoyed this treatment.

"Hehe..." Dr. Hao showed a bitter sneer that saw through everything, "But the good days did not come."

Those who stood up to kill the brutal rulers were not brave warriors, but the next group of rulers who were the same or even worse.

The atrocities continued, and many people committed suicide at that time.

When Dr. Hao finished this sentence, he was silent for a long time. Although it was only a simple sentence, it is not difficult to imagine what a desperate experience it would be.

One morning, a god altar suddenly appeared behind the outpatient building.

By chance, one of the lucky ones who was forced by the ruler to go out and test what the God Altar was became a supernatural being.

The lucky one did not make a fuss after returning, nor did he tell anyone about his discovery.

After the God Altar disappeared as suddenly as it appeared, the lucky one used his supernatural power to electrocute the ruler's head into a piece of charcoal and replaced the ruler.

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