Xu Jiajia followed Su Yuan and Dugu Pang through the zombies, thinking that the stinking torches were some high-tech product.

When she was surrounded by a group of people and looked at like a monkey for a long time, she realized that the situation was a little different from what she expected.

There were no rescue team members with live ammunition here, but only a large group of survivors like her.

Especially when she saw Dugu Pang, who claimed to be the deputy captain, throwing the old man to the ground, and then ran to Bai Ying and took advantage of her clumsily, she felt that she was deceived.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝕥𝕨𝕜𝕒𝕟.𝕔𝕠𝕞]

"Where are the other team members?" Xu Jiajia asked Su Yuan with the last bit of fantasy.

Su Yuan's answer to this was to confiscate her walkie-talkie directly and then call everyone to gather.

"We are now in the north building of the Galaxy Hotel. There is a glass corridor on the left and right sides of this floor, leading to the east and west buildings."

"Liu Xianguang takes people to the east, and Fatty takes people to the west. Cheng Xue, you are responsible for the north building."

"You will advance to the rooftop in three groups, and pay attention to rescuing as many survivors as possible during the process. Fatty and Liu Xianguang must remember to open the natural gas main pipelines in the east and west buildings."

"You have half an hour to climb to the rooftop. After half an hour, I will detonate the natural gas."

"As for what to do after reaching the rooftop, I have already told Cheng Xue, Fatty and Liu Xianguang. Just follow them."

After Su Yuan finished speaking, he cut off the main pipeline of natural gas with a knife in front of everyone!

You know, everyone is still holding torches in their hands!

Natural gas will ignite if it touches a spark. Even if everyone does not want to do what Su Yuan said, they have no time to speak, and they all swarmed and fled!

I don't know who stepped on the unconscious old man in a panic.

The old man grimaced in pain and woke up cursing.

Before he could figure out the situation, he was lifted up by Su Yuan and rushed to the elevator.

The zombies in the two blood pools downstairs became stronger with every passing second. So time was extremely tense and precious to Su Yuan.

He had previously spent time searching for survivors so that they could split into three groups to open the natural gas valve at this moment, and then go to the roof to make the next arrangement.

As the saying goes, sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. From this moment on, all the time Su Yuan had wasted in searching for people was made up.

Su Yuan ran very fast. The old man's feet were pulled off the ground, and he arrived in front of the elevator door in almost the blink of an eye with only the sound of wind whistling in his ears.

Su Yuan tried to pry open the elevator door, but the old man held Su Yuan tightly and shouted, "Don't open it, there's something inside. Let's go through the garbage passage."

The old man stretched out his hand and opened a small door a few meters away. Inside the door was a vertical stainless steel passage.

He climbed in directly, propped up the walls on both sides of the passage with his feet, and disappeared as soon as he lowered his head.

Su Yuan was puzzled. This old man was so weird.

But his original plan was to go downstairs, so he followed the old man and jumped down with him.

The passage was slightly wider than a person's shoulders. As long as you use your feet and legs to support the walls on both sides, you can use friction to slow down the speed of falling, just like riding a slide.

Almost in an instant, Su Yuan felt a little white light flashing under the passage. Knowing that he was about to reach the exit, he quickly tightened his muscles and rolled out of the passage with a weightless body.

He and the old man, one in front and one behind, smashed into a pile of garbage that looked like a small mountain.

Fortunately, the quality of the garbage bags was quite strong, and the piles of garbage packages acted as air cushions in disguise. The two people slid down from the tenth floor, and they didn't even get a scratch.

The light in front of them was dim, and sparse sunlight poured in through a few windows less than one meter square.

Su Yuan found that he and the old man were in a warehouse dedicated to storing garbage. The room was not big, only about 20 square meters, and it was estimated that the garbage truck would come to clean it once a day.

What was even more unexpected was that he actually met an old acquaintance here!

Ding Yufu and the two young men were also in this room full of garbage and stench. The two women who escaped with them at the beginning disappeared, and it was estimated that they were in danger.

And next to them, there was a soldier who was seriously injured and was about to die!

Because the light in the garbage room was dim, the old man was shocked when he first saw someone here.

When he found that the other party was more frightened than him, he immediately curled his lips. "Are you sick? What are you doing hiding in the garbage? You scared me!"

As soon as he said this, the injured soldier immediately became excited!

"... Zhou... cough, this sound... Are you Dr. Zhou Xueqian?"

The soldier may have injured his lungs, and he kept coughing up blood when he spoke. Ding Yufu was worried that his cough would attract the tooth-leaved iron wire vine, so he actually reached out to cover the soldier's mouth.

The old man pushed Ding Yufu aside, squatted beside the soldier, and asked, "Are you talking to me?"

Unexpectedly, the soldier took out a photo from his arms. The person on it was the crazy old man in front of him.

The soldier leaned against the wall with his upper body, and struggled to lift the photo, comparing the person in the photo with the old man's face. Even the few age spots and wrinkles on the old man's face were not spared.

After checking everything one by one and finding no mistakes, the soldier suddenly came to his senses and spoke fluently.

"You are Dr. Zhou. That's right!"

"I am a member of the Sixth Search and Rescue Team of Xuanwu Fortress, codenamed Lynx. Our Captain Wang has contacted you before. Unfortunately, the captain... died."

When the soldier said this, tears of blood appeared in his tiger eyes!

The Sixth Search and Rescue Team has 18 members, and now all of them have died except him.

And the reason they came here is to rescue Dr. Zhou Xueqian who has gone crazy!

Su Yuan, who was standing aside, was shocked at this moment. He was not shocked that there was really a search and rescue team, nor was he shocked that the Captain Wang that the old man was looking for really existed.

He was shocked by the words "Xuanwu Fortress, Dr. Zhou Xueqian"!

He traveled back from nine years after the end of the world, and these two names were simply like thunder to him!

Xuanwu Fortress, the predecessor of Xuanwu Base, one of the eight major bases in the end of the world.

During the heyday of the Xuanwu Base, it controlled 13 medium-sized bases and nearly 100 small bases, with a registered population of 230,000!

And it had four peak gold-level masters, and it was said that two of them had mastered S-level superpowers!

One of them was the goddess of life. The other one was named Zhou Xueqian!

However, the image of this skinny old man in front of him was too different from that of the peak gold-level master with S-level superpowers.

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