"King-level mutants are king-level mutants, and they are indeed incredibly powerful." Tong Zhuo sighed sincerely.

Su Yuan shook his head, pointed at Dugu Pang and said, "That's not necessarily true. If you had this armor, the situation would definitely be very different."

"Are you going to give it to me?" Tong Zhuo's eyes suddenly turned into the expression of a young girl seeing an eighteen-carat diamond ring.

"I can't tell. Captain Tong has thick eyebrows and big eyes, so he thinks quite beautifully." Su Yuan said half-jokingly, half-seriously:

"If you are willing to leave Beifeng City and follow me, I will give each of you two sets of armor like this! How about wearing one and throwing another away?"

To be honest, Su Yuan really wanted to win Bei Feng Lang and Tong Zhuo to his side.

Under the same equipment conditions, either Tong Zhuo or Beifeng Wolf can defeat thirty or forty Fatty and Sanglong.

Tong Zhuo laughed and said, "That's not possible now. If we can't survive in the future, we will join you and the mutts."

Beifeng Lang also smiled and said: "The city lord is still eagerly waiting for you to come over and try to find ways to win you over. It would be better for you to poach his corner first."

"I will definitely dig corners. I hope you won't regret inviting me to Beifeng City." Su Yuan issued an eviction order to Tong Zhuo, "It's getting late, don't you still have tasks to do? Then hurry up Just do whatever you have to do.”

"I wish you a safe journey!" Tong Zhuo was giggling, looking back at Fatty and his armors, and walked slowly away.

The fat man even deliberately posed in a few sexy poses to annoy Tong Zhuo, which made Tong Zhuo's teeth itch.

The location of Beifeng City happened to be opposite to the direction Su Yuan had been heading.

Su Yuan started from Qingzhou City and headed towards Jiangbei Province. And Beifeng City is actually on the other side of Qingzhou City!

Seeing that the sun was setting in the west, Beifeng Wolf decided to take everyone to Qi Dakai's gathering place to stay for one night. Su Yuan also strongly agreed with the decision not to walk at night.

Little Tang Ni was like a red-hot soldering iron, standing out in the dark. Walking at night holding such a small lantern-like thing was simply a matter of lighting wax in the toilet - seeking death (shit).

Qi Dakai is a slightly fat man in his forties. Under the tattered leather jacket, there was a sweater whose original color could not be seen. The big leather shoes on her feet were polished to a shiny shine.

His gathering place was once a brick kiln. It was in a remote location, with a vast area and sparsely populated areas.

When Su Yuan, Beifeng Lang and his party were still two miles away from the gathering place, Qi Dakai led his people to greet them.

He was obviously stunned when he saw Su Yuan. When he saw the dozen armored soldiers behind Su Yuan clearly, he opened his mouth so much that he could directly see his back molars.

Qi Dakai first said a few polite words to Bei Feng Lang, and then impatiently walked towards Su Yuan with outstretched hands.

"Is this the brother who subdued the king-level mutant? It turns out that you are such a talented person at such a young age!"

"Originally, I was determined to die and planned to lead people to break into Hequan Town. Suddenly I heard on the public channel that someone had subdued the king-level mutants and rescued all the Beifeng Wolf brothers. I was really excited. I almost cried!"

The high temperature emitted by Xiao Tang Ni successfully blocked Qi Dakai five steps away from Su Yuan. This also saved Su Yuan from shaking hands with Qi Dakai's big black paws that hadn't been washed for who knows how long.

"Where's that king-level mutant? Why can't I see it?" Qi Dakai said as he put his feet up and stretched his neck to look around.

"Don't worry, the king-level mutant didn't follow." Su Yuanxin said, seeing through Qi Dakai's thoughts at a glance.

Wasn't this guy afraid that Su Yuan would bring king-level mutants into his gathering point when he came all the way to greet them?

Su Yuan had thought of this a long time ago, so he let the Death Beast go underground a long time ago. Qi Dakai naturally couldn't see it.

Qi Dakai smiled coquettishly. He never thought that the thing Su Yuan was holding in his arms would be a living thing. He thought it was some special equipment, so he didn't ask any more questions.

A group of people entered the kiln under the leadership of Qi Dakai. North Wind Wolf immediately said to Qi Dakai: "We will only stay here for one night and then leave. Can you help us prepare some food? It is best to provide some dry food."

Qi Dakai immediately looked embarrassed, rubbed his hands and said, "Oh... I'm really not stingy. You can tell by looking at what I'm wearing. My life here is also very tight."

"Every morning when I open my eyes, I have to worry about the food and drink for the three to four hundred people here. I worry about it until half the night, and I can't even sleep."

"Don't worry, I will pay you and I won't ask for your things in vain." Beifeng Wolf stopped Qi Dakai from talking and waved his hand to Menghu. Menghu immediately turned around and went out.

Menghu quickly returned, holding two huge packages in his hands, and placed them on the table in front of Qi Dakai with a bang.

Antibiotic drugs, which are more precious than gold, are scattered along the gaps in the package. Qi Dakai's eyes immediately straightened.

"What are you..." Qi Dakai stared straight at a box of amoxicillin. The quantity of these medicines surprised him.

If it weren't for the chair behind him, he would have almost crawled under the table.

"These are all brought from Hequan Town. I want to use..." Beifeng Lang wanted to use these medicines as reward, but before he could finish his words, Su Yuan pulled him back.

"We want to use these things to make a deal with you." Su Yuan picked up the box of medicine that Qi Dakai was staring at and threw it up and down. "You should know how precious medical supplies are, right?"

Su Yuan spoke to Qi Dakai, but his eyes glared at Beifenglang in a very obscure way. He thought, Beifenglang and Menghu are good at everything, but they are too honest.

Using medicine as a reward, how much food to give depends on how noble Qi Dakai's personal character is. Then he will have to starve to death?

Besides, how can such a valuable thing be taken out so casually? At least it should be changed into a new package before showing it to Qi Dakai, even if it is in a sack.

The preciousness of medicine lies in the fact that it is very difficult to obtain. But they have more than a hundred large bags wrapped in sheets like this!

And they were carried in under Qi Dakai's nose. Anyone who is not a fool will definitely think that the more than a hundred large bags are filled with medicines.

In this way, the value of the medicine will be greatly reduced, and it will also easily attract Qi Dakai's prying and greed!

Don't show off your wealth. How come Beifenglang and the others don't understand such a simple truth?

Wherever Su Yuan put his hand holding the medicine box, Qi Dakai's eyes followed.

When he heard that Su Yuan wanted to make a deal with him, he hurriedly asked, "How is the deal?"

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