The children were crowded around the stove, listening to a middle-aged man with a plaster cast on his arm telling them how to better protect themselves in case of danger.

It was difficult for children to focus on one thing for a long time. Whenever a child was distracted to do something else, he would be severely reprimanded by the man!

"Don't cry! No matter what happens, don't cry. I told you that crying will expose your position. Do you want to be eaten by zombies?"

The scolded child was only six years old, the same age as Ruoruo.

Faced with the man's ruthless reprimand, the child immediately covered his mouth tightly with his hands, but his tears flowed even more fiercely.

At this time, a man with gray hair and wrinkles in the corners of his eyes gently picked up the crying child and put him on his lap.

"Old Yan, be careful with your attitude. The children are still too young. You need to be careful with your methods and don't scare them."

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝑡𝑤𝑘𝑎𝑛.𝑐𝑜𝑚]

"Yes, City Lord!" The man who taught the class nodded stiffly, "I, I am doing this for their own good."

Su Yuan and Beifeng Wolf were standing outside the window of the classroom. Beifeng Wolf sighed, "Alas, I haven't seen you for a while, and the City Lord has a lot more white hair on his head."

He was about to push the door in, but the City Lord suddenly waved to Beifeng Wolf, then gently put the child down, and told the lecturer not to be mean to the child anymore.

The City Lord of Beifeng City exudes an iron-blooded style when walking and standing, and he doesn't look old at all. Although his hair is gray, his eyes are bright and energetic. When Su Yuan looked at him, he actually had the illusion of a dazzling light.

What Su Yuan did not expect was that after seeing Su Yuan, the Lord of Beifeng City bowed deeply to him without saying anything, and refused to stand up for a long time.

"Brother, you saved people for justice and took the trouble to personally escort the Beifeng Wolf and more than 200 survivors back to the city. I, Zhan Jianyun, would like to thank you here."

"What are you doing?" Su Yuan hurriedly raised his hand to help the Lord up.

The Lord of Beifeng City said: "Since I heard about you, I have been looking forward to seeing you for many days, and today I finally saw you. Think about how fierce the king-level mutant is, and the little brother can actually subdue two of them by himself. He is really young and promising!"

Su Yuan said politely: "I am just lucky, there is nothing to praise."

"Luck is also a kind of strength. As long as you can gain a foothold in this doomsday, why bother about which method or form." When the Lord of Beifeng City said this, his eyes were sharp.

Beifeng Wolf reported to the city lord that he encountered someone slaughtering survivors in Gejia Town. Zhan Jianyun frowned after hearing this.

"In the end times, survival is already very difficult, and there are people who take advantage of this opportunity to kill innocent people? Humph!" Zhan Jianyun asked Su Yuan, "Brother, if the murderer is caught, how do you think he should be dealt with?"

"Of course, kill him." Su Yuan said lightly.

"Hahaha, you are decisive in killing, worthy of being someone who has subdued the king-level mutant. You are much better than Qingruo." Zhan Jianyun grabbed Su Yuan's wrist affectionately, "Let's go, let's go to the second ring area."

Accompanied by the Beifeng City Lord himself, Su Yuan naturally had no one to stop him when he entered the second ring area.

The second ring area is fully managed by military means. Except for the necessary guards and combatants, no outsiders are allowed to enter at will.

The reason why it is managed so strictly is mainly because the most important departments and institutions of Beifeng City are all established in the second ring area.

Zhan Jianyun had no intention of guarding against Su Yuan and taking Su Yuan to visit the arsenal, grain depot, and research department.

Accompanied by Zhan Jianyun, Su Yuan put on a full-body chemical protective suit and went through layers of security checks, sterilization, and disinfection before entering the research department.

The first thing that caught his eye was countless glass containers, which contained various mutant biological organs.

Zhan Jianyun deliberately slowed down his pace, intending to let Su Yuan take a closer look. At the same time, he was also observing Su Yuan's reaction when he saw these things.

But what surprised him was that Su Yuan was just a cursory look, without stopping in front of any container, as if he was visiting a vegetable market.

Whether it was a huge heart that could still beat normally after being soaked in formalin, or a soft-bodied creature that was not dead after being cut in half, but could split into two separate individuals, Su Yuan's eyes could not stay for a while.

After a long walk, Zhan Jianyun suddenly asked Su Yuan: "What do you think of Beifeng City?"

Su Yuan: "Very good, very powerful."

Zhan Jianyun shook his head, "No, I think this is far from enough!"

"Look outside the city, there are still so many people struggling on the line of life and death, and people die at the claws of zombies and mutants every moment."

"Even in this city, I dare not say it is an absolutely safe place. Once the zombie tide hits, Beifeng City will fall apart in an instant."

Zhan Jianyun took Su Yuan through the second ring and arrived at the core of Beifeng City-the command center of Beifeng City.

Su Yuan stepped into the conference room of the command center, and immediately more than a dozen eyes stared at him, and then looked at Zhan Jianyun.

Zhan Jianyun waved his hand and motioned everyone to sit down.

"Today I called everyone here mainly to discuss an important matter." Zhan Jianyun cleared his throat and pointed at Su Yuan, "Before that, let me introduce you to everyone. This is Su Yuan who subdued the fourth-level king-level mutant."

Instantly, everyone looked at Su Yuan again, and then at the little Tang Ni in Su Yuan's arms.

At this time, none of the people present were below the Black Iron level, and they made a judgment on Tang Ni without even a second.

Of course, it was a wrong judgment.

Tang Ni's cute little rhinoceros appearance was very deceptive, and there was no crystal core on its head that was the hallmark of the mutant, so people naturally mistakenly thought that Tang Ni was just an ordinary animal.

When everyone looked at Su Yuan, Su Yuan was also looking at them.

Among them, the one who caught his eye the most was a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old.

The girl was wearing a black long skirt, her hair was a vibrant green, with natural curly waves, and her long hair fell to her waist.

The warm sunlight sprinkled on the girl's long hair through the window sash, like a butterfly shining with starlight falling on it.

Especially the girl's eyes, with a lively breath and a beauty that did not belong to the human world, penetrated into Su Yuan's heart like sweet spring water.

"Finally I see a living person." Su Yuan murmured, his voice full of vicissitudes and complexity.

The mermaid princess Helena is also beautiful, and charming, with fatal temptation in every move.

But the same beauty, when it comes to this girl, it is expressed in a completely different way.

It is a kind of beauty that is so holy that people dare not look directly at it, and this kind of beauty can make people feel ashamed of themselves involuntarily.

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