"Stop!" Beifeng Wolf cried out in pain: "Brother, what is the reason for this? I know you are not a bad person. Zhan Nan's character is indeed a bit stubborn. If she offends you in any way, I, Beifeng Wolf, am willing to accept your punishment on her behalf."

Although Beifeng Wolf had not been in contact with Su Yuan for a long time, a friend in need is a friend indeed. He really wanted to make friends with Su Yuan.

"Since you call me brother, then listen to my advice," Su Yuan looked at Beifeng Wolf and said with complicated eyes: "Run away. The farther the better, far away from Anhe Province."

Then, Su Yuan looked at Zhan Jianyun again, "You have 49 seconds. Also, it's better to tell your daughter not to try to use mental power on me, otherwise I won't hold back next time the mental power backfires."

Zhan Jianyun bit his teeth and said word by word: "Do as he says!"

Just thirty seconds later, Lan Die flew into the sky in a transport helicopter. The huge propeller blades stirred the air and slowly landed in front of Su Yuan.

"Let's go!" Su Yuan picked up Tang Ni without saying anything, turned around and got into the helicopter.

Before that, the Death Beast had trapped Zhan Nan and boarded it first.

After the rest of Cheng Xue, Fatty and others boarded the helicopter one after another, Su Yuan immediately urged Lan Die to take off.

"Why don't you let her go?" Zhan Jianyun shouted from below. Su Yuan's behavior simply made him lose face, but now he couldn't care about so many things, his daughter's safety was the most important.

"I will naturally let her go when I reach the destination." Su Yuan replied.

On the other side, Beifeng Wolf, Menghu and Baobao had already ridden on a special motorcycle and said to Zhan Jianyun: "Don't worry, City Lord, I will definitely bring Zhan Nan back!"

Before he finished speaking, he had already left.

Seeing this scene, Xu Qingruo's thoughts were like a tumbling sea.

Before she heard Su Yuan say that a nuclear explosion would bring disaster, she thought Su Yuan was exaggerating. After all, she had witnessed how radiation killed zombies and mutants. Those experimental subjects did not show the phenomenon of accelerated evolution that Su Yuan said.

But at this moment, she saw that Su Yuan was willing to kidnap the city lord's daughter and leave here as soon as possible, and she suddenly began to hesitate.

"Could it be... what he said is true? Maybe he knows something." Thinking of this, Xu Qingruo tore off a piece of sleeves, tied her waist-length green hair into a ponytail, and rushed back to the city in a hurry.

In less than half a minute, she had put on a white jumpsuit, got on a motorcycle, and chased the North Wind Wolf.

In the biting cold wind, a transport helicopter and four sci-fi motorcycles disappeared from everyone's sight one after another.

When Zhan Jianyun had been watching them and could no longer see them, he finally took a deep breath, picked up the communicator and said: "Xiao Caiqi, immediately notify the special forces near the nuclear explosion area and ask them to split half of their manpower to meet up with the North Wind Wolf."

"Yes." Xiao Caiqi's voice replied immediately.

"All Beifeng City combatants, listen up! Go to the nuclear explosion zone immediately!"

"Reserves and civilians, get ready. After we clear the road ahead, all of you will follow. Remember, starting from the Land of Hope, civilization will continue because of us!"

Zhan Jianyun suppressed his worries about his daughter and began to issue orders in an orderly manner.


As the helicopter quickly flew towards Hejia Village, gray snow gradually fell from the sky.

The helicopter seemed to be flying in a sandstorm, with pitifully low visibility.

These were all dust that was lifted into the sky during the nuclear explosion, combined with water vapor in the clouds, and dripped down to condense in the air. Dirty snow, which also contained a large amount of radioactive substances.

Su Yuan looked at these snowflakes fluttering in the wind, and his mood became heavier.

Especially when he learned that even the messenger was powerless against the chain reaction of the nuclear explosion, his heart seemed to be burning.

Perhaps because of the dirty snow, this air march did not encounter any attacks from flying mutants, and arrived at the Coral Reef Fortress peacefully.

As soon as he entered the communication range of the Coral Reef Fortress, Su Yuan's walkie-talkie rang immediately, and Helena was constantly trying to contact Su Yuan.

"I am Su Yuan, received." Su Yuan knew that Helena should have known that a nuclear explosion had occurred nearby. Even if Helena didn't understand, the old madman would definitely know.

"Great, I finally contacted you." Helena's voice was full of excitement and relief.

"Come back and have a look, the ancient war tree was growing well, but it is withering and dying rapidly due to the influence of radiation."

"Okay, I'll be there soon." Su Yuan was really hurt when he heard that the ancient war tree was about to die.

But compared with the countless survivors who were about to die in this nuclear explosion, the loss of the ancient war tree seemed to be nothing.

Su Yuan guessed that if Zhan Jianyun didn't listen to his advice and insisted on organizing the coalition to march towards the nuclear explosion area, there would be so many people who would die.

Helena let out a long breath and then said, "I have another piece of news to tell you. I detected that the space near the ancient war tree is distorted, and the degree of distortion is still getting stronger."

"Space distortion?" Su Yuan was immediately surprised and thought to himself, could it be some ancient ruins?

When the coral reef fortress appeared in front of Lan Die and Zhan Nan, the two women were so surprised that they couldn't speak.

Although the Coral Reef Fortress is far less vast than the North Wind City, it is thousands of times more magnificent than the North Wind City, and is completely on a different level!

If the Coral Reef Fortress reminds people of the castle where the king lives, then the North Wind City is at best just a refugee camp.

Since the Coral Reef Fortress is entirely built with metal cut from the wreckage of the Trident, it looks like a metal temple.

In addition, Helena, who has artistic obsessive-compulsive disorder, serves as the chief architect, and the entire Coral Reef Fortress can really be called beautiful.

At present, the Coral Reef Fortress is covered with a thick layer of dirty snow, which adds a bit of vicissitudes and heaviness to it, as if it is a relic that has traveled through countless tens of thousands of years.

"Roar!" The Nian Beast sensed the breath of Tang Ni and Su Yuan and roared excitedly.

At this time, it was rolling in the snow pile full of radiation, and its big tongue licked all the dirty snow clean wherever it passed, just like wiping glass.

On the way, Su Yuan had already told Lan Die and Zhan Nan the consequences of Zhan Jianyun triggering a nuclear explosion.

Now that they had arrived at their destination, he immediately urged Lan Die to go back quickly.

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