End of the World: Start by controlling a god's altar

Chapter 384: The Sorrow of the Elves

On this night with vines as beds and leaves as curtains.

Listening to the rustling sound of the breeze blowing through the leaves, with an elf girl exuding an intoxicating fragrance squeezed in his arms, the oxygen concentration around Su Yuan was a little low. Otherwise, why would his exhalation be so rapid?

Aya gently stroked Su Yuan's broken ribs with her fingertips and slowly put her face against them.

"I believe you." Aya put her face on Su Yuan's chest and murmured like a dream: "Do you know? You are really a magical adventurer."

"You are obviously a human, but you exude a strong natural breath. Not only powerful, but also very pure. If it weren't for this, Elder Yunshan would not agree to let you stay here."

"Also, you were so seriously injured, but you recovered quickly without any treatment. This speed, even our archdruid can't do it."

"You mean, I am special?" Su Yuan thought, this may be because of the blood of the wood god. The elves are close to plants, so it is normal for them to be sensitive to the blood of the wood god.

"Yes, no one has ever protected me like you. I don't know how to express my feelings now." Aya rubbed her face gently, raised her head and said, "If you are really not affected by the blood bow, maybe this thing can be used by you."

As she said that, she carefully took out a ball of leaves wrapped in between two small peaks.

"Don't open it, the elders will sense it." Aya stuffed the thing into Su Yuan's hand with a solemn look.

"What is this?" Su Yuan used his mental power to scan it and found that the leaf actually had the effect of hindering mental power detection, and he could not use mental power to see what was inside.

"It's the blood crystal left by the blood elf after his death. If you fuse it, there is a certain chance that you will completely transform from a half-blood elf into a blood elf. If you fail, you may die."

"But..." Aya suddenly hugged Su Yuan tightly and pleaded softly: "Please promise me that you will never fuse it unless you have to. I don't want you to become that evil and corrupted creature."

Su Yuan shook his head when he heard that fusing the blood crystal might cause him to die. "Don't worry, I'll find a place to dig a hole and throw this thing away."

"No!" Aya was so excited that her lips almost hit the tip of Su Yuan's nose.

"Listen to me. Under normal circumstances, blood elves will intentionally transform other creatures into half-blood elves. The transformed creatures will become their slaves and frantically plunder the blood of others for the blood elves to absorb."

"Such half-blood elf slaves will live a very miserable life, and will soon be squeezed to death by blood elves."

"Your situation is quite special. You became a half-blood elf because you controlled the blood elf's sacred object, the Bow of Thirst. So to be precise, you are not a slave of any blood elf."

"But because of this, if you can't control your desire for blood and frantically absorb the blood of others, and there is no master to extract the blood power from you, you will eventually die because your body cannot withstand so much blood power and your blood vessels will burst all over your body."

"Damn it! So, I'm going to die anyway?" Su Yuan finally understood why the elf girl was so sad tonight, and it turned out that it was because he was about to die.

"This blood crystal will bring you the dawn of hope." Aya said with great effort, "Not every blood elf will have a blood crystal after death. I really don't know whether this is lucky or unfortunate?"

"I give it to you, not to let you fuse it now, but to hope that you will take the risk and try it when you really have no choice."

"If you completely transform into a blood elf, you can save your life, but... you will no longer be you at that time. You will fall into the endless abyss like other blood elves."

Aya's tears wet Su Yuan's chest, and she sobbed painfully: "Forgive me, please forgive me. I can't save you, I'm sorry... I'm really sorry, it's all my fault."

This burst of sad and wailing made Su Yuan at a loss.

He could only pat the elf girl's shoulder gently and comfort her in a slow and soft voice, "Isn't I fine now? When I really can't do it, it's not too late to cry. Be good."

Su Yuan felt like a steel fool now, clumsily coaxing his angry girlfriend.

The elf girl stopped crying obediently and sobbed softly.

At this time, a scream suddenly sounded outside!

The scream was extremely short, as if it had just burst out of the throat, and before it could rush out of the mouth, it was strangled by the neck.

Su Yuan and the elf Aya sat up suddenly, and then another scream sounded!

In less than two seconds, two elves were assassinated!

This group of elves did not camp foolishly, but carefully arranged layers of camouflage around the camp, and left strong elf archers standing guard around.

In this case, they were still able to be raided in front of the big tree where they lived and killed two people in a row. How cruel and powerful was the opponent to do such a thing?

The next second, five or six basketball-sized balls of light emitting green and shiny light were thrown into the air by the elves. You can see sticky blood dripping from two vine hammocks, with arrows with only the tails left stuck in them!

"Fight! Someone is attacking!" Elder Yunshan put his hand on the big tree where he was living, and shouted to his tribesmen to prepare to meet the enemy.

When Su Yuan saw that the elves did not find a place to hide first, but raised a ball of light to illuminate, his face suddenly changed, and he immediately shouted wildly: "Destroy the light ball! Do you think the other party's aim is not accurate enough?"

The camping location is in the depression between the two hillsides. The advantage of choosing such a place is that it is not easy to be discovered, but the disadvantage is that it is very easy to be surrounded.

At this moment, on the top of the hillside, the rotten ones like a tide swarmed towards this side like beasts, on all fours.

Behind them, there are more than a dozen blood elves holding longbows!

Before this group of rotten ones covered with dirty mucus rushed to the front, the suffocating smell of stench made the elves cover their mouths and noses.

Elder Yunshan saw this scene and couldn't help but scream in despair: "How could this happen? It's midnight now, and only the night elves are capable of traveling through the misty mountains shrouded in darkness. Could it be that the blood elves have captured the night elves and forced them to be guides?"

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