Perhaps the fate of the Sunlight Elves is destined to be ill-fated. Su Yuan's goal of finding the ancient tree of war is not so easy to achieve.

Less than ten minutes after the blood elves retreated, a person who truly made everyone despair suddenly appeared.

When he appeared, he simply waved his hand, and the mountain fire covering thousands of square meters of wood area was instantly suppressed by the blood mist.

But his appearance was as dazzling as the sun. Elder Yunshan and all the other Sunlight Elves knelt on the ground after seeing this slightly thin figure, trembling and not daring to raise their heads.

The blood elf king just glanced at Su Yuan, and Su Yuan immediately felt his whole body stiffened. It was as if two heavy mountains were pressing on his shoulders, and cold sweat immediately soaked Su Yuan's clothes.

Fortunately, the blood elf holy weapon-the bow of hunger and thirst had been put into the storage space by Su Yuan, and no one saw it.

He is the king of the blood elves, the monarch of blood!

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝙩𝙬𝙠𝙖𝙣.𝙘𝙤𝙢]

An old blood elf who looked a little hunched and thin.

The appearance of this old man gave Su Yuan the illusion that he had suddenly seen the golden-level supreme extraordinary people who suppressed countless mutants in his previous life.

In this situation, Su Yuan and all the daylight elves were put in heavy shackles.

The Blood Lord did not slaughter them. After making sure that everyone was tied up, he left, just as suddenly as he appeared.

Su Yuan only saw a blood-colored shadow flashing in front of his eyes, and the Blood Lord had disappeared.

After the daylight elves were caught, not only did they not suffer any harm, but the blood elves began to treat their wounds and heal their injuries.

There were a few daylight elves who were inconvenient to move because of injuries, and there were elemental creatures who put them on their backs and carried them forward.

This was the first time Su Yuan saw an elemental creature. This is a rock giant about seven or eight meters tall, and its entire body is made up of pieces of blue-gray rocks.

Although only the upper body of that guy looks like a human, with arms, head, and body. But the part below the waist is a pile of stones that seem to be piled together in a mess.

When the rock giant walks, the stones will move one by one like the tracks of a tank.

Out of curiosity, Su Yuan also pretended to have a leg injury.

Soon, he was also sent to the rock giant. Next to him, there was the elf girl Aya who really had a leg injury.

Su Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. When he just encountered the Blood Lord, he even thought he would die here today.

I didn't expect the blood elves to waste so much effort just to catch them.

Of course, Su Yuan also knew that the blood elves definitely didn't catch them to invite the sunlight elves to their home and serve them with good wine and food. Maybe there will be something more terrible than death waiting for them in the future.

Judging from the current situation, we can only take it one step at a time. If there is a chance, it is natural to escape from the clutches of the devil as soon as possible and rescue the elf girl at the same time.

After all, Su Yuan did not come here for adventure. If he did not find the ancient tree of warping, he could not even go back.

Perhaps the appearance of the Blood Lord gave the blood elves great confidence and encouragement. They seemed very relaxed and comfortable when escorting Su Yuan and the daylight elves.

Aya quietly pointed to a leopard-like creature with black hair all over the body at the front of the team. She told Su Yuan that it was the mount of the night elves. From this, it can be inferred that the night elves must have encountered an accident.

By eavesdropping on the conversation of the blood elves, they learned that they would be escorted to the territory of the night elves - Dark Canyon.

In the following process, the same blood elf teams joined them one after another.

Those blood elves also escorted captives, including blue-gray night elves, daylight elves, and many humans.

Judging from the clothes of these humans, the human civilization in the elf shelter should still be in the Iron Age. The clothes they wore were all coarse linen shirts.

These captured captives included men and women, old and young, and it is worth noting that none of the captives were violated or abused.

Su Yuan even began to wonder if the blood elves had suddenly changed their beliefs and became as peace-loving as the daylight elves.

However, reality soon gave Su Yuan a hard slap in the face!

A human with broken ribs accidentally fell off the elemental creature. The broken ribs pierced the man's internal organs.

After the blood elves determined that the man was too seriously injured and difficult to treat, they immediately sucked all the blood from the man. The body was thrown to the decayed behind to be eaten.

When the decayed frantically tore the man's flesh, the man had not even died!

When the sky was bright and Su Yuan's stomach was growling with hunger, the team finally stepped into the dark canyon on the edge of the Misty Mountains.

Standing on the top of the canyon and looking down, the buildings at the bottom of the valley looked like small matchboxes. Moreover, the whole canyon was difficult to penetrate by sunlight, which made it look very eerie and scary.

"Ah..." Elder Yunshan shook his head and sighed. They finally arrived at the Dark Canyon - the territory of the night elves. But they didn't expect to step in this way.

Through a narrow and winding stone staircase that could only accommodate two people side by side, the team slowly descended to the bottom of the Dark Canyon.

The stone steps are steep, and if you are not careful, you will fall into the deep valley. And just going down like this, the relationship becomes darker and darker, giving people the illusion that they are heading to hell.

The Blood Lord is waiting at the end of the stone steps, examining every captive who passes by him.

If anyone dares to look him in the eye, they will immediately feel as if their eyes are cut by a sharp blade.

"Interesting, a half-blood elf without a master." The Blood Lord looked at Su Yuan with interest, "You not only have a strong blood power, but also a strong natural power."

"Don't act rashly," the messenger looked at the Blood Lord through Su Yuan's eyes, with an unprecedented solemnity, "If you don't want to be executed immediately."

"Lord," a blood elf who looked like a waiter next to him bowed and asked, "This human is indeed very special, do you need to deal with it?"

At this moment, Su Yuan was ready to fight to the death!

No matter how strong the opponent is, he will not sit and wait for death.

Helena hid in Su Yuan's clothes, her tail standing straight with fear.

Aya's heart was in a knot, she bit her lips and held Su Yuan's hand tightly, her little hands were full of cold sweat of worry.

The Blood Lord waved his fingers lazily and said lightly: "Nothing special, they are just reptiles."

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