Others were also sad, thinking that Su Yuan had run into this tree mutant on the way and was flattened by it.

This was all because Su Yuan didn't say hello to the fortress in advance. Moreover, he was sitting on Wall's shoulders, and his whole body was blocked by the branches and leaves of the tree man. No one who saw this scene would think well.

"Prepare the crystal energy cannon, let's avenge Su Yuan!" Cheng Xue and Xu Jiajia shouted in unison.

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Fortunately, Su Yuan jumped off Wall in time, so the flood did not wash away the Dragon King Temple.

During the time when Su Yuan went to plant trees, hundreds of zombies gathered around the fortress. This number was not enough for Wall to fill his teeth.

Wall was too big, so he could only wander around the fortress with the Nian beast. The two newly born treemen were like door gods, guarding the gate of the fortress on the left and right.

Before Su Yuan, who had returned to the fortress, had time to share his recent gains with everyone, he found that Xu Qingruo and Zhan Nan had come to the door at some point.

"What are you two doing here?" Su Yuan asked in confusion, "Didn't I ask you to go back to Beifeng City and take the remaining people to escape?"

Zhan Nan and Xu Qingruo cried until their eyes were swollen. The two had been waiting for Su Yuan here for two days and one night, and they came here specifically to ask for help.

It turned out that on the day of the nuclear explosion, Zhan Jianyun, the lord of Beifeng City, really used all the power of the city to gather the survivors of the other six gathering places to form a coalition and rushed to the nuclear explosion area.

Everything went smoothly at the beginning. Because the nuclear explosion killed countless zombies and mutants, and even attracted the arrival of hundreds of altars of gods, in the first one or two days, thousands of people became extraordinary people.

But more zombies and mutants mutated due to radiation, and the coalition soon fell into a bitter battle, with heavy casualties!

The coalition forces could only resist and retreat at the same time. The coalition forces of more than 50,000 people were reduced to less than 7,000 people, and finally retreated to Hequan Town. However, they were surrounded by a tide of zombies composed of hundreds of thousands of zombies and mutants.

Su Yuan scratched his head. He thought, no wonder he went so smoothly to plant trees in the center of the nuclear explosion these days. It turned out that the large wave of zombies went to chase the coalition forces.

"Two little girls, at this point, we are powerless." The old madman couldn't count how many times he said this to Xu Qingruo and Zhan Nan.

Hundreds of thousands of zombies almost surrounded the entire Hequan Town. With less than 50 people in their coral reef fortress, it was a pipe dream to rush into Hequan Town to rescue people.

Even if three tree people were added, it would not work. You know, a lot of ants can kill an elephant.

"Please! You foresaw this outcome as early as the nuclear explosion. You must have a way. I can only rely on you now." Zhan Nan's face still had tears. This woman, who was stronger than a man, knelt down at Su Yuan's feet and hugged Su Yuan's thigh tightly.

If it weren't for the complex buildings in the city, their casualties would be much greater than now.

Now every minute and every second, people are constantly losing their lives. And all this can be attributed to his father Zhan Jianyun.

Although Zhan Jianyun planned the nuclear explosion out of kindness, it is an indisputable fact that more than 40,000 people died as a result.

Dugu Pang sneered: "If our boss had 500,000 troops under his command, he would agree to your request without you asking. But in fact, we only have more than 50 people. Aren't you asking us to die?"

"You don't need to say anything more," Su Yuan pulled Zhan Nan up from the ground, "I will save people. But how many can be saved depends on God's will."

As soon as Su Yuan said this, eyeballs fell all around. Everyone's mouth was as big as a toad.

"What did you say?" The old madman said with a glare, "That was a tide of zombies consisting of hundreds of thousands of zombies and mutants, not hundreds or thousands!"

Sanglong had just wiped his tears, and he fell to the ground again after hearing this. This time, he was wailing for his future.

"Boss, you are not interested in these two girls, are you?" Dugu Pang said in astonishment:

"You are not as good at picking up girls as you are? If I had more than 50% confidence, I would risk my fat body and rush forward with you without saying a word.

But the problem is that we don't even have a 1% chance of winning. Going to save people is just courting death!"

Xu Qingruo didn't expect Su Yuan to agree so readily. She and Zhan Nan came here for help because they were desperate and had no other choice.

Zhan Nan could hardly believe his ears. She didn't expect Su Yuan to save everyone. As a daughter, she secretly hoped that Su Yuan could rescue her father like he rescued Beifeng Wolf last time, and she would be satisfied.

Cheng Xueye and Xu Jiajia wanted to say more, but Su Yuan waved his hand without question, asking them to hold back their words.

He made this decision, of course, for his own considerations.

Hequan Town is only a few dozen kilometers away from the Coral Reef Fortress, and it may be affected by the zombie tide at any time.

Once the coalition forces are completely wiped out, the zombie tide will immediately attack other living survivors. The Coral Reef Fortress must be the next target of the zombie group.

Su Yuan thought to himself. I have two big leaping tree people, and at that time, the worst that can happen is to pack up and leave. If it really doesn't work, I can hide in the elf shelter.

However, he would not choose to hide in the elf shelter unless he had no choice. Instead, he wanted to take the elf girl out.

With the Blood Lord around, Su Yuan always felt that he would be killed at any time. Of course, he was reluctant to let the elf girl stay in such a dangerous place.

He had been tricked by the Blood Lord on the Hungry Bow. If the God Altar had not been repaired and reshaped the Hungry Bow for him, he would not even know how he was killed.

Su Yuan carefully considered the situation in front of him. His only advantage is that zombies don't use their brains. They are walking dead that will only rush straight to the nearest target.

If you plan well, it is not necessarily completely hopeless.

It's like Lu Bu facing an enemy with dozens of times more troops than himself, he must feel extremely difficult, while Zhuge Liang only needs a clever plan.

Besides, Su Yuan is not alone. He still has more than 40 people under his command.

It might not be possible to ask Sanglong and Lao Caibanzi to charge into battle, but if they were asked to poke at the zombies and run away, it would not be a problem.

Use guerrilla tactics to eat away the zombies bit by bit, lure away those who can be led away, and slowly kill those who cannot be led away. How many survivors will be left in the end depends on fate.

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