Her words immediately attracted the roll of eyes from the two women and a mermaid. Seeing this, Wei Qiluo puffed out her chest and said contemptuously: "What are you looking at? When it comes to studying men's minds, the three of you added together and multiplied by ten are not as good as one of my toes."

The old madman suddenly took two steps forward, waved his hand and said: "Don't make noise! ​​Look over there, there's a fire!"

Looking up, there was indeed a flash of fire in the distance accompanied by thick smoke that was getting more and more intense.

Su Yuan stretched his hands forward, and a huge wall of fire across the river blocked all the zombies on the other side of the fire wall.

The ice under his feet had already broken into spider web-like fragments. If it weren't for the two leaping tree people standing in the water to hold up his body, Su Yuan would inevitably fall into the river.

At the same time, huge fires broke out on both sides of the river bank.

Sanglong and Dugu Pang each brought twenty people. Each of them prepared ten Molotov cocktails filled with gasoline. Every thirty meters, a fire source was lit.

In winter, the reeds caught fire. The zombies were instantly trapped in a dead end with three sides on fire.

In this situation, even a well-trained regular army would be panicked. The zombies who acted completely according to their instincts were even more chaotic, and they were all over the place.

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Countless zombies were knocked down by their own kind. In the rising flames, no one knew how many zombies were burned to charcoal.

Under Su Yuan's deliberate arrangement, the back half of the long line of zombies was not covered by the flames. Those zombies naturally wanted to escape from the fire driven by instinct.

When their slow heads finally realized this, they had not run a few steps before they desperately found that a fire had also started next to them.

The zombies that were originally fleeing towards the river were all set on fire. Only the zombies who chose to turn around and run back were not burned by the flames.

When these zombies acting on instinct gathered together, to some extent, they could be regarded as a whole.

The rest of the zombies, led by those who chose to flee first, completely stepped into Su Yuan's arrangement.

Su Yuan rode on the leaping tree man, like a shepherd herding sheep, sometimes setting fire behind the buttocks of the zombies, and sometimes taking out the hungry bow to shoot two arrows.

The situation has developed to this point, and it can basically be declared that the plan is more than 70% successful.

The zombies ran all the way to the ambush point set by Su Yuan in advance, and were immediately hit by a round of volleys. The people holding bows and arrows standing on the bridge to output were harvesting zombies like cutting leeks.

Wei Qiluo wrapped in a thick cotton coat, threw bursting melons from the bridge one by one, and the results were extremely gratifying.

Although this thing is called a bursting melon, the noise it makes when it explodes may not be as loud as a fat man's fart. However, the zombies shot by the stinger fell one after another.

When all the zombies were out of range from the other side of the bridge, more than 6,000 corpses were left behind.

However, such a record did not make everyone feel relaxed, but even more depressed.

The previous round of fighting was so exciting that it couldn't be more exciting. The zombies were crowded one by one, as dense as crucian carp crossing the river.

But even with the three-pronged attack of fire, stinger, and bow and arrow, not even 20% of the total number of zombies could be killed.

This also includes the zombies killed by Su Yuan. You know, Su Yuan's hungry bow can shoot a bloody alley of the entire zombie group with one arrow!

After that, Fatty and Zanglong each took ten people to continue to set fire to the zombie group. The rest of the people were all in the back, chasing after the zombies with Su Yuan.

In order to prevent the zombies from turning back after being beaten hard, Su Yuan poured the Fountain of Life on the two leaping tree men again and asked them to go around to the front of the zombies as bait.

This killing feast lasted for four hours. But everyone seemed to have just come out of the massage room, full of energy, refreshed, and not tired at all.

The reason, of course, was that Su Yuan distributed two liters of Fountain of Life to everyone.

When you are thirsty, tired, or hungry, drinking a sip is a hundred times more effective than eating a box of Shi Moujia.

Endurance has always been an important factor in measuring the strength of a team. With a cheating auxiliary product like Fountain of Life, Su Yuan's team can be said to have unlimited endurance. Everyone is like a chicken blood, full of energy!

Zhan Nan and Xu Qingruo were hovering in a helicopter at low altitude. They saw from a distance that the zombies were about to enter the reservoir, and they immediately drove the helicopter to the center of the reservoir.

Xu Qingruo was squatting next to an oversized iron box. She turned around and said to Zhan Nan, "Is it possible that Su Yuan really likes you like that fat guy said?"

"I feel a terrifyingly abundant fluctuation of life elements in my box. Although I don't know what the liquid in the box is, I dare to conclude that these liquids must be very precious."

Zhan Nan was so nervous that the rudder slipped from his hands several times. When he raised his hand, he saw that his palms were full of cold sweat.

When she heard Xu Qingruo say this, her heart was beating wildly for no reason.

When she turned around and found that Xu Qingruo had not sprinkled the liquid in the box, she immediately urged anxiously: "The zombies are coming soon. Hurry up and sprinkle the liquid in the box first."

"If he can really rescue my father and everyone, what can I do even if I am his bed warmer?"

"Do you want to spill it all?" Xu Qingruo pushed open the thigh-thick water gate. Seeing the spring water of life spilling down from the helicopter like sewage, I felt really distressed.

Her medical powers are closely related to the source of life, and naturally she can see the preciousness and extraordinaryness of the spring of life at a glance.

Unlike those bastards like Fatty and Sanglong, they thought what Su Yuan gave them was some kind of stimulant.

A full three tons of life spring water was sprinkled down, immediately covering a large area of ​​the reservoir's ice surface.

The zombies who smelled this smell immediately turned into dung beetles upon seeing the excrement. They rushed over and lay on the ice to lick the fountain of life crazily.

For a moment, the sound of teeth gnawing at the solid ice made one's scalp tingle. All the hairs on his body stood up.


Su Yuan gave the order. Zhan Nan quickly pulled the helicopter upwards, and at the same time counted down three times in his mind, and pressed the detonation button fiercely!

Hearing a loud "boom", the ground shook. The ice surface of the entire reservoir shattered into countless pieces like glass hit by a brick.

The explosion was so powerful that it threw solid ice and river water dozens of meters into the air. A large cloud of white ice mist rose from the reservoir, blocking out the sky and the sun.

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