As far as Su Yuan knows, being able to resist the ubiquitous gravity is something that only a gold-level extraordinary person can do!

The Blood Lord glanced at Su Yuan indifferently, and before he opened his mouth, a voice rang in Su Yuan's mind, "Continue to kill."

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes and could not help but take two steps back before he could barely stand firm.

The Blood Lord did not exert too much pressure and momentum on him, and the three words "Continue to kill" were also said in an extremely calm manner, as if it was a roommate who hung out with him every day asking him if he had eaten.

However, Su Yuan knew that this calmness was more dangerous than the threat of a fierce and evil spirit.

"Of the thirty-six strategies, running away is the best strategy!" Facing the Blood Lord who was obviously coming with bad intentions, Su Yuan turned around and fled without hesitation!

He fled so cleanly that the Blood Lord showed a look of surprise on his face for a moment.

Su Yuan had experienced too many life-and-death crises, so he would not be as arrogant as those fools. If you want to escape, you must escape. Don't say things like "If I don't kill you, what can you do to me?" or "Whether I kill you or not is none of your business."

But the next moment, Su Yuan's escape failed!

The Blood Lord waved his hand, and an invisible wall appeared in front of Su Yuan, a solid and indescribable barrier!

Even if we don't talk about the majestic momentum of this barrier pressing down on us, the large amount of blood-colored flames burning on it alone gives people a strong illusion, as if as long as they touch the terrible blood flame, even their souls will be burned to dust!

Several zombies who accidentally bumped into the barrier used their bodies to demonstrate to Su Yuan how terrifying the power of the blood flame was.

Su Yuan's face sank, and he turned back stiffly.

"Why do you want to leave? Don't you like the killing feast I prepared for you?" The Blood Lord stared at Su Yuan and said slowly in a plain voice. There was no emotional fluctuation in his tone, only a coldness.

"Prepare for me..." Su Yuan suddenly had an idea in his mind, and he asked in a lost voice, "So you are the one who did this great migration?"

"No!" Su Yuan immediately overturned his guess. According to the results of the North Wind Wolf's investigation, the great migration occurred at the same time as the ancient war tree sprouted.

Could it be that since that time, he has been targeted by the Blood Lord?

The Blood Lord seemed to be able to see through Su Yuan's mind, and waved his hand proudly. A woman shrouded in darkness walked slowly in front of Su Yuan.

The woman first knelt down respectfully to the Blood Lord, and then whispered two words to Su Yuan, "It's me."

Su Yuan, who heard this voice, suddenly widened his eyes. This voice is too special. Although they have not been together for a long time, he will never forget it.

"... Ah, Ah Chou? You are Ah Chou!"

The black-clothed woman lifted her hood, revealing a beautiful face that has nothing to do with the word ugly!

"Yes, it's me." Ah Chou, who was as beautiful as Aya, nodded and replied.

At this moment, Su Yuan's mind seemed to be flashing with thousands of lightning bolts. He really couldn't imagine that Ah Chou was actually in the same group as the Blood Lord.

"Why? What's going on?" Su Yuan felt that his mind was completely messed up!

However, the Blood Lord didn't seem to have any intention of explaining to Su Yuan. The group of corpses behind him suddenly made a commotion, and another strange-looking cloaked man stood up.

"Hehe... Su Yuan, we meet again." The voice of this cloaked man was like two rusty iron sheets rubbing against each other in a leaky broken bellows. Harsh and creepy.

"Who are you?" Su Yuan asked in confusion.

This voice and Ah Chou's voice are simply light and dark, at two extremes. One is the most beautiful in the world, and the other is the most unpleasant in the world.

The cloaked man lifted his hood, revealing a zombie's face, or a skeleton with a little rotten flesh hanging on his face!

He then made two sinister noises that sounded like a sinister laugh, and then he said, "You made me like this, and you don't even remember who I am?"

"I made you like this?" Su Yuan felt that his mind was getting more and more confused, and he couldn't figure it out at all.

He turned his head and looked around, and then even he couldn't help laughing.

All around him were zombies and mutants blocked outside by barriers. Should he ask them for answers?

"Hmph!" The cloaked man tore off his cloak and took two steps forward, "Without me, can you find the ruins of Atlantis?"

"Ah!" Su Yuan uttered a name in disbelief, "Master of Light?"

"Hehe...that's me!" The skeleton-like Master of Light said as he controlled a group of zombies to escort more than 40 survivors to Su Yuan. The four wolves, insects, tigers and leopards were among them!

Then, Master Light turned his head and knelt on his knees to the Lord of Blood, begging: "Master, I have completed the task you assigned. Please give me the remaining Death Lord's Notes!"

"Of course, humble reptile." The Lord of Blood's robe fluttered like waves at this time. His eyes were filled with icy light.

A flash of blood light ignited from the Lord of Blood's palm and slammed on Master Light's head.

The moment the palm touched him, Master Guangming suddenly let out an indescribable shrill scream. It was unknown what kind of horrible attack would cause this guy who enjoyed killing people and torturing corpses to suffer so much.

Master Guangming howled heartbreakingly in this extreme pain. He even broke his own neck with his own hands just to escape from the Blood Lord.

I saw a ball of dim light floating up from Master Guangming's body and drilling towards the nearest zombie.

The Blood Lord smiled playfully, waved his hand, and actually shot the ball of dim light into a zombie dog.

The dim light was actually the soul of Master Guangming!

Ah Chou saw that Master Guangming had such a miserable end, but he didn't show the slightest surprise. It seemed that he had expected this a long time ago.

After seeing the power of the Blood Lord, Su Yuan had no choice but to continue killing the zombies around him. Otherwise, the Blood Lord would not only kill the survivors and hostages, but also torture Su Yuan like he tortured Master Guangming.

Due to the existence of the blood crystal, Su Yuan seemed to have broken some kind of restriction. He continued to plunder the energy in the blood of mutants and zombies during the killing, and continued to become stronger.

Until... reached the ninth level of silver!

This kind of forced growth is definitely not a good thing for Su Yuan. At this time, his body is under a huge load, and his soul seems to be torn apart.

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