Su Yuan was about to answer when he heard a series of rapid knocking sounds!

When everyone looked in the direction of the sound, they saw a white commercial vehicle that had overturned more than ten meters away from them. The sound came from there.

Su Yuan told everyone to stay where they were and not to move. He walked towards the overturned commercial vehicle carefully, step by step.

Every time he stepped, he stepped very steadily. That level of caution was like walking in a minefield.

Before they got close, they heard a man with a strange accent in the car groaning and shouting: "Help! Hey! Young man talking outside, I'm here. Help! Help me!"

Looking at the track of the car before it overturned, it actually came from the same direction as Su Yuan and his friends.

And this car, like Su Yuan and his friends, first slipped when it entered the area covered by the crude oil fungus blanket, and then hit several vehicles that were stranded on the road. Finally, it crashed into a heavy truck, causing the entire cab to be deformed and people were trapped inside.

All the glass in the cab was shattered into spider webs, and the specific situation inside could not be seen from the outside.

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Su Yuan used his brute force far beyond that of ordinary people to force the car door open. He took a look inside and took a deep breath!

"This guy has such a long face!"

There were two middle-aged men trapped in the cab, one of whom had the same face shape as Shoe Horn, which was simply too long. When Su Yuan saw it for the first time, he thought it was a new type of zombie and almost slapped it.

Shoe Horn's face was stuck in the severely deformed cab. If the steering wheel was moved back five centimeters, he would be squeezed to death in the driver's seat.

When he saw someone finally came to rescue him, he was overjoyed, "Ah... Thank you, young man! If you hadn't saved me, I would have been dead this time!"

The other man seemed to have been frightened and lost his mind. As soon as Su Yuan got him out of the car, the guy screamed "Ah!", jumped out of the car, and ran away desperately.

Su Yuan's face changed immediately, and he shouted: "Stop! Don't run!"

But unfortunately, the man didn't stop at all. He and Shoe Horn Face had been trapped here for half a day, and every second was extremely painful.

Maybe he would be discovered and eaten by zombies in the next moment, so his spirit was on the verge of collapse.

The man didn't run far before his feet slipped and he flew out. Then he rolled a long way on the ground, and countless fungal blankets were crushed by him, and mucus sprayed out and covered his body and face.

The man was covered with smelly mucus, just like a bug that fell into glue.

Su Yuan saw it and thought that this man was finished!

If someone was covered with such disgusting things, he would subconsciously reach out to wipe it.

But it didn't matter if he wiped it. The man's skin was like a ripe roasted sweet potato, and it fell off his body with a light wipe!

The man's eyes were covered by the mucus, and he didn't see the horrible scene of the skin on his hands and arms melting.

He seemed to be unaware of the pain. He first wiped his arms twice with his hands, and then wiped the mucus on his face!

Suddenly, his whole face was like a soft mask, and his ears, lips, nose, and eyelids were all torn off!

The flesh, blood, fascia, eyes and teeth under the skin were exposed to the air.

There were a few timid people who saw this scene, and they immediately turned their heads away, not daring to look at the bloody and horrible scene.

The sight of skin peeling off the flesh was too horrifying.

No one expected that a person without skin would be more terrifying than a zombie.

However, the more terrifying thing was yet to come!

The man suddenly began to scratch himself with his nails, as if he was itching all over, and it was itchy to the bone!

He was seen tearing his flesh and blood from his bones one by one, and even ripping open his belly. His heart, liver, spleen, stomach, kidneys and other internal organs all flowed out of his broken belly.

During the whole process, except for the sound of flesh and blood separating, the man did not even scream. It seemed that he was not stripping off his skin and flesh, but taking off his clothes.

"This... this..." Shoe Horn's face turned green with fear, and he said with trembling lips: "Fuck! It's more disgusting than watching zombies eat people! Doesn't he feel any pain?"

Su Yuan shook his head and said: "No one knows except him."

"Once the juice of the crude oil fungus blanket touches the skin and flesh, it will immediately penetrate into it. Then you all saw what happened next."

"This thing will dissolve the blood and flesh that fall on the ground into juice and then absorb it. That's why I said they eat meat."

As soon as Su Yuan finished speaking, Dugu Pang wailed with a bitter face: "Then we drank DDT and then jumped off the building - are we dead? There are fungus blankets everywhere around. I think this is no different from walking on the edge of a cliff. If you fall, you will die."

"Boss, do you have any tricks? Come up with a solution quickly! I'm about to pee my pants."

Cheng Xue was more optimistic than Dugu Pang. She said, "No matter how powerful the fungus mat is, you still have to fall down to die. The tooth-leaved iron wire vine didn't kill us. As long as we are careful and don't fall down, we will be fine."

Dugu Pang shouted, "It's easy for you to say that! Don't you see how big this damn fungus mat is? It's so slippery! One or two steps are okay, but if you walk too far and fall down... what are you doing, old man?"

Dugu Pang suddenly screamed. It turned out that the old madman took out a drink bottle from somewhere and was squatting on the ground with the bottle to collect the mucus flowing out of the crude oil fungus mat!

The old madman was fine at first, but he was frightened by Dugu Pang's sudden shout. His feet slipped and one hand actually pressed on the ground!

Su Yuan secretly said, "Oh no, the old madman must not get into trouble. He was still counting on the old madman to exchange for a helicopter.

So he jumped over and pulled the old madman up from the ground. At first glance, the old madman's entire left hand was covered with mucus!

Moreover, the mucus was like a living thing, crawling along the old madman's wrist and onto his arm!

Dugu Pang pulled out the mantis knife that Su Yuan had given him, "Seventh Master is finished. If you want to survive, you can only become Yang Guo. Please bear with it. This knife is very sharp, I guarantee it won't hurt much."

When the old madman saw that the fat man wanted to cut off his hand, he would never agree, and immediately cursed the fat man for having a bad conscience.

Dugu Pang felt that the old madman suffered this disaster because of his shout just now, and he was so anxious that he jumped up and down, "Dear grandpa, please don't be reluctant! If you don't cut it off, you can't even become Yang Guo, you can only be a mummy."

Su Yuan stopped Dugu Pang, and at the same time, he chopped the vagus nerve of the old madman's neck with a knife, and the latter immediately fainted.

Now the old madman is in a critical condition, and he must immediately find a lot of clean water to wash the mucus on his hands.

Otherwise, it will take less than a minute for the old madman to be the same as the previous one.

But where is the water at this moment?

He thought that the old madman often took things out of his pocket, so he untied the old madman's backpack to see if there was any water inside.

As a result, he saw a large piece of top-quality tree core wrapped in the God of Wood Blood.

The tree core was very rich in water, and Su Yuan immediately broke off a piece and put it in his mouth to chew it fiercely. After chewing it, he spit it out and rubbed it on the old madman's arm.

He was also trying his best. He just thought that the God of Wood Blood had the effect of resurrecting the dead, and the packaging bag of the God of Wood Blood (that is, the piece of tree core wrapped in the God of Wood Blood) should have some magical features.

I saw that the black mucus crawled to the place where the tree core juice was applied, and immediately produced a strange chemical reaction with the tree core juice. The mucus gradually became diluted and transparent, and dripped down drop by drop.

Su Yuan saw that the tree core juice could still resist for a while, and he was slightly relieved.

Now everyone is in a weird situation that is both dangerous and safe.

In places that the crude oil fungus blanket cannot cover, zombies and mutant dogs have gathered.

They are surrounded on all sides. Unless everyone grows wings and flies away, there is no way to go up to the sky or down to the earth.

The countdown to death can already be calculated in seconds.

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