The entire altar of the gods was integrated, with a faint metallic luster.

The surface was covered with complex and incomprehensible symbols and patterns, and a ray of light kept wandering in the grooves of the runes.

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Mysterious, dreamy, vicissitudes, ancient, it seems that all adjectives cannot describe the kind of soul-shaking feeling that the altar of the gods gives people!

Having lived two lives, Su Yuan suddenly felt a little uneasy. He was about to become the first person in the world to activate the altar. It would be a lie to say that he was not excited.

"When was the altar activated for the first time in the last life?"

"Two months or three months? I can't remember, and there's no need to think about it. Anyway, no one is ahead of me this time!"

Su Yuan forcibly restrained the idea of ​​rushing to the altar. Rushing forward before figuring out the situation is tantamount to seeking death.

Now, just standing here, he felt a strange feeling of being pricked by a needle on his skin.

That was the sixth sense that he had developed from wandering between life and death countless times, which meant that there was an unimaginable danger ahead.

Su Yuan never lacked patience. He scanned the surrounding environment inch by inch, not missing a single detail, and finally he found something unusual!

There were many blood-red balls the size of billiard balls on the lawn of the park, gathered together like a bunch of oversized grapes dropped on the ground.

If you don't pay attention, you might think it was an artistic light used for scenery in the park.


Su Yuan stared at those things for a long time, and suddenly took a breath of cold air, thinking of a terrifying mutant creature known as a vampire.

"Unlucky, it's a blood-sucking tick!"

Ticks, also known as grass crawlers and lice, usually parasitize livestock such as cattle and sheep, or dogs.

The mutated ticks carry a highly toxic mouthpart that can instantly paralyze human muscles. Just a light bite can make people unable to move.

In particular, they tend to move in groups, and even if the corpses encounter them, they will be sucked dry.

What annoys him the most is that these blood-sucking ticks are only primary mutants, and there is no crystal core in their brains. Even if they can be killed, it is just a waste of effort and no benefit.

Countless blood-sucking ticks are like scarabs guarding the pharaoh's tomb, blocking all humans who want to approach the altar.

Su Yuan cautiously stepped back two steps, drew out the dagger, and swung it hard in the right direction!

The dagger was like an arrow from a string, and it pierced a blood-sucking tick very accurately. The swollen insect abdomen is like a balloon filled with blood. When it bursts, a large area of ​​blood is sprayed around.

Suddenly, countless dense black spots emerged from the cracks in the rocks and the bushes, greedily rushing towards the blood.

Ticks are only the size of sesame seeds under normal circumstances, and the size of the mutated body is equivalent to the size of a quail egg.

But their eight long legs moved very fast, and countless ticks crowded together, forming a dark carpet of insects, like the shadow of death under the scorching sun.

Bloodthirsty ticks will attack even their own kind when they see blood, as if the meaning of their existence is to fill their stomachs with blood.

"Is this a louse parasitic on the military dog? It's too fierce!" Su Yuan cursed inwardly and had to retreat a distance again.

The altar of the gods was right in front of him, but he couldn't get close. This feeling was as annoying as a human beauty lying on the bed with her pants stripped off, but he couldn't untie his belt no matter what.

"If only there was a tanker full of gasoline, and a big fire would burn everything clean!" Su Yuan suppressed his irritability and looked around.

But there is no such good thing in the world, can you make people want to have it? Even the altar of the gods can't give people such a supernatural power to make their wishes come true.

Su Yuan knew that the most taboo thing to do in the end of the world is to panic. He retreated to a safe distance, paying attention to the movements around him while thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

There are many ways to deal with ticks, such as fire, flood, lightning, poison, etc. But besides a few scattered cars, he had fishing rods and fishing gear abandoned by the lake.

Maybe a day ago, these fishing rods and fishing gear were valuable and rare, but now they are just a pile of useless garbage to him.

Su Yuan pondered for a long time, and suddenly slapped the backpack behind him, and he had already made up his mind.

He saw a gleam in his eyes, and walked quickly to the scattered fishing gear by the lake, and picked out the thickest and strongest fishing rod.

Then he tied all the fish hooks he could find together to make a thorn ball full of barbs.

After all these preparations were completed, Su Yuan climbed up the park wall, aimed at a large group of blood-sucking ticks, and threw the thorn ball like a meteor hammer!

Unfortunately, Su Yuan had never fished since he was a child, and his accuracy in throwing the rod was much worse than that of an expert fisherman.

After trying more than a dozen times, when his arms were numb from shaking, he finally hooked a blood-sucking tick full of blood!

After succeeding, Su Yuan's face suddenly became happy, and then became more solemn.

He took the blood-sucking tick far away, then put on gloves and carefully cut off all eight long legs of the blood-sucking tick with a mantis knife.

He also cut a two-finger-wide wound on the insect's abdomen, which was a circle larger than a billiard ball, and thick, dirty blood like paste flowed out.

Su Yuan endured the pungent stench and took out the iron can containing four magic flower mantis eggs from his backpack.

In nature, magic flower mantises occasionally feed on ticks and are natural enemies of ticks. As long as they can be hatched, the method of one thing over another and biochemical control can be used to solve the tick problem in front of him.

He looked at the eggs that were only the size of an ordinary person's thumb and couldn't help frowning.

"It's too small. I don't know if I can draw all the runes."

In his previous life, he had dealt with a supernatural person who specialized in controlling insects and learned one or two strange tricks similar to witchcraft.

He cut his middle finger and used a straw stick to carefully draw runes on the eggs.

These runes are shaped like tadpoles and look like children's graffiti. There is no pattern at all.

Su Yuan didn't recognize any of them. He just memorized them with his extraordinary memory.

At this time, he was thinking about it in his mind while drawing. It took a whole cigarette's time to finish drawing an insect egg.

According to the person who taught him the method of controlling insects, this insect-controlling rune can suppress insects for three hours, that is, six hours.

During this period of time, the insects will not attack the owner who drew the rune with blood, but when the time is up, the insects will attack back!

At that time, they will not stop until they have eaten the rune maker without leaving any residue!

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, even Su Yuan does not want to use this method that is not a solution.

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