"Ah poof!"

Just when people thought they were going to report to God and his old man in the next second, a broken knife was as fast as a bolt of lightning. When the giant elephant-skinned corpse jumped in from the window and his feet had not even landed on the ground, from The lower part of the giant elephant-skin corpse penetrated directly through its head from bottom to top!

It looked as if the giant elephant-skinned corpse jumped onto the knife on its own initiative.

The huge body of the giant elephant-skin corpse shook violently like an electric shock, and then fell to the ground like a jade pillar pushing down a golden mountain, causing the ground beneath everyone's feet to tremble.

The person who can grasp the timing of the sword so exquisitely is naturally Su Yuan.

I saw him kicking the head of the giant elephant-skin corpse with his foot, then pulling out the broken knife, and digging out the crystal core between the eyebrows of the giant elephant-skin corpse with ease.

It was a milky-white crystal with a metallic luster, and there were a few traces of something that was either brain matter or blood hanging on it. Su Yuan wiped his face casually with his shoehorn, then raised the crystal to his eyes and looked at it carefully.

Su Yuan still hasn't figured out the principle of crystal formation. It has nothing to do with kidney stones anyway. If the old lunatic could regain his sanity, he might be able to figure out some ways.

He only knew that if he wanted to survive in the apocalypse, he couldn't do without this little thing that made people both love and hate him.

This small crystal can give ordinary people with unimaginable strange abilities; it can activate many ancient magic circles spread in myths; it can transform ordinary machines into surreal things that only appear in science fiction movies. arms……

It can be said that the energy contained in crystals is enough to change the world!

And the world that Su Yuan lives in has actually been changed by this energy, becoming beyond recognition and becoming like a ghost!

Su Yuan swiped his extraordinary badge at the crystal core, showing that the crystal core contained three energy points. For today's first-level zombies, this is already a good number.

At this moment, he suddenly found that the altar of gods, which had been silent in his body like scrap metal, was slowly turning. At the same time, the energy in the crystal core was quickly extracted by the altar of gods at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, all the energy in the crystal core was extracted, and the metallic luster on the surface also dimmed. Today's crystal nuclei look like glass everywhere.

"What's going on?" Su Yuan was shocked and immediately closed his eyes and entered the spiritual world to check.

In the spiritual world filled with gray mist, a milky white stream of light suddenly appeared on the altar of the gods, which was originally as dim as a piece of rusty copper, clinging to the surface of the altar and wandering continuously.

Su Yuan looked carefully and was suddenly surprised to find that there was a slight change in the altar of gods. A small piece of extremely small rust has faded away, revealing its original dark golden mysterious luster!

He even thought that he was dazzled because the area was so small that it was as if he had pricked the bus with a needle. Su Yuan confirmed it several times before he completely believed what he saw with his eyes.

Su Yuan took a breath of cold air on the spot, and even couldn't help but uttered a curse word, "Holy crap! A first-order crystal core can restore such a small area? If you want to restore it all, how much will it take? Energy point..."

He didn't even dare to think about that amount!

I thought that monopolizing an altar to the gods would lead me to the pinnacle of my life, but I didn't expect that it would turn out to be a bottomless pit. If he had so many crystal nuclei, why would he need this broken altar?

"What a fool! I spent a lot of effort to get the crystal core, and you just swallowed it for me. You can't even give me any benefit, so what do I need from you?"

The altar of gods was still as silent as a dead thing, showing no reaction to Su Yuan's curses.

Su Yuan was itching with hatred, but there was nothing he could do. He took one last look at the remnant soul, which was so weak that it seemed as if it would dissipate in the next second. He exited the spiritual world angrily, and his consciousness returned to reality.

The energy in the crystal core has been drained and it is completely turned into a piece of waste. Su Yuan threw it away, but the old madman rushed over, picked it up and put it into his pocket.

He looked at the body of the giant elephant-skin corpse again and became even more angry.

"Throw this pile of rotten meat out, tie up the shoehorned face, and continue tomorrow!"

When Shoehorn Face heard this, he immediately felt hopeless and immediately lay down on the ground and squirmed away like a worm.

"Come on the street! Just kill me with one knife."

Early the next morning, Su Yuan walked out of the darkroom, rubbing his sleepy eyes, and suddenly noticed something was wrong!

What exactly was wrong, I couldn't tell for a while.

While he was frowning in thought, a young man in a black vest ran over with a smile on his face, nodded and bowed and asked: "Boss, you said yesterday that we would continue today. When should we start?"

"Huh? Oh, you said that? It depends on whether there are first-level zombies downstairs." Su Yuan was stunned and temporarily put aside his doubts.

The man in the black vest said excitedly: "Yes, yes, there are three of them! They are all the same as the big guy yesterday, and they are right downstairs."

As he said that, he walked to the window with Su Yuan, and saw three giant elephant-skin corpses wandering aimlessly downstairs!

Su Yuan was not surprised. As time goes by, there will be more and more first-order mutants, just pray that there won't be the kind that can climb walls.

"Boss, yesterday we threw the body of the giant elephant-skin corpse downstairs as you asked. In the blink of an eye, it was all eaten up by the corpses."

When the man in the black vest thought of that scene, his face still turned green. He swallowed his saliva, pointed at the three newly appeared elephant skin giant corpses, and said: "These three eat the most. I remember the clothes on them."

Su Yuan nodded, asked Dugu Pang to give each of them a pack of instant noodles and a bottle of mineral water, and told everyone to start in ten minutes.

Today Su Yuan decided to change the way of playing, after all, it was really dangerous to be jumped in by the elephant skin giant corpse like yesterday.

It is better to kill the zombies outside, and then drag them up safely to dig crystal cores.

Let this group of laborers eat first, so that they have the strength to work.

Of course, all this is inseparable from the shoe horn face as bait. When Dugu Pang dragged the shoe horn face out, this guy screamed desperately like a pig being slaughtered.

Without saying anything, the fat man kicked the man with the shoe-horn face hard at his weak spot, and cursed him in the same tone as the man with the shoe-horn face: "You idiot, where is your prestige when you used grenades to blow us up? Are you afraid now? Hey, it's too late!"

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