The shoe-horn-faced man thought that Su Yuan felt that he had lost his effectiveness and was ready to kill him, so he was about to shout, but his mouth was suddenly covered by someone!

"Hush! Don't make a sound, it's me, Liu Xianguang."

"...You, you, aren't you the subordinate of Su Yuan, that loser? What are you doing?"

"Fuck your subordinates! I'm loyal to him, but what about him? Damn it! He slept with my woman!"

Then Liu Xianguang gnashed his teeth and cursed: "You know Xu Jiajia, right? She's the little beauty star. I saved food from my teeth and finally won the little beauty's heart, and she finally agreed to be with me. What happened? Su Yuan, that bastard, actually raped her!"

"I heard that you've been a pirate for ten years and killed people without blinking an eye. And you can't wait to kill Su Yuan, right? I'll let you go, but the condition is that you must help me get rid of Su Yuan!"

Shoe Horn Face lowered his voice, "Of course there's no problem with this, deal!"

Liu Xianguang nodded, immediately cut the rope that tied up Shoe Horn Face with a knife, and stuffed a backpack full of food into his arms.

While stuffing food into his mouth, Shoe-horn Face said vaguely: "What did your uncle say? That street kid is a hypocrite, he just said nice things. He pretended to be kind before in order to kill zombies. Now there are no zombies to kill, of course he will take off the mask." "But it's not that I don't keep my word, uncle. Su Yuan, that street kid has special abilities and is very tricky. You go and lure him over first, I will hide in the dark and attack him. If you ask me to fight him head-on, I will never do it even if I die." Liu Xianguang smiled disdainfully and took out two first-level crystal cores to show Shoe-horn Face. Shoe-horn-faced man asked in confusion: "Isn't this something that the street thief collected from the zombies? Why are you showing it to me?"

Liu Xianguang said mysteriously: "I overheard a big secret. Do you know what this crystal core is used for?"

Shoe-horn-faced man immediately said: "How should I know this? You are such a long-winded person. Can't you just say it quickly? But I guess that thing must be very useful, maybe more valuable than diamonds."

"Bullshit!" Liu Xianguang said contemptuously: "What's the use of money in this world now? It's too hard to wipe your ass. Let me tell you, his supernatural power is obtained through the crystal core. Look!"

Liu Xianguang was seen holding two milky white crystal cores, shaking them quickly in front of Shoe-horn-faced man's eyes and then taking them back.

"As long as you eat this, you will have superpowers like him. Then I will step on him, play with his women, and let him call me boss!"

The shoe-horn face suddenly lit up, and he stretched his neck and swallowed the food in his mouth. He didn't care that he was choking and rolling his eyes.

He asked impatiently: "Is it true? Are you trying to trick me? Why are you telling me such a big benefit?"

After all, he had experienced many ups and downs, and he actually raised a little alert at this time.

Liu Xianguang said without thinking: "Of course I want to ensure that everything is safe. If you fail to kill him in a sneak attack, won't he kill you in return? Let's each take one crystal core, and after eating the crystal core to gain superpowers, we will work together to kill him. After the matter is done, we will split the food in half. I only want Xu Jiajia and Cheng Xue as women, and the rest are yours."

The shoe-horn face pondered for a moment, with fierceness flickering in his eyes, "... This is no problem. However, can I gain superpowers immediately after eating this crystal core? What kind of superpowers do I gain?"

Liu Xianguang said: "I heard this too, it seems that you can gain superpowers by eating any crystal core. These two crystal cores are from the elephant skin giant corpse, and the superpowers should be strength and skin toughness."

Just then, a series of footsteps came from far away. There was also Dugu Pang's voice saying that he saw Liu Xianguang running towards this side, and then Su Yuan snorted coldly.

Liu Xianguang and the shoe-horn face looked at each other quickly, and they saw a trace of fear and strong fear in each other's eyes!

Then I heard a woman sobbing and begging, "I beg you. You've already slept with me, please let Brother Liu go, he's a good man. I promise you I'll never have anything to do with him again, okay? I'll do whatever you want, just please don't do anything to Brother Liu."

The voice was miserable, like a cuckoo crying blood.

"It's Jiajia!! Su Yuan, you bastard, I'm going to kill you!" Liu Xianguang stood up suddenly, his eyes seemed to be spitting fire. He swallowed the crystal core in one gulp, picked up the knife and rushed out!

Shoehorn Face quickly snatched another one from his hand and stuffed it into his mouth. I felt like I had swallowed a piece of glass, almost cutting my throat, and slapped my chest several times with my hand before I barely swallowed it.

"Wait a minute, young man, don't be so impulsive! You don't kill people like this!"

The shoe-horn face grabbed the furious Liu Xianguang, "Let's hold the door. Wait until the superpower appears and then go out to fight two against one, isn't it better?"

Liu Xianguang listened to the footsteps getting closer and closer, and said anxiously: "It's too late, I heard him say that the superpower will take at least a few hours to appear."

The shoe-horn face changed drastically, and said with shaking hands: "Oh! You poor boy, you've killed me this time! Hurry up and tie me up again, I don't want to be implicated by you."

Liu Xianguang shook his head, "It's useless, you know his secret. Do you think he will keep you alive?"

“Fuck!” Shoe-horn-faced had been a pirate for ten years, and besides eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, he had only learned to spell. When he met a strong enemy, he panicked.

He slapped himself with his intact hand, forcing himself to calm down, “Then I have to attack his mother! Fight! Give me the knife.”

At this time, Liu Xianguang had already taken the lead, kicked the door open and rushed out. Shoe-horn-faced could only grit his teeth and follow.

The mall was dark, and Su Yuan could only be vaguely seen walking towards this side more than ten meters away. Xu Jiajia’s clothes were messy, and she kept begging beside her.

As soon as she saw Liu Xianguang appear, she suddenly hugged Su Yuan and shouted to Liu Xianguang: "Brother Liu, don't be impulsive. You should leave for something that is not worth it. Su Yuan wants to kill you! You should leave!"

Liu Xianguang also shouted: "Jia Jia, get out of the way. It's either him or me today!" Then he rushed towards Su Yuan with a knife.

Su Yuan waved his hand casually, and an invisible airflow sprayed like a cannonball, directly hitting Liu Xianguang's chest.

There was a click!

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