End of the World: Start by controlling a god's altar

Chapter 8: Driving the tiger to devour the wolf

Su Yuan only noticed at this time that the colorful body of the magic flower mantis had many complex and incomprehensible strange stripes.

If you look closely, you can easily see that the inconspicuous stripes are the runes he drew on the eggs.

It is the existence of these runes that prevented the magic flower mantis from attacking him.

The magic flower mantis just looked at Su Yuan for a few times, then suddenly flapped its wings and continued to kill bloodthirsty ticks.

In their eyes, all creatures are divided into two categories, edible and inedible.

Su Yuan was obviously classified as the latter, but when the runes on their bodies dissipated, this classification of Su Yuan would definitely change!

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Su Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, stepped on the blood plasma that was about to cover his feet, and quickly approached the altar.

The blood-thirsty tick had been chased by the magic flower mantis and fled deep into the park, and he had to complete the sacrifice and leave here before the magic flower mantis lost control!


At the beginning, all the altars that descended were primary altars, which could give the sacrificer various superpowers.

Some superpowers can give people the powerful strength to lift objects several times heavier than their own weight like ants; or give people ears that can hear infrasound like bats; give eyes the ability of infrared night vision like snakes, etc.

These physical enhancement superpowers are the most common and ordinary. The initial superpowers of primary extraordinary people are basically this kind.

In addition, there are also elements such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light, and darkness, as well as bloodline systems, but these superpowers can only be obtained after reaching the black iron level of extraordinary people.

Going up, there are also extremely rare contract systems, curse systems, prophecy systems, medical systems, etc.

Among them, the contract system superpowers can sign a contract with mutants, just like driving summoned beasts. The curse system often hurts the enemy 1,000 but hurts itself 800, but it wins because it is weird and hard to guard against.

However, these kinds of superpowers are too rare. In the nine years of Su Yuan's previous life, he had seen no more than ten people with such superpowers!

Wherever these people go, they are very important and are looked up to by everyone.

The quadrilateral altar is about three meters high. The overall shape is wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, emitting a faint dark golden light, like a miniature Mayan pyramid.

Anyone who sees it for the first time will have the same impression: a perfect work of art!

The surface of the altar is covered with mysterious runes. Every stroke of these runes is so perfect, thick and thin, deep and shallow, completely consistent, without the slightest error.

The golden light ripples in the runes, making the altar look sacred and beautiful, so that people firmly believe that this is the creation of the gods, and it can only be the creation of the gods!

When Su Yuan took out a crystal core and embedded it into a hexagonal groove the size of a plate, the altar suddenly shone with golden light!

The complex runes that looked like star maps were shining, like energy pulses that shuttled through them.

A strange substance similar to the double helix structure of human DNA slowly rose from the altar and floated in front of Su Yuan.

This is the "God's gift" that can give people superpowers!

You only need to integrate the God's gift into your body to become a primary one-star extraordinary person.

Sacrificing crystal cores and obtaining God's gift of superpowers is the first step that humans need to take to survive this world-destroying disaster!

From weak to strong, the extraordinary people are divided into primary, black iron, bronze, silver, and gold, and each level is divided into one to nine stars.

Under normal circumstances, the extraordinary person can only obtain one superpower at each stage.

The second superpower can only be obtained when you are promoted to a black iron-level extraordinary person.

As his fingertips touched the gift of God, it immediately turned into strands of light, flowing through Su Yuan's fingers and into his body.

An unprecedented sense of comfort rose, as if all the pores on his body were expanding at this moment!

Like a spark burning in the deepest part of the body's cells, the slightly burning feeling instantly spread throughout the body, and the bones made a slight, indistinguishable crackling sound.

The burning sensation gathered into a heat flow, and every molecule that made up the human body was cheering and welcoming this leap-like life evolution.

Slowly, Su Yuan's body looked a little thinner than before, but his posture was more upright, as if he had grown a little taller.

His skin was whiter and rosier than before, with an extra layer of lustrous luster. Even his facial features became more handsome.

Su Yuan, bathed in the light, seemed like the legendary sun god, and when people saw him, they would have an urge to worship from the bottom of their hearts.

"...This, this is actually an elemental power?" Su Yuan felt it and was more certain that it was a water elemental power. He was overjoyed.

"Shouldn't it be a physical enhancement type? Is it a benefit for the first person to activate the altar?"

Although Su Yuan only sacrificed a crystal core now, don't forget that there is a 99.9% chance that this crystal core is the first crystal core received by many god altars around the world!

And the rewards given by the god altar also prove this point. Only a first-level crystal core gives the elemental power that can only be obtained by the black iron level!

However, Su Yuan's ambition can't be satisfied with a mere elemental power?

He had made sufficient preparations before the end of the world. The seventeen first-order crystal cores and one second-order crystal core spawned by the three thousand seven hundred and fifty-six mantises finally came into play!

Excluding the four used to hatch the magic flower mantis not long ago and the one he just used to activate the altar. Su Yuan still had twelve first-order crystal cores and one second-order crystal core left in his hand.

At this time, he made up his mind and put all the remaining crystal cores on the altar for sacrifice while the divine fusion was not over!

The whole altar was shaken immediately, and even the golden light flowing on its surface became chaotic at this moment!

It was like the altar was a brothel, and a customer broke in just after it was opened.

And this customer didn't just listen to a little song, but threw a lot of money on the face of the old procuress, asking to buy the most beautiful girl in the brothel directly.

The crystal core sank into the altar like a stone sinking into the water. Then, a powerful energy emerged from the altar, forming a halo after a halo, which enveloped Su Yuan and then penetrated into his body.

This change was so detailed that every cell, molecule, and atom that made up Su Yuan's body was undergoing earth-shaking changes!

It was this kind of change that could make an ordinary human become a superhuman and have the qualifications to drive the power of nature!

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