"Where did you pick it up? Did you steal it from the military station over there?"

The bald man was delighted, because he was afraid that Su Yuan would not ask. Since he asked, it meant that Su Yuan might be interested in the conditions he offered.

He rubbed his bald head and said, "Go to the military station to steal arms? How could we have the courage and ability? We really picked it up on the roadside. There are more in the gathering place, and what you see now is just a part. We also picked up a troop carrier like the one you drove."

"Really?" Su Yuan's eyes lit up, thinking that he could finally get rid of the turtle's crawling speed. He almost fell asleep while driving for the previous 100 kilometers.

Immediately agreed: "Give me your troop carrier, and I will help you get back the two vehicles carrying supplies, and escort you back to the gathering place for free."

"No problem! Then it's settled. And you can rest assured, it's absolutely true!" The bald man was waiting for Su Yuan to say this, and he was overjoyed.

He patted his chest and said, "It's a pity that I'm not the boss of the gathering place. There are some things I can't decide. Otherwise, it's only right for me to hand over the troop carrier to you."

Su Yuan frowned. Since the bald man is not the boss and his words are not trustworthy, what if their real boss slaps his butt and denies his promise after arriving at the gathering place? In that case, wouldn't it be a waste of time? Even if it's not difficult for him to get the car back from the opposite side, he doesn't want to be used as a gun.

The bald man is in his forties, and his ability to read people's expressions is not comparable to that of ordinary people, otherwise he would not be able to get the position of leader.

He immediately noticed Su Yuan's concerns and swore: If the boss refuses to give the troop carrier to Su Yuan after returning, then even if he betrays the gathering place, he will get the troop carrier out and send it to Su Yuan.

"Okay." Su Yuan got down from the driver's seat, pulled out the fang gun and waved it in front of the bald man, "Remember what you said. Otherwise... If I can't get the troop carrier, I'll drive you like a car!"

The bald man's face tightened. He didn't expect that Su Yuan, a young man with a delicate face, would make him feel like it would really happen when he said such harsh words, which was more like a gangster than him, an old gangster.

Su Yuan also found that the bald man almost swore several times when he spoke, but he was forced to hold it back every time. And he always used the honorific "you" to address Su Yuan, making him seem like a civilized person.

In fact, Su Yuan knew that this person was not a good person when the bald man blurted out "I have heard of you for a long time" immediately after hearing his name. This kind of words are only said by people who are in contact with the underworld all day long.

After all, he, Su Yuan, is not a big star like Xu Jiajia who has fans all over the world. How could he be heard of for a long time?

Next, the bald man and his group had the honor to witness what “Zhao Zilong of Changshan went in and out seven times among a million troops” means.

Su Yuan dragged out the unhooking device behind the troop carrier, ran to the other side of the river and knocked down a bunch of zombies, then hung the unhooking device on the chassis of the truck. After clearing the zombies that surrounded him, he got into the cab of the truck and drove across the river with the unhooking device.

By the time they returned to the gathering place, which was only ten kilometers away, it was already eight or nine o’clock in the evening.

There was no way, the speed of the “Turtle” was getting slower and slower, and it had turned from a turtle to a snail.

For the last few kilometers, two trucks were still towing the troop carrier forward, and they barely arrived at a remote village with only dozens of households.

The winding roads in the village, with green tiles, red bricks, and cobblestones, looked very old. It looked quite old, even so old that it seemed to be in a different era from the modern prosperous city. There were more than a dozen lush trees at the head and back of the village.

As soon as the three cars approached the village, two sentinels poked their heads out from the wall of the first house at the entrance of the village.

The bald man got out of the car. Standing under the headlights, his head was as bright as the headlights.

He gestured to the two sentinels, then ran to Su Yuan and said, "This is our gathering place. When you go in, you have to be careful of a man named Liu Fangde.

That guy doesn't get along well with our boss. We lost so many people this time, I'm afraid he will make trouble for our boss. Maybe he will talk about your troop carrier, don't take it to heart. We will deal with it."

Su Yuan sneered in his heart. This bald man is very good at talking. When he arrived at the door of the gathering place, he said that the gathering place was not a monolithic entity. In addition to his boss, there is another person of great status.

Moreover, the bald man deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the words "your troop carrier". It implies that if Liu Fangde makes trouble, it will be him, Su Yuan, who will be affected.

At this time, two sentries came out and untied three ropes tied to the trees on both sides of the road, and waved to the bald man to let him in.

At the same time, one of them turned around and ran into the village, apparently to inform the leader.

Sure enough, just as the bald man and Su Yuan parked the car in a yard, a man who was less than 40 years old but already had a vicissitudes of life on his face came over with a group of people, smiling.

"Hahaha, you are finally back. You actually brought back two trucks of goods at once, which is a cause for celebration!"

When the bald man saw this man, his face suddenly became happy. It can be seen that he was obviously relieved, and then he said very respectfully: "Hello, Brother Han! I am sorry for worrying you."

At the same time, he winked at Su Yuan, hinting that this person was his boss "Han Lihua".

Han Lihua had a square face and a wide mouth, and his eyebrows were black and thick, as if they were smeared with soot. His eyes were bright and even when he smiled, he was a little fierce.

He just nodded and swept his eyes across the yard.

When he saw Su Yuan and others, his eyes froze slightly, but he didn't care. Instead, he looked around the whole yard and said with a gloomy face: "Baldy, so there are only so few people? Where are the others?"

"Baldy" is the nickname of the bald man. He lowered his head, looked at his toes with an unpleasant expression, and stammered, "We...we encountered three large zombies. The jeep we drove was overturned by them, and there were heavy casualties. The only ones who came back alive were the ones you saw."


Han Lihua slapped the bald man hard in the face, making him spin three times on the spot, and half of his face swelled up instantly.

"You went with 54 people, taking 90% of our guns and ammunition. In the end, you told me that half of your people died?"

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