End of the World Terminator

Chapter 142 Newcomers

Chapter 151 Newcomers

"That's all I can think of."

Ling Yun shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the four-story villa.

"Well, that's really all we can infer."

Qin Tian twitched his lips and walked towards the villa.

Ling Jiao, Xi Yan, Zhou Lili and Zhou Yunjia also followed them towards the villa.

First, he walked through a patch of grass and came to a door painted with gold powder. Ling Yun turned the door handle and pushed the door open.

Suddenly, a burst of dust came out, and a faint smell of blood and burnt smell filled the air.

Qin Tian pulled Ling Yun behind him, lit a fire in his hand, walked in first, and felt the gaze of countless eyes.


Qin Tian looked at the animal heads on the wall, a chill immediately ran down his spine, and cold sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead.

"What the hell is this place?"

Qin Tian cursed secretly, stretched out his hand towards the heads of those animals, and observed them by the firelight for a while, only to realize that these were specimens.

Most of these specimens are the heads of rabbits, cattle and sheep. The creators of these specimens do not know the purpose of placing these heads densely in the aisle at the door, and deliberately put the faces of the animals towards the door. direction.

When Qin Tian first came in, he was unprepared and was shocked.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and observed for a while to make sure that they were really just some specimens. Then he said behind him: "Be careful when you come in. I don't know that that wicked thing has put a lot of specimens in front of you." There's something strange coming through the door, don't be frightened."

After saying that, he rushed towards the end of the aisle.

Ling Yun, Ling Jiao, Xi Yan, Zhou Lili and Zhou Yunjia all walked in one after another. With Qin Tian's reminder, they didn't make a fuss.

After passing through the corridor, there is a hall. In the center of the hall is a row of spiral stairs. On the left side of the hall is an outdoor kitchen, and on the right side are tables, chairs and benches.

This hall alone is three hundred square meters in size, very spacious.

Qin Tian was not busy going up the stairs and walked towards the outdoor kitchen first.

At this time, on the kitchen table made of bricks and stones, tableware, knives, forks, and chopsticks were scattered randomly, and there were many broken glass on the ground. If you step on it with bare feet, you will accidentally fall into pieces. A gash was made.

The broken glass couldn't hurt Qin Tian. He ran straight to the refrigerator with three doors and opened it, only to find that there was light inside.

"When building villas in such a remote place and providing a place for rich people to hunt, it is not surprising that they use solar energy."

When Ling Yun saw the light on the refrigerator, he came to Qin Tian and looked into the refrigerator.

"what is inside?"


Qin Tian pulled out the compartment of the refrigerator, looked at the frozen meat, and added: "It should be venison, um, it's not bad."

Hearing this, Ling Jiao and others behind Ling Yun all expressed surprise, and Qin Tian opened another door.

"Hey, vegetables and fruits?"

Qin Tian's eyes lit up and he opened the last door of the refrigerator, only to find that it was filled with wine and various drinks.

"Haha, those rich second generations really know how to enjoy it."

Qin Tian casually took out a bottle of wine in a blue glass bottle with a sign written in English, opened the lid and took a swig.


Qin Tian grimaced and said, "What kind of wine is this? Why is it so sour? It doesn't taste good."

He shook his head and put the wine back, but found that Ling Yun, Ling Jiao, Xi Yan, Zhou Lili and Zhou Yunjia were all looking at him with strange expressions on their faces. They suddenly felt confused and asked, "Why are you looking at me?"

"Qin Tian, ​​this wine is called Deep Blue Vinegar. It is brewed from the secretions of sperm whales. There are restrictions on the annual production in Europe and the United States. This wine is even more precious in China."

Ling Yun paused for a moment before adding, "You just drank at least a million dollars."

"Ahem! So expensive."

Qin Tian seemed to be choked. After coughing twice, he picked up the blue glass bottle again, raised his head and began to drink furiously.

After finishing the entire bottle of wine, Qin Tiancai seemed to have thought of something and asked Ling Yun: "What is the secretion of the sperm whale?"


Ling Yun expressionlessly took out a bright red snake fruit from the refrigerator and started chewing it.

Qin Tian's old face turned blue at that time.

Ling Jiao, Xi Yan, Zhou Lili and Zhou Yunjia on the side burst into laughter, and all of them were trembling with joy.

After being indignant for a while, Qin Tian had no choice but to take out the deer meat, picked up the kitchen knife and vented all his anger on it.

With the knife in his hand, he divided and chopped the venison with great precision, and then began to make soup.

The range hood made too much noise, and Qin Tian was worried about attracting monsters, so he didn't cook, but just stewed.

He could have boiled it directly with his superpower, but the stew had to be simmered over low heat to taste delicious. Now that he had the conditions, he wanted to make a good meal.

At the same time, he also sent skeletons to various rooms upstairs and carried several beds into the living room.

We don't know when a monster will appear, and the windows in this villa are all broken. It's too dangerous for everyone to sleep separately. The hall is big enough, and there are a few beds there without feeling crowded at all.

As for the differences between men and women, haha, these are extraordinary times.

While Qin Tian was making soup, Ling Yun checked the basement with the skeleton, and brought out many crossbows, shotguns, bullets and crossbow arrows.

At the same time, Ling Yun also discovered candles.

During dinner, everyone lit candles and ate venison soup and red wine. It was actually a candlelight dinner.

However, Qin Tian's cooking skills were not very good. The meat was not cooked well and it took him a long time to chew it. Others were okay, but Ling Jiao complained for a while and kept rolling her eyes at Qin Tian.

"Fuck! You cook it, I owe you!"

Qin Tian cursed secretly, but saw that Ling Jiao looked extremely delicate and pretty under the dim candlelight, and an inexplicable emotion arose in his heart. His face was so hot that he didn't dare to look directly at her.

After everyone finished eating the venison, Qin Tian and Ling Yun sat on the sofa, eating fruits they found in the refrigerator and smoking cigarettes, while Ling Jiao and the other four girls went upstairs.

The electric water heater upstairs still works.

The four girls all went to take a shower.

"Qin Tian, ​​are there any survivors around here?"

Ling Yun asked after eating a bunch of grapes and taking a puff of cigarette.

Qin Tian, ​​who was gnawing on the cantaloupe, stopped, asked Xiao Jin secretly, and nodded.

"Yes, but very few. The three nearest survivors seem to be hiding in an underground warehouse."


"In the woods heading west."

"Since this is where those young men hunt, there aren't many residential houses, so it's understandable that there are few survivors."

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