End of the World Terminator

Chapter 160 Drawings

Chapter 170 Drawings

"I'll go, how did you figure it out!?"

Qin Tian asked extremely shocked.

"Look at the picture."

Ling Yun handed the paper with the skull drawn on it to Qin Tian, ​​pointed to one end of the thick line on the picture, and said, "Look here, are there two branches?"


Qin Tian opened his eyes, looked at it carefully, and then nodded slowly.

There is a fork at one end of the thick line, but it is only a very small part, just like two small dots the size of sesame seeds. You can't really see it unless you look carefully.

Even if he could see it, Qin Tian would just think that the skeleton made two random touches.

"Are these two little dots the head? No way."

Qin Tian still didn't believe it.

"Skeletons always describe what they see. Although they have a certain amount of wisdom, their ability to describe is very limited."

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses and said: "The two branches are most likely what he saw at that time, because the monster was too big and the distance was too far. In the eyes of the skeleton, the monster's two heads were It’s like these two branches are bifurcated.”

"Furthermore, this is my inference, and it is also the possibility that I think is most consistent with the actual situation. If you have different opinions, you can also tell us."

Hearing this, Qin Tian was silent for a while, and then murmured: "Even so, what should we do now?"

"This two-headed dragon is just like the white dragon we met earlier. It doesn't bother to have too many subordinates, and its own strength is definitely not weak."

After a pause, Ling Yun looked up at the gray sky and said, "Zhang Yu once said that at this time of year, there shouldn't be snow here. I guess the reason for this abnormal climate must be related to it. , combined with my previous analysis, this monster is likely to exude chills all the time, which is equivalent to the effect of group damage. If it really takes action, it is likely to be accidentally injured."

"Try to avoid it as much as possible. It's important to rush to Changbai Mountain. Well, let the skeletons explore a suitable route first, and then we can leave at night."

Ling Yun took a breath and said.

Hearing this, Qin Tian also nodded and immediately summoned a hundred skeletons, letting them scatter everywhere to find a safe route.

Then, Ling Yun told the others about the situation and asked them to live in seclusion for the past few days. He also asked Zhang Yumo to draw the route into the mountain and the surrounding terrain.

There are three main roads into Taibai Ridge, two of which are winding roads that have been repaired and paved with cement and can be passed by cars. The last one is a dirt road, which is relatively hidden, but leads to the forest in the mountains.

Although the road into the forest is hidden, it is not easy for vans and cars to pass. The other two roads are too obvious and easy to be discovered. In the end, they were all rejected by Ling Yun.

"These three roads are considered the easiest to go up the mountain because they have been walked by predecessors, but they are not suitable for us."

Ling Yun looked at the map, traced it with his fingers for a while, and finally pointed at a place and said: "Let's take a road that no one has walked before. Although it is a bit more difficult, there should be no big problem with the skeletons. "

Zhang Yu stretched out his head, looked at the place pointed by Ling Yun, and exclaimed: "Is this the Black Dragon Stream? This is a cliff. There is no way up. Not to mention the terrain is dangerous, with loose soil and many rocks. If you are not careful, the rocks above will roll down, causing a rock collapse, which can smash people alive into a pulp."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed.

There was a ray of light in Ling Yun's eyes, but he said calmly: "It is indeed not easy for people to climb up from here, but there is no need to worry about those skeletons. You can let the skeletons in front clean the stones first, and then let the skeletons in front Hold on, there won't be any danger."

"Moreover, there are no trees here. The skeletons can carry the car up. If the monsters find it, they can create a rock collapse on it to stop it."

Hearing this, Zhang Yu stopped talking.

Qin Tianze frowned and asked, "Ling Yun, if the two-headed dragon discovers us, some broken stones won't do much good."

Hearing this, Ling Yun smiled slightly, pointed to the grass shed full of salted fish outside the door, and said: "Do you think these animals were killed by the two-headed dragon? The giant dragon depicted with the skull How could it be possible to slaughter all the livestock in the hayloft without destroying the hayloft and walls?”

Hearing this, Qin Tian opened his mouth slightly and said, "You mean, this two-headed dragon also has a group of monsters under his command."


Ling Yun looked a little solemn and said: "There are no monsters found within a thousand meters. This two-headed dragon may be similar to the white dragon we encountered before, but it is not necessarily exactly the same."

"Perhaps, it won't have too many monsters under its command, but there must be some."

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and then nodded.

"By the way, don't sleep separately. Let's sleep in the same room tonight and take turns keeping watch."

Ling Yun glanced at Ling Jiao, Xi Yan, Zhou Lili, Zhou Yunjia and Zhang Yu, then looked at Qin Tian and said: "Stay with the big tiger and don't let it make too much noise."

Hearing this, Qin Tian walked to the hut without saying anything else.

The big tiger was still asleep. He had drunk too much wine, and the strong smell of alcohol was floating in his mouth at the moment. He was lying on his back drunkenly, with his belly exposed.

Qin Tian sat down on the big tiger's belly, patted the big tiger's head and said, "Be quiet."

The big tiger opened his bright yellow eyes, glanced at Qin Tian, ​​then opened his mouth, curled up his tongue, extended his forelimbs, yawned silently, and then continued to rest with his eyes closed.

Seeing the big tiger's naivety, Qin Tian smiled slightly, took out a cigar from his pocket, and lit it with his supernatural power.


Qin Tian puffed out the smoke and planned to take a nap after finishing his cigarette.

Although Ling Yun has deduced the situation of those monsters, he is not too worried. After all, there are so many skeletons around and Xiao Jin is always on guard. It is almost watertight. As long as the skeletons finish exploring the road, everyone can set off.

He took a deep breath from the cigarette, put out the fireworks, then lay down on the big tiger and closed his eyes to rest.

He quickly fell asleep and was awakened by an unusual noise.

"Bang!!" The sound was like frying dried beans.

Qin Tian opened his eyes fiercely and stood up in confusion. The big tiger walked up to him, lowered its head, bared its teeth, and whispered "Woo".


Qin Tian frowned slightly and looked towards the room where everyone was, only to see that the door of that room suddenly opened, and Zhang Yu was the first to rush out holding a bamboo tube.

"What happened? Why were there gunshots?!"

Arriving in the courtyard, Zhang Yu held up the bamboo tube and the mechanism for firing bullets, looking left and right.

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