End of the World Terminator

Chapter 176 Storage

Chapter 186 Storage

This plant was obviously just born and had no evil deeds. Qin Tian could not bring up any murderous intentions and waved it away.

Ling Yun and others looked on. Qin Tian found this plant, and it was Qin Tian who decided its fate.

Even Ling Yun was just making suggestions.

Whether to kill, release or keep him is all decided by Qin Tian.

The plant took a few steps back, but suddenly stretched out a leaf, stepped forward and touched Qin Tian's trousers.


Qin Tian frowned slightly, but saw that the plant was lying on his pants, as if it was hugging him, and it was unwilling to leave.


Qin Tian was speechless and kicked it away. Unexpectedly, the plant quickly ran over and continued to lie on his pants, repeating this four or five times.

Qin Tian had no choice but to look at Ling Yun again.

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses and kept his eyes on the plant, but said nothing.

"How about I take it with me for now? I'll throw it away when the time is right."

Qin Tian couldn't bear to see how dependent the plant was on him.

Hearing this, Ling Yun was silent for a long time and then said: "That's okay, but you are probably the only one among us who can see through the illusion. You have to keep it with you at all times."

"no problem."

Qin Tian lifted the plant, but felt that the plant was as light as a feather, so he put it on his shoulder.

Then, at Ling Yun's suggestion, he covered the car he brought back with fire, melted away the ice shards on the car, and spread quilts, mats, and blankets on the back seat.

After getting Zhou Yunjia into the car, everyone packed up and started on the road.

At this moment, Ling Yun told Zhou Yunjia the news of Zhou Lili's death.


There was a continuous choking sound from the car moving forward.

Ling Jiao and Xi Yan stayed in the car, constantly comforting Zhou Yunjia.

Ling Yun and Qin Tian sat on the back of the big tiger.

Probably because Ling Yun and the big tiger fought side by side during the previous battle with the two-headed dragon, and the big tiger didn't object to Ling Yun riding on its back.

"After climbing these mountains, there will no longer be mountain roads like this, and in the nature reserve, there are many wild animals."

Ling Yun sat close to the big tiger's butt, reaching out and stroking the big tiger's fur.

"Maybe we can encounter a beast like this big tiger again. I mean, there are three superpowers in the team, so there should be three mounts like this."

Hearing this, Qin Tian glanced sideways at Ling Yun and said with a smile: "Don't worry, when we get to the nature reserve, I will definitely find a tiger for you. When the time comes, the two of us will ride on the head of a tiger. It will definitely be very cool when we walk on the road. very."


Ling Yun chuckled and said, "You misunderstood. I have no interest in tigers. It would be ideal if I could find a panda."


Qin Tian glared slightly, turned to look at Ling Yun and said, "Why do you want a panda? Are there pandas in the suburbs of Kyoto?"

"The panda has a docile character. The main reason is that I am still very weak. If I encounter a beast like a big tiger, even if I am kind to it, it will be difficult to completely tame it."

Ling Yun smiled slightly and added: "Moreover, although pandas live in the south, there are bases for domesticating pandas around this nature reserve. There is no guarantee that there will not be something like a big tiger among them. It will run out of the base and come to It’s not impossible to get to this wilderness.”

"Well, the harder the beast is to tame, the stronger it must be. Although this panda is docile, what kind of fighting power can it have? Even if you tame a panda, it will not be able to protect you in the end, and you will be the one to protect it. What should you do? ?”

Qin Tian said in surprise.

Hearing this, Ling Yun gave Qin Tian a very complicated look, and after a while, he said: "Pandas are also bears. Among all bear families, their bite force is only inferior to brown bears and polar bears. On mountains thousands of meters above sea level, Its running speed can also break the Gillis record of normal human running, and an ordinary adult panda can play with three prairie wolves as sandbags."

"But you said you want me to protect it?"

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses and said, "It's ridiculous."

Qin Tian:".."

"Fuck! Xiao Jin, is this true? Is that panda really that powerful?!"

Qin Tian asked in his heart.

"Start querying the data. The data query is completed. The comprehensive combat power of the host, the panda, ranks third among all bear families, second only to polar bears and brown bears."

"It does have the ability to beat three wolves like sandbags, but it generally won't do so because the bamboo it eats has little nutrition. In order to survive, it will maintain a relatively gentle heartbeat rate and usually doesn't like to exercise much. It always gives people the illusion of laziness.”

"In fact, the physical fitness of ordinary adult giant pandas even exceeds that of D-class superpowers."

"Tsk tsk~."

Qin Tian smacked his lips, sighing with emotion that the cute creature covered with black and white fur was so powerful. He suddenly thought of the scene of Ling Yun riding a naive giant panda through the market, and immediately raised the corner of his mouth. .

What a joy!

Qin Tian almost laughed out loud, but quickly held it back. He touched the big tiger's forehead and sighed that his own mount was better.

At noon, everyone was taken to a waterfront by Qin Tian.

The water lay where a creek passed, on the edge of a forest.

Because of the cold weather, there are many pines, cypresses and bamboos in this forest. From time to time, everyone can see some squirrels jumping among the branches, and many sparrows chirping among them.

There is a strange aroma in the air.

Ling Yun said that this was the scent of rosin, and suggested that Qin Tian collect some rosin and use it to make torches.

Qin Tian did as he was told, and asked the skeletons to go into the woods to collect them, and built a fire on the spot.

The big tiger lingered by the water for a while, then jumped straight into the forest and disappeared.

Qin Tian ignored the big tiger and sent the skeleton to catch fish in the pond and took out a pot.

After lunch, everyone had to go on their way, so they kept things simple, just stew some fish soup and make some noodles.

After several people had eaten, Qin Tian called back the big tiger, and everyone continued on their way.

At night, Qin Tian took everyone to a cave, tidied up the environment in the cave with skeletons, and then lived in together.

Qin Tian lit a fire in the cave, and everyone sat around the fire.

The big tiger had gone somewhere, so Qin Tian caught some hares and pheasants and roasted them on the fire.

Ling Yun picked up the plant with eyes and looked at it again and again.

It wasn't until Qin Tian handed the roasted pheasant to Ling Yun that Ling Yun put the plant down, and the plant immediately ran behind Qin Tian and hid.

"It seems to be afraid of you."

Qin Tian looked at the plants at his feet and then looked at Ling Yun.

Ling Yun took the pheasant, smiled, and said, "Its senses are very keen."

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