Chapter 206 Source

"Of course I do."

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses and said calmly: "We no longer accept other people because ordinary people, even the current superpowers, are too weak to fight. They will not be able to help us if they follow us, and they will die in vain. "

"But individuals like Big Tiger are completely different. They can actually help us."

Hearing this, Qin Tian blew out a stream of smoke and smiled bitterly.

"Okay, let's find a place to rest today and start again at noon."

Ling Yun looked at the ground. The section of cigarette left by Qin Tian had been extinguished. Only the cigarette butt was still stuck on the ground. Ling Yun took the cigarette out of his mouth and inserted it upside down next to the cigarette left by Qin Tian.

Qin Tian nodded silently and asked, "Xiao Jin, is there a suitable place to rest nearby?"

"Scan begins. Scan ends. Host, if you just want to take a short rest, walk two hundred meters to the west and there is a riverside. The sand there is fine and soft, which is very suitable for a rest."

Upon hearing this, Qin Tian immediately waved his hand, summoned a hundred skeletons, and directed these skeletons to make five stretchers. Everyone sat on the stretchers and headed towards the west.

Soon, everyone arrived at the riverside. Ling Yun took the skeletons to check the ground, and then went to find some hay and threw themselves on the ground. Ling Jiao, Xi Yan and Zhou Yunjia slept on the hay, and soon they began to snore.

Qin Tian and Ling Yun were smoking by the river.

"Continuing north, it would take an ordinary person at least twenty days to walk through this forest, and it would take an ordinary person a month to walk through the entire nature reserve."

Ling Yun finished smoking and began to remove the bandage on his head according to the shadow in the river. The wounds on his head had become scarred, but a large tuft of hair had fallen out, making him look rather bald.

"We use skeletons to carry it, so it should be faster. I checked our supplies. Although we lost a lot, we don't have to worry about food because we are in the jungle, as long as we don't encounter monsters again. , if everything goes well, there should be no problem in crossing this protected area within a month."

Hearing this, Qin Tian nodded, fiddled with Ling Yun's hair again, carefully inspected its wounds, and then said: "This monster is so strong, and its territory must be quite large. I can't say for sure. This area of ​​natural protection These two monsters are really the only ones in the area.”

"Heh, I hope so."

Ling Yun chuckled, paused, and then said: "By the way, is the one who left the ancient characters on the skull one of these two monsters? They don't seem to be in the same group."


Qin Tian quickly told Ling Yun everything that had happened before.

After hearing this, Ling Yun was silent for a long time and then said: "So, the reason why that monster left those words was to remind us to leave? I didn't expect that there is such a monster. Did it really say that? Is it willing to live in peace with humans? ?”

Hearing this, Qin Tian nodded, but then sighed and said: "Judging from the monster's intentions and actions, it should really want to reconcile with us, but its companions are not so friendly."

Hearing this, Ling Yun's face suddenly darkened, and he rebuked in a low voice: "Damn it, if it weren't for his companions, maybe we could have gotten the entire meaning of the document out of this monster's mouth. What a pity! "


Qin Tian glared slightly and looked at Ling Yun blankly.

Ling Yun suddenly sighed softly, pushed up his glasses, and said: "But it did reveal very useful information. These monsters, well, are the origins of the Dragon and Phoenix survivors, and their grievances with us, but , some new questions were also born in its words.”

"First, the second human king finally became a god. What kind of state does this refer to? Is he still a human being? I mean, whether he still maintains a human-like existence."

"Second, since the earth was a vast continent tens of thousands of years ago, or even billions of years ago, why does it become like this now, and who made it become like this?"

"Also, human cultivators can actually get help from gods and can push powerful races to a dead end. Where did those human cultivators go in the end? How did they die? Also, if the second human king is still there Existence, as the monster said, it was the Second Human King who put them back, so what is the purpose of the Second Human King doing this? Does he really hope that humans can coexist with all races?"

Ling Yun paused, frowned, and pondered for a while before looking at Qin Tian.

"Does it only reveal that little information? Are you missing something?"

Qin Tian had a dull expression on his face and shook his head very depressedly.

Ling Yun pursed his lips and said, "It's such a good opportunity, why don't you ask more questions?"

"You think I have the same brain as you, but I can think so much, you monster!"

Qin Tian said very dissatisfied.

"Tsk, ugh, that's all, I'll try to analyze it first."

Ling Yun shook his head, not angry at all because Qin Tian called him a monster, but said directly: "I have told you before, I am afraid that the sky is conscious. At first, I thought that the consciousness of the sky only appeared in the last thousand years. , Now it seems that the consciousness of heaven was probably born tens of thousands of years ago."

"Yes, based on the information you have provided at this time and in the past, I believe that Tian's consciousness is the consciousness of the second human king. When he released the Dragon and Phoenix survivors, he probably did not let the Dragon and Phoenix survivors coexist with the human race. Qin Tian, ​​also Remember the mutant virus?”

A bright light flashed on Ling Yun's glasses, and his face was rather gloomy.

Qin Tianwei stared and said: "You mean, the second man Wang saw that the plan to implement the mutated virus failed, so he released the Dragon and Phoenix survivors, in order to eliminate human beings!?"

"That's right."

Ling Yun had a sneer on his face and said: "I think this second human king is the driving force behind the destruction of human civilization and is also the biggest enemy of our species."

"Why? Why did he do this? Well, how could he become a god?"

Qin Tian asked, puzzled.

"Good question."

Ling Yun took a deep breath and said: "Qin Tian, ​​I speculate that the second human king became a divine queen. According to what the monster said, he became the master of everything. Such a being should no longer have a human body. Well, in other words, you have heard of Hongjun’s Taoism, right?”

"The second human king is Hou Yi who shot down the sun, and Hongjun who turned into the way of heaven. He represents the way of heaven. It was he who rescued the dragon and phoenix survivors who were forced to die, and it was he who wiped out all the powerful cultivators of the human race. Moreover, it was he who cut off the civilization of human cultivators."

"In fact, he was the one who turned the entire continent into the Earth it is today."

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