End of the World Terminator

Chapter 31 Strong Enemy

Chapter 37 Strong Enemy

"Hmph! Are they all cannon fodder?"

Qin Tian frowned slightly, but saw that the forty white skeletons guarding the door had begun fighting with those monsters, so he stopped wasting his powers and directed some of the white skeletons to step forward and carry them, while some of the skeletons were moved into the factory. Those bulky machines kept being thrown out.

The battle was extremely fierce at the beginning. The monsters kept running towards them, boundless, but each one was only slightly stronger than an adult human. Although the number of skeletons was small, the strength of a single one was far greater than that of a single one. There is more than enough.

But soon, sixteen tall figures suddenly appeared among those monsters. The shapes of those sixteen monsters were no different from other monsters, but they were three meters high. What they held in their hands was no longer an axe, but an axe. Huge hammer.

As soon as these sixteen monsters appeared, Qin Tian's attention was attracted. When he saw the sixteen monsters rushing toward the skeleton, Qin Tian used his earth power.

"Boom!" In the sound, sixteen earth thorns burst out of the earth and directly connected the sixteen monsters.

The miserable sounds of these monsters echoed throughout the world.

Qin Tian folded his hands and watched all of this with an expressionless face. The monsters who were fighting the skeletons seemed to have lost their courage. They suddenly panicked and quickly began to retreat.

"Is this the end? No way!"

Qin Tian commanded the skeletons to rush into the axe-wielding monsters, and began to kill them violently. The monsters they killed were crying and howling, and were about to be defeated. But at this moment, a very long howl, and a fierce roar came out. Reached the ear.

"Is this, howling wolf!?"

Qin Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly looked up towards the place where the howl came from, only to see a tall figure standing on the top of a tall building about two kilometers away from him.

The distance was a bit far, so Qin Tian couldn't see clearly, but he felt a chill in his face, as if a gaze was striking at him like a knife.

Qin Tian's brows couldn't help but frown, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"It's not a simple role."

Qin Tianyun activated his superpower, his body immediately ignited with fire, and then he gathered flame armor.

Suddenly, with a "Bang!" sound, a bolt of thunder fell from the tall building and broke through the sky.

Qin Tian drew his bow to the full moon, then pointed towards the thunder, quickly loosened the string, released a bunch of fireworks, and then drew the bow to its full limit.

"I'll pay you back!"

In vain, a surge of heroic spirit arose in Qin Tian's heart. In front of the fingers that pulled the bow string, the fire gathered for a while, then compressed, and finally became a ball.

A concentrated blow! !

The string was loosened violently, and the fireball flew into the sky.

With a sound of "Bang!!", the fireworks that ran first collided with the thunder and collapsed one after another. The fireball continued to rise into the sky and flew to the top of the tall building at high speed.

At that moment, Qin Tian seemed to see the figure on the tall building panicking with his hands in front of his body, and then, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky.

With a "Boom!!" sound, the fireball exploded violently, and the high temperature filled the air. Even though he was far away, Qin Tian could still feel the heat on his skin and frowned.

"So fast!"

Qin Tian's face was a little solemn. He could clearly see that just when the fireball was about to hit the figure, something blocked the fireball for the werewolf at an extremely fast speed.

Just when Qin Tian was confused, "Buzz!~" sounded suddenly, and then Qin Tian saw a group of black clouds suddenly rising from the top of the tall building, and in the black shadow, he could clearly see a slim figure.

"Is that you? The king of these mosquitoes?"

Qin Tian fiercely pulled up the bow string and aimed at the black cloud flying in the sky. He saw that it was constantly moving and was too far away to hit. When he was thinking about whether to rush forward directly, Xiao Jin's voice suddenly sounded in his ears. .

"Warning! A giant monster appears in the north and is approaching the host rapidly! It is huge. It is estimated that the length of its light body is a hundred meters!"

Qin Tian's whole body froze slightly. Without waiting for Xiao Jin to draw the monster on the screen, he immediately looked towards the north, just in time to see countless buildings collapse in an instant.

"Boom!" In the sound, a huge figure quickly revealed its full appearance.

It was a creature with four limbs and covered with blue scales that looked like a tyrannosaurus.

"I go!"

Qin Tian cursed secretly and immediately took back all the white skeletons. At this time, there were twenty-five white skeletons left, and each one's body was soaked in the monster's blood, turning a faint blue color.

These skeletons are okay against the humanoid monsters, but they may not be enough to defeat the tyrannosaurus.

Wanting to preserve his strength, Qin Tian asked these skeletons to quickly retreat to Tushan, while he jumped out of the factory, and then walked towards the Tyrannosaurus step by step.

The tyrannosaurus was very fast, rushing all the way. Wherever it passed, the ground cracked and houses collapsed, with an astonishing momentum.

Seeing that the Tyrannosaurus Rex was getting closer and closer to him, Qin Tian's expression did not change, but he suddenly stopped. His eyes immediately lit up with two strange lights. Then, the ground under his feet immediately rose, and countless amounts of soil quickly accumulated under his feet, and then Gathered together, a giant of earth rose from the ground.

The native quickly rose to a height of twenty meters, and Qin Tian stood above the native.

With a sound of "Boom!!", the tyrannosaurus suddenly stepped on the ground and stopped suddenly. Even standing on the native, Qin Tian felt the earth shake and a hint of bitterness appeared on his face.

According to Ling Yun's plan, Qin Tian must fight this tyrannosaurus in an inseparable manner and ensure that he can feign defeat.

Is there any mistake?

Qin Tian looked at the Tyrannosaurus that was as tall as a mountain and felt that whether he could retreat was a question.

However, at this time, there is only one battle.

The brilliance in his eyes became more and more dazzling, and Qin Tian's body was ignited with fire. The flames spread out and quickly covered the native's body, and then formed a pair of flame armor.

"Come on, I want to slay the dragon today!"

Qin Tian seemed to have found the feeling of the eternal emperor in the past. He shouted angrily, and the natives under his feet jumped up and rushed towards the tyrannosaurus.

At that moment, Qin Tian used all his strength, and the native burst out with extremely strong power. He rushed to the front and back of the huge tyrannosaurus with the speed of thunder, raised his hand and punched it in the stomach.

Originally, Qin Tian wanted to hit the Tyrannosaurus on the head, but the native was not tall enough, so he luckily hit its belly.

However, before the native's fist landed on the belly of the Tyrannosaurus, a whip-like shadow had already struck through the air.

With a sound of "Bang!", the native's body tilted and flew far away. When he landed, most of his body was turned into mud.

Blood spilled from the corner of Qin Tian's mouth. After putting on the flame armor, the native was now connected with his flesh and blood, just like a part of his body.

The native was severely injured, and Qin Tian felt as if his hands and feet had been cut off. He was in severe pain, his face suddenly turned pale, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

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