End of the World Terminator

Chapter 367 No danger

Chapter 397 No danger

"I said, your home-made space won't always be empty, right?"

After Qin Tian finished the meal, he gave Zhang Fengtian a piece of bread and asked.

"Generally, I put some important things in there, but not food."

Zhang Fengtian wolfed down the bread and said.

Damn it, it turns out there are too many good days!

Hearing this, Qin Tian twitched his lips and lowered his head to look at the scenery outside the window.

The helicopter continued to move forward.

Suddenly, the intercom on the bridge rang.

"Call General Qin, Unit 76 found traces of monsters."

Hearing this, Qin Tian's face condensed slightly. The driver had handed him the walkie-talkie, and he quickly took it.

"What does the monster look like, how many are there, and what do they do?"

Through previous observations, Qin Tian was already able to use the walkie-talkie, he turned it on directly and said.

"General, judging from a high altitude, it should be the monster that attacked the base before. There are three of them, running in a terraced field."

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned slightly, remained silent for a moment, and then said to Zhang Fengtian: "Generally, what do you do when you encounter this kind of situation?"

Hearing this, Zhang Fengtian did not hesitate for a moment and said directly: "After the death of such a powerful monster, ordinary monsters like this do not have the ability to track us. Generally speaking, we will not care about it."


Qin Tian thought for a while and then nodded.

The king of monsters here is dead, and the monsters that attacked the base have been surrounded and wiped out. There is really no need to worry too much about the remaining ordinary monsters.

"Don't worry about it and move on."


Qin Tian put down the walkie-talkie.

The team of fifty helicopters continued to perform patrol tasks. During this period, they discovered several monsters, but they were all ordinary monsters like snail shells that attacked the base last time. Qin Tian chose to ignore them all.

Apart from these monster accidents, the helicopter team encountered no other abnormal situations.

Four hours later, all the helicopters searching for supplies returned and quickly returned to the team in an orderly manner.

"Now that the mission has been accomplished."

Qin Tian lazily said to Zhang Fengtian: "Go back."

Hearing this, Zhang Fengtian reached for the walkie-talkie and said to the walkie-talkie: "Have each machine completed its mission? Count the number of machines."

"Unit No. 1, mission accomplished."

"Unit No. 2, mission accomplished."


From Unit 1 to Unit 50, the voice on the intercom stopped, and Zhang Fengtian immediately said: "Has the search for supplies in all places been completed? Report the number of survivors found?"

"Unit No. 1, no survivors were found. Ten pounds of millet and a jar of spicy cabbage were found."

"Unit No. 2 found two survivors, netted three hundred kilograms of fish, and found three packets of cold medicine."


When the intercom stopped making any sound, Zhang Fengtian said: "Now, everyone, speed up and return."


One hundred helicopters all returned along the same route.

Qin Tian held a cigarette in his mouth and continued to huddle in the driving chair, looking at the scenery below.

At dusk, the sun in the distance is about to set, the clouds are dyed with a layer of gold, and the earth is green.

There are weeds and bushes everywhere.

Not popular.

Qin Tian suddenly felt melancholy and said to himself: "If it were in the past, there would have been people weeding in these fertile fields, and there would have been streaks of smoke rising from those farmyards."

Hearing this, the two pilots were quite touched and turned to look at him together.

Zhang Fengtian's face darkened, and after being silent for a while, he suddenly said: "It's not just here, other places are just like here, and even worse. Those monsters have been killing us, and the whole world is like this."

Hearing this, Qin Tian looked at Zhang Fengtian, frowned slightly, and finally sighed.

The cabin became quiet again for a while.

After a long time, Zhang Fengtian suddenly broke everyone's silence and said to Qin Tian: "When you defeated me last time, you said that I was trying to save others by myself. Can you tell me now, what kind of person are you?"

Hearing this, Qin Tian was slightly startled, but with a sneer on his face, he said: "I will lead people to expel and destroy all monsters, and then lead people to build their own homes."

"Hmph! This is no different from what I want to do!"

Zhang Fengtian said slightly excitedly.

"Why is there no difference?"

Qin Tian shook his head and said: "I will not be above anyone. I will give everyone respect for their personality. I will not be as selfish as you."

"Tsk, empty words."

Zhang Fengtian showed contempt and said: "Yes, I have the ambition to rule the world, but I also have the ambition to regain China. I will use my wisdom and ability to make everyone surrender. And you, you also want to regain China, But you don’t want to rule the world? Haha, can someone like you succeed? It’s ridiculous!”

"Why can't it succeed?"

Qin Tian looked at Zhang Fengtian with a sarcastic face and said: "Zhang Fengtian, do you know the biggest difference between you and me? You only want to make others surrender and turn everyone into objects that belong to you, but I Woolen cloth."

"What I think is, I have the final say in my life."

After a pause, Qin Tian said again: "Everyone has the right and ability to decide their own destiny, instead of leaving their destiny in the hands of others. Zhang Fengtian, this is no longer the ancient times. If you still want to play with the feudal monarchy, Unless all Chinese people of this generation die."

"If the monster is defeated in the future, in order to maintain long-term stability and avoid civil war, we can only return the rights to the people. Defeat the monster, build a home, and return power to the people. This is what the strong should do."

Hearing this, the expression on Zhang Fengtian's face changed rapidly, and he became thoughtful.

Qin Tianze held a cigarette in his mouth and continued to look at the scenery.

When a hundred helicopters arrived at the base, the sky had turned dark, and the fluorescent lights also lit up above the fence.

Countless soldiers waved glow sticks and directed the armed helicopters to land.

One hundred armed helicopters landed slowly. Qin Tian looked out the window and found Xu Qiming and a group of people in military uniforms waiting on the wall.

With a sound of "Boom!", Qin Tian felt the helicopter's body vibrate violently and then stopped.

"General, we are here, do you want to get off the plane now?"


"Please issue the order."

The middle-aged driver handed the intercom to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian took the walkie-talkie and said, "Succinctly: Get off the plane."

With the sound of "Ka Ka Ka~", the cabins of a hundred armed helicopters were opened, and countless soldiers walked out.

When Qin Tian led Zhang Fengtian out of the helicopter, Xu Qiming led a group of soldiers and quickly came up to them.

"General Qin, you are back."

Xu Qiming held Qin Tian's hand and said with a smile on his face: "I knew that Mr. Qin would definitely come back with a fruitful outcome."

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