Chapter 50 Siege

"But don't worry, this kind of weapon is rare in quantity, and for me, its slow speed does not pose any threat to me at all."

The giant bird called Wei Fuyao opened its mouth slightly and spit out a stream of ice mist.

Chengling was silent for a moment and then said: "Fuyao, this human being is not only very powerful, but also very cunning. Don't underestimate the enemy!"

"Ha, you underestimate the enemy? Are you kidding me?"

The giant bird sneered and said: "I will never underestimate humans? I still remember how terrifying this race was in that unprecedented decisive battle!"

After a pause, the giant bird lowered his head, and said with a strong chill in his words: "We have just returned here, and such a strong person has appeared among humans. How can I just sit back and ignore it? Let it grow? This human being , must die!”

"That's right! But we have to think of countermeasures, and we must be able to kill it with one strike! Otherwise, it will only increase its strength!"

Chewing Ling gritted his teeth and said: "Fuyao, this guy is different from ordinary human cultivators. He has always been in the human world!"


The giant bird took a breath, its eyes tightened, and its words were full of surprise: "You mean, this human being is refining his heart!?"

"Yes, it may be due to the loss of practice skills. Although this guy's cultivation has improved, he has never concentrated on practice. Instead, he wanders around, as if he is rushing to get there."

After a pause, a flash of light flashed in Zhan Ling's eyes, and he said: "Continuously fighting us, constantly taking risks under our noses, he is destined to encounter many things, and unintentionally, he is training his mind. .”

"Hahaha~, in this case, there is no need for us to take action. When this stupid human being breaks through the realm, he will be swallowed by the inner demon."

The giant bird let out a long laugh.

"Fuyao, refining one's heart is indeed dangerous, but it is not without examples of success."

There was a complex expression on Chewing Ling's face, but his body was trembling.

"Remember those two humans?"

Hearing this, the giant bird's laughter suddenly stopped.

After being silent for a while, the giant bird said in a voice full of fear: "No way, does this human being have the potential to become a king? This is impossible!"

"Of those two humans, who thought they could do it? And when the first human king appeared, do you still remember what it was like?"

Chewing Spirit shook slightly, and after a while, he said: "Do you still remember how many strong men of the same clan died at that time?"

Hearing this, a picture suddenly appeared in the giant bird's mind.

A man with disheveled hair stands at the top.

The giant ax in his hand was dripping with blue blood. Countless descendants of dragons and phoenixes, and countless powerful beings from the ancient times, all trembled under his scornful gaze.

The giant bird's body couldn't help but tremble.

"No, we can't let him succeed in refining his heart, chewing his spirit!"

"That's right, this time, there is an ambush ahead of us. No matter what we do, we will just sneak attack and ambush him!"

The chewing spirit let out a long roar, stretched out its thin wings from its back, and flew into the sky.

The giant bird also spread its huge wings, fanned out strong winds like tornadoes, and then flew up.

"Buzz~!" In the sound, countless giant mosquitoes flew up, and then countless large birds flew into the night.

In the early hours of the morning, the sun broke through the night, and the first glimmer of morning light still carried a chill.

Qin Tian asked Ling Yun for permission and asked the skeletons to drive the carriage to the second floor of a large supermarket.

"If we could collect all the supplies in this supermarket, it would be enough to support us for several years."

Ling Yun walked around the food area filled with fresh food and shook his head with regret.

"It's a pity that we can only collect a very small part, but those monsters did a great job. With so much food left in this supermarket, there must not be many survivors around here."

Hearing this, Qin Tian twitched his lips slightly.

He had already asked Xiao Jin to detect it, and found that there were indeed only sixteen survivors left within a kilometer radius.

Ling Jiao, Zhang San, Fatty Xu and others all looked sad.

"Brother, maybe they found out there was a monster here and ran away long ago."

Ling Jiao forced an ugly smile from her face.


Ling Yun didn't seem to want to offend his sister too much, so he nodded.

"Okay, let's rest here first and then continue our journey at night. By the way, Ling Yun, I'll leave those skeletons in your charge."

Qin Tian yawned and walked towards the carriage. He didn't sleep all night last night and was very sleepy now.

Ling Yun and others also knew that he was tired and advised him to take a good rest.

Qin Tian entered the carriage, lay down on the bed, and fell asleep quickly.

However, he only slept for an hour before he was awakened by Xiao Jin's voice.

"Host! A flock of birds has been found from the south. They are suspected to be alien space creatures and are approaching here. The birds are moving very fast. It is expected that they will come into contact with the host in one minute!"

Qin Tian shuddered and saw a bird covered in blue feathers with blood-red eyes that looked like a white crane appeared on the blue screen. He immediately got up and ran outside the carriage, where he found Ling Yun commanding the skeletons. While the shelves were being dismantled, Zhang San and Fatty Xu were practicing running in plate armor. Ling Jiao was nowhere to be seen, probably in another carriage.

"A monster is coming! Hide in quickly!!"

Before he could say hello one by one, Qin Tian yelled and directed the skeletons to carry Ling Yun, Zhang San and Fatty Xu into the carriage, and then knocked on Ling Jiao's door himself.


Lingjiao, who was wearing headphones, walked out of the car with a confused look on her face.

"A monster is coming! Don't make any noise!"

Qin Tian roared, pushed Ling Jiao into the carriage, and looked at the skeletons around him.

After Ling Yun's transformation, these skeletons have changed drastically. It is not easy to hide them, but luckily they are in a supermarket.

There were many places to install glass on the second floor of the supermarket, but most of the glass was blocked by shelves. Qin Tian asked the skeletons to hide away from the glass and then entered the carriage.

According to his idea, these monsters were just like the two groups of monsters discovered yesterday, they just happened to pass by.

Unfortunately, there don’t seem to be so many coincidences in this world.

The birds quickly rushed to the vicinity of the supermarket and stopped, circling around the supermarket.

"Host, something is wrong. These strange birds seem to have discovered the location of the host. They are all staying around the supermarket. It feels like they are waiting for something? Host, please be prepared for the worst.\

,"Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned.

Ling Yun saw Qin Tian's expression was wrong and immediately said: "What's wrong?"

"There are a lot of birds with blue feathers coming out. They have been moving around the supermarket, and the situation is not good."

Hearing this, Ling Yun also frowned, while Fatty Xu, Zhang San and the five wounded all looked frightened.

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