End of the World Terminator

Chapter 47 Appearance

Chapter 53 Appearance


The giant wolf howled and shrank back.

Then, a fist made of pure steel suddenly fell.

With a sound of "Bang!", the giant wolf's skull was completely sunk, and its body rolled down.

Two skeletons wearing mechas stood side by side at the top of the stairs. Next to them stood a skeleton holding a large pile of iron spikes.


Qin Tian took a breath and said secretly: "That kind of giant wolf's body is comparable to steel, and it was smashed like that by a punch! This is not something that ordinary skeletons can do, even for E-level superpowers, I'm afraid Can't do it!"

Qin Tian suddenly turned his head and looked at Ling Yun on the fort.

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Qin Tian let out a long breath and turned his attention to the stairs, where he saw another giant wolf rushing up.

And the two skeletons wearing mechas repeated their old tricks, pulling out iron thorns and piercing the eyes of the giant wolf.


The giant wolf was also pierced by the iron thorn, and immediately howled miserably, but continued to move forward, and unexpectedly jumped forward, twisting its body in the air, and collided with it horizontally.

With a sound of "Bang!!", the giant wolf knocked two skeletons wearing mechas to the ground, but was kicked away by the two skeletons the next moment. When they landed, they collapsed on the ground, like a puddle of mud.

However, at this moment, a large group of giant wolves rushed over.

From the stairs, from the walls of the stairs.

With one word, eleven giant wolves rushed forward.

Then, the eleven mecha-clad skeletons guarding the door pounced on him, punching, kicking, or using the metal blades hidden between their fingers.

It didn't take long for the eleven giant wolves to have their skins torn to pieces, howling miserably, and being pushed downstairs again.

The light blue blood dyed the stairs a dark blue.

The mechas on the eleven skeletons were more or less damaged, but their numbers were not reduced.

Qin Tian was secretly speechless.

Then, he saw a bright blue light from the stairs.

"No! It's a thunder power!"

Qin Tian exclaimed as two bolts of thunder rushed out from under the stairs and directly hit the two skeletons guarding the stairs.

"Pah! Pah!" ~ After several sounds, the skeletons hit by lightning took several steps back, their whole bodies shaking like an epilepsy, and the mechas on their bodies quickly turned into charred black.

Qin Tian quickly asked the skeletons also wearing mechas near the two skeletons to disperse.

"Bang! Bah!" Two sounds, and the two skeletons, whose bodies had been scorched black by electricity, fell to the ground.

Then, two giant wolves ran up side by side.

Seeing that something was wrong, Qin Tian quickly jumped out of the carriage, but his body froze the next moment.

The two giant wolves were just standing at the top of the stairs, and when they were looking around, the two skeletons struck by lightning stood up and smashed the brains of the two giant wolves with two punches.


Qin Tian opened his mouth slightly and froze on the spot.

"Lightning strikes may be effective on people, but they have no effect on these skeletons summoned by you. Moreover, the mecha also blocked the impact for them, indirectly weakening the power of the lightning strike."

Ling Yun's voice reached his ears, and there was obviously a lot of pride in it.

Qin Tian swallowed and became excited again.

These mecha-clad skeletons are very strong. With them around, the giant wolf can't charge forward.

Qin Tian let out a breath of relief and smiled. Then, he heard a series of crisp cracking sounds above his head.

"Bang!" ~~ In the sound, countless glass shattered, and a flock of blue birds let out a sharp roar and rushed into the supermarket.

"Third floor?"

The whole supermarket has only three floors. Qin Tian is on the second floor where food is sold, and the third floor is where clothes are sold.

"Strange, why do the birds go to the third floor?!"

Qin Tian looked at Ling Yun.

Ling Yun frowned in thought, then his face changed drastically, and then he shouted: "Zhang San, Fatty Xu, fire upwards immediately!!"

After saying that, Ling Yun suddenly raised the barrel of the gun, pointed it at the roof, and pressed the launch button.

Qin Tian's expression changed drastically, but Xiao Jin's voice sounded in his ears again.

"Host! A very strong wind-type supernatural reaction is detected above the head, and the energy substances in the air undergo strange changes!"

"Warning! The energy substances in the air are being converted into wind powers! Please be careful, host!"

Hearing this, Qin Tian's whole body trembled, and then he looked up.

With a sound of "Bang!!", something transparent flew past the barrels of the three air cannons. The light was distorted and the scene became blurry.

At the same time, the entire roof was torn apart, and endless cyan light fell, like a vortex, completely tearing the wall apart.

"Boom!!"~~With the sound, the entire cyan vortex sank, and finally broke into three parts.

The next moment, countless cyan light dust scattered like snowflakes.

Behind the green whirlpool, nearly a thousand large birds with their mouths wide open were quickly shattered into pieces.

The blue blood just dispersed and evaporated in the light and dust.

Qin Tian, ​​Ling Yun, Fatty Xu and Zhang San all stared blankly at the strange scene in front of them, their mouths wide open for a moment.

"This, what is this?"

Seeing the cyan light dust falling not far above the head, they disappeared one after another.

Qin Tian was full of doubts and said to himself.

"Host, after analysis, it is the wind power that has been compressed to a certain extent and turned into solid dust. Originally, if such a huge wind power fell down, it would have extremely strong attack power. Among all the people, only the host was spared, but for some unknown reason, these wind powers were uncontrollable and decomposed on their own."

"It decomposed on its own? Could it be because it was hit by an air cannon?"

Qin Tian was a little lucky. Although he didn't know what these big birds did to gather such huge wind power, the result of their doing so was undoubtedly a failure.

However, just when Qin Tian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Xiao Jin's voice suddenly became urgent.

"Host! An unknown creature is found approaching! The speed is approaching lightning!"

"Warning! The unknown creature is extremely large, and powerful wind power fluctuations have been detected from its body!"

"Warning! The unknown creature is expected to contact the host within three seconds!"

"one two three!"

As soon as the words fell in his ears, before Qin Tianshang could react, he heard a sharp roar.

After the whistle, there was a loud and harsh words, and every word seemed like nails piercing the ears.

"Human! Human! How dare you harm my Blue Phoenix clan!"

After speaking, a huge bird's beak fell from the sky, piercing the green light in one go.

"All skeletons, listen up, protect others!!"

Qin Tian let out a long roar, and flame armor appeared on his body. He suddenly stood up and rushed towards the bird's beak.

With a sound of "Bang!!", Qin Tian was like a reversing meteor, streaking through the sky with a tail shadow. When it suddenly met the bird's beak, the force of the impact had already distorted the void.

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