Chapter 66 Madness

Dai Kun is a young man in his twenties, but he is crying like a tearful man at this time.

Among the four people watching, Mu Yunfei turned slightly pale, stood up and shouted angrily: "Dai Kun! What nonsense are you talking about? You obviously locked the elevator. I, at most, just made a suggestion."

"Shut up!"

Ling Yun glared at Mu Yunfei with disgust on his face.

Qin Tian immediately directed a skeleton to step forward.

"You, what are you going to do? Uh!~~"

Mu Yunfei, an ordinary person who would be a skeleton opponent, was put to the ground in an instant and his mouth was covered.

Zhang Lan, Li Li and Chen Sheng all looked frightened and took a few steps back.

"You get up first."

Ling Yun's face returned to calmness and he suddenly said to Dai Kun.

Dai Kun looked at the restrained Chen Sheng, his face changed slightly, but he stood up tremblingly and sat back on the bench.

"How many people were on the elevator when you locked it?"

"I'm afraid, it's tens of thousands."

Dai Kun wiped the cold sweat on his head and tears on his face, and his Adam's apple squirmed a few times with difficulty.


"Ah, guilt."

"Are you really guilty?"


"Then if I give you another chance, or rather, if this person named Mu Yunfei hadn't given you this idea, would you still do it?"


Dai Kun was silent for a long time before shaking his head.

"you are lying."

Ling Yun tapped the table with his fingers, looked at Dai Kun with cold eyes, and said: "You know? If you said you would before, then you are an honest person, and I will invite you to my team, but since you said No matter what, I have nothing to say, so you can go."


Dai Kun opened his eyes slightly and was stunned for a while, then said: "Brother, what did you say?"

"I said, let's go."

"No, uncle, I'm telling the truth. I really won't do it again. I'm really an honest person."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Qin Tian and others are completely different from ordinary survivors.

They have a large group of skeletons as servants, and they can walk openly in places where monsters are everywhere.

If he could join them, it would undoubtedly be a hundred times better than hiding in a dark and damp underground warehouse. Dai Kun's eyes turned red, and he knelt down again, then moved towards Ling Jiao, Qin Tian and Ling Yun on his knees.

"Just leave if I tell you to."

Qin Tian angrily asked the two skeletons to come forward and drag Dai Kun away.

"I am honest, I am really honest, uncle, believe me!"~

Dai Kun danced and shouted loudly while being dragged away, but was eventually dragged back to the warehouse.

Mu Yunfei, Chen Sheng, Zhang Lan and Li Li were also "invited" away.

"Brother, what if this person is telling the truth?"

After Dai Kun was dragged away, Ling Jiao suddenly said.

"Sister, in that kind of situation, how can one care about others and save one's life is the most normal thing."

After a pause, Ling Yun continued: "Moreover, if he is really telling the truth, it means that he has changed from a normal person to a selfless good person who does not care about the danger to himself and his companions. This kind of person is even more unacceptable. ”

Hearing this, Ling Jiao pursed her lips slightly and said, "Brother, why didn't you ask about the corpse just now?"

"This guy locked the elevator. He must have never gone up there again. How could he know where those bodies were?"

Ling Yun shook his head and said helplessly.

Qin Tian yawned.

"Oh, Ling Yun, it seems there is no suitable candidate here. Can you make my clothes first?"

A sinister smile appeared on Qin Tian's face, and he said: "I have thought about it. As long as I am isolated from the chewing spirit's tracking of me, it will definitely come to investigate. When the time comes, haha, I will definitely let it come back!"

Hearing this, Ling Yun nodded silently and said: "This matter is indeed urgent and must be done as soon as possible, but among the materials required for that kind of clothing, diving suits are not so easy to find."

Hearing this, Qin Tian smiled confidently and immediately asked secretly: "Xiao Jin, scan the area nearby for me to see if there is a diving suit? Or a space suit, too."

"Yes, the scan has started. The scan has ended. Host, there is nothing you want within a kilometer radius."

".Look for it again."

"Scan again. Scan ends again, still nothing."

Qin Tian was speechless for a moment, then said to Ling Yun: "Does it have to be a diving suit? Can it be replaced by other clothes?"

Hearing this, Ling Yun was silent for a moment and said: "Yes, but at least it can isolate the water. How about you find some rubber raincoats. However, it is not certain whether you can deceive the monster chewing spirit."

"You have to try it to know whether you can cheat or not."

Qin Tian's eyes lit up and he immediately asked Xiao Jin to scan the surrounding area. Diving suits were hard to find, but there were plenty of raincoats.

Soon, he directed the skeletons to collect hundreds of raincoats from outside, and also brought sewing machines, helmets, scissors, and small iron rings.

As soon as the things arrived, Ling Yun didn't waste any time and started mending them in front of the table by the light of the car's headlights.

Qin Tian was afraid that Ling Yun would be cold, so he got an iron bucket next to him and lit dry firewood in it.

Then, Qin Tian and Ling Jiao sat down next to another fire barrel, cracking melon seeds and peanuts while warming themselves.

"You are so kind to my brother."

After a period of silence, Ling Jiao suddenly said.

"Yeah, brother."

Qin Tian nodded and stuffed a few peanuts into his mouth. The fire shone on him, making him reluctant to move.

"Hey, why do you always say that my brother and you are brothers?"

Ling Jiao looked puzzled and said suddenly.

"We are brothers to begin with."

Qin Tian took out a bag of spicy sausage from a pile of snacks and chewed it until his mouth was full of oil.


Ling Jiao suddenly opened her eyes, looked at Qin Tian carefully, and then said: "I said, you are not my brother's long-lost brother, are you?"


Qin Tian directly spat out the chewed sausage, coughed a few more times, and then said to Ling Jiao, "Why do you think so?"

"Hey! This can explain it. If it weren't for you along the way, my brother might have died several times. And you have always been loyal to my brother. This is beyond the feelings of ordinary friends, okay? ?Except for brotherhood, I really can’t think of any other explanation.”

The more Ling Jiao thought about it, the more she realized that this was the case, but she suddenly thought that if Qin Tianzhen was Ling Yun's brother, wouldn't he also be her brother?

For some reason, an indescribable emotion began to ripple in Ling Jiao's heart, making Ling Jiao feel uneasy about this matter.

"You are wrong. Ling Yun is right there. I can ask the skeleton to carry the machine over now, and we will do a DNA test immediately."

Qin Tian didn't know that Xiao Jiujiu was in Ling Jiao's heart, but he just vowed to do so.

Hearing this, Ling Jiao felt relieved and a little surprised in her heart.

At this moment, Fatty Xu's screams suddenly rang out from inside the jeep. Qin Tian was slightly startled, and rushed forward with a single step. He saw Fatty Xu being held down under the seat by Zhang San inside the jeep, with his neck being pinned down by others. Squeeze tightly.

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