Chapter 890 Plan

"Mr. Qin, what you just used is comparable to a combat skill?"

Xie Chunqiu said very surprised.

Zhan Feng Ruyun also looked shocked and said: "The power of the light and fire is really too strong."

Forwards Tenglong and Wu Changyue both looked shocked.

Qin Tian looked at the four people, was silent for a moment, and then raised the corners of his mouth.

The power of this kind of light and fire is indeed very powerful, even comparable to his combat skills.

What's even more amazing is that Qin Tian didn't consume too much power at all.

"This kind of light and fire is the result of the fusion of my powers."

Qin Tian paused and then said, "Do you think my situation is abnormal?"

Hearing this, Xie Chunqiu, Slaying Feng Ruyun, the forwards Tenglong and Wu Changyue looked at each other. After a moment of silence, Xie Chunqiu was the first to stand up and said: "Mr. Qin, this is the first time we have seen you in this situation. arrive."

"However, the soul in your body is very different from ordinary people, and some changes are considered normal."


Qin Tian nodded, then asked no more questions, said a few words to the four of them, and then returned to Mount Emei.

He originally wanted to teleport home directly, but Xie Chunqiu pulled him into the cave.

"Mr. Qin, this is a detailed explanation of the magic sealing formation."

Xie Chunqiu placed a stack of drawings in front of Qin Tian and said.

Qin Tian frowned slightly, looked at the drawings filled with runes, and said in surprise: "How come you have this thing?"

"My ancestor gave it to my disciple, Zhuge Qin Demon, before he died. Only recently did Zhuge Qin Demon give it to me."

Xie Chunqiu said respectfully.

Qin Tian was speechless at that time.

"You mean, Zhuge Qinmo already knew about Ling Yun's plan?"

"No, he shouldn't know."

Xie Chunqiu shook his head and said: "I asked Zhuge Qinmo, and the original words our ancestors gave to Zhuge Qinmo were to ask him to take out the blueprint only when the sky was dyed blood-red."

Hearing this, Qin Tian pursed his lips, sighed, and said, "What's the purpose of Ling Yun giving me this blueprint?"

"It is said that the ancestors believe that Mr. Qin should be able to see from this drawing where the eye of the Demon Sealing Formation is located. If the eye of the Demon Sealing Formation is destroyed, it means that the Demon Sealing Formation will soon lose its effectiveness."

Hearing this, Qin Tian's face immediately showed a look of solemnity, he carefully picked up the drawing, and then said: "With this demon-sealing formation, it is impossible to trap Yi forever, but does Ling Yun want me to reinforce the formation?" Eye? Delay the time for Yi to break out of the formation?"


Xie Chunqiu shook his head and said: "The ancestors probably wanted to let Mr. Qin complete the battle to reach the sky while Yi's abilities are still partially imprisoned before the demon sealing formation is completely destroyed."

Hearing this, Qin Tian nodded solemnly and said: "I understand. I will tell you after I see the formation points of the formation. When the time comes, I will ask you to help me guard some formation points."


Qin Tian immediately walked behind the cave entrance and teleported to his home. He chatted with Xi Yan, Huang Ling and others for a while, then looked at Qin Gen and Qin Yun, and then teleported outside the fortress.

He flew to the spiritual tree, sat down cross-legged, and looked at the drawing in his hand with the blood light falling from the sky.

Thousands of years ago, when he was following Gu, his cultivation had stagnated due to lack of talent, so he studied formations, hoping to gain some attainments in formations.

However, his talent in formations was still poor, and what he learned was far different from his senior brothers.

But at this time, his understanding of the battle method was much better than that of Xie Chunqiu and others.

After all, he had been personally guided by Gu.

"This formation diagram is so complicated."

Qin Tian frowned slightly, and after looking at it carefully, he covered his forehead in thought.

He read it several times in a row, reading every rune on the drawing and pondering it silently.

Time passes unconsciously.

In the blood-colored sky, the glimmer of morning light soon lit up.

Qin Tian, ​​who had been sitting there all night, suddenly raised his head and looked towards the north.

"Prairie? No, Siberia?"

Qin Tianxu raised his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The next moment, he put away the drawings and teleported to the control room.

"System, what's going on now?"

Qin Tian walked to the high platform and said directly to the huge screen.

"Didi, the monsters everywhere have receded."


Qin Tian took out a spiritual fruit from his self-made space, chewed it, and then said: "Gather everyone to come and discuss matters."


Everyone arrived quickly.

Qin Tian smiled at the people under the high platform and said: "Starting today, we will march south."

"Zhang Fengtian, take No. 1 Gaoshan and stay here."


"Li Xuanyuan, Xu Qiming, you go south with me. After we drive out all the monsters in the south, we will attack westward and strive to unify the country in the shortest time."

After a pause, Qin Tian added: "In addition, I will go north and recover part of the territory in the north, Outer Mongolia and Russia first."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Qin Junjie stood up first and said, "Commander Qin, do you want the oil and gas resources in Siberia?"

"Actually, our current resources are completely sufficient. Moreover, the north is sparsely populated, has vast land, but has a harsh environment. It is not as mountainous and densely populated as the south."

"And if we want to complete the great cause of restoring the human race, we need to grow rapidly. Going north is probably not as good as going south."


Qin Tian chuckled lightly and said, "Go north first, then go south. There is something to the north."

"Let's not talk about going north now. We must first consider recovering the whole country. We still follow the old rules and build fortresses in the mountains, and build fortresses and watchtowers everywhere."

"It's just that, in order to improve efficiency and time, I plan to launch a large army and have the army cross the river with the fortress. After driving away the monsters in the aerial fortress, I will send out practitioners who know formations, as well as workers who know how to build fortresses, and scientific research teams , and let some of the troops organize the survivors to build forts in the mountains, and we can just leave some supplies, so that we will definitely regain our territory much faster."

Hearing this, everyone was silent.

After a period of silence, Zhang Fengcai stood up and said: "Commander Qin, it usually takes three months or even three months to build an aerial fortress, even if you have sufficient manpower, materials, and people with previous construction experience. If it is left to the army and the survivors, it will probably take even longer."

"I know that when we regain the country, I will send special personnel to various places to help with construction."

Qin Tian let out a long breath and said: "Moreover, we can let the cultivators draw the blind formation on the mountain first, get the people to the mountain, and then the construction will be done slowly."

"The top priority is to speed up. This magic formation may not last long."

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