End of the World Terminator

Chapter 83 Weirdness

Chapter 90 Weirdness

"There are monsters outside. We are here to take shelter for a while. We have no intention of harming you. We just strike first to avoid unnecessary conflicts."

Ling Yun looked at the white-faced man, his eyes suddenly became very deep.


The white-faced man said concisely.

"Name, age, blood type, ancestral home."

Ling Yun said suddenly.

Qin Tian, ​​who was standing by, was a little surprised. He didn't understand why Ling Yun suddenly asked this.

The white-faced man was even more surprised. He narrowed his eyes and then remained silent, as if he didn't want to answer.

"You are a smart person. Smart people want to have the initiative in speaking. But now I am a knife and you are a fish. I advise you not to be smart but to be misled by your cleverness. It is best to tell the truth."

Ling Yun's face turned cold as he shouted: "Name, age, blood type, ancestral home!"

The white-faced man's body trembled slightly, and after a while, he sighed quietly.

"Chen Yu, 25 years old, blood type B, originally from Shanxi."

"Original job, why did you come to Kyoto?"

"Come and help my uncle manage the supermarket and do some barbecue business in the countryside."

"Who else is at home?"

"There is an old mother and some relatives in my hometown. I don't know their situation now."

Chen Yu sighed, his face full of sadness.

"Okay, tell me more about the monster."

Ling Yun's face was expressionless, but his eyes kept observing the changes in Chen Yu's face.

Chen Yu glanced at Ling Yun with fear and said, "That kind of monster appeared not long ago. I don't know the specific time. The battery in the cellar supplies the light, and the mobile phone has long been out of power. When that kind of monster appeared, , my uncle happened to go to the county to purchase goods, and I was the only one watching the whole supermarket. Everyone here was in the supermarket at the time, and I was the first to realize that something was wrong, so I brought them here."

"How do those monsters kill people?"

"They don't just kill people, they also eat people."

Chen Yu and the other fourteen people had a look of fear on their faces, and Chen Yu was even more trembling as he said: "I personally saw several monsters throwing three people to the ground outside the supermarket, and then directly dismembering them. Swallow it into your stomach.”

Unable to help themselves, Fatty Xu, Zhou Lili, and Zhou Yunjia all swallowed their saliva. Ling Jiao walked to Qin Tian and suddenly grabbed Qin Tian's arm.

"Hehe, hehe~."

Only Zhang San can still laugh silly.

Qin Tian looked at Ling Jiao, who looked frightened, and then at Zhang San, who was heartless. He sighed lightly and said directly to Chen Yu: "What method did those monsters use to knock people down? Did they directly use brutal force to knock people down?" Strength?"

Chen Yu was stunned for a moment and nodded: "Yes, uh, those monsters can also spray a green liquid from their hands. I saw with my own eyes that when the liquid came into contact with a strong man, the man's skin began to ulcerate. "


Qin Tian waved his hand, and the fifteen skeletons loosened their grip on the fifteen people.

"We will only stay here for a few days, and I will collect your weapons for the time being."

Qin Tian glanced at the fifteen people, then asked the skeletons to pick up the earthen guns and sticks and come behind him.

Ling Yun looked at the trembling Ling Jiao, and without saying anything, he walked to Qin Tian, ​​pulled Qin Tian aside, and whispered: "There may be something wrong with these people."

"I know, especially that Chen Yu."

Qin Tian nodded and said: "Since his ancestral home is Shanxi, he traveled thousands of miles to the outskirts of Kyoto just to show his uncle the supermarket? Huh, what a joke."

Hearing this, Ling Yun smiled slightly and said: "Such a despicable lie seems to be full of loopholes, but in fact, he can find all kinds of excuses to justify it. This guy is smooth and smart."

After a pause, Ling Yun continued: "But it is also very dangerous. Such a person is not suitable as a companion, but as a member of the human resistance army, it is okay, even if he is a heinous villain and brings disasters. Those monsters, but in order to form a human resistance and establish a living base, the monsters must be defeated first.”

Hearing this, Qin Tian nodded, remained silent for a while, and then said: "In this case, I will leave twenty skeletons for you. You stay here, and I will take some skeletons outside to see with your own eyes the actual combat power of those monsters. How it is."

Just relying on Xiaojin's test, we can only estimate the approximate combat power of those monsters, which is far from what we can see clearly with our eyes.

Moreover, Qin Tian also had to see with his own eyes whether these monsters would organize battles and what kind of battle methods they were accustomed to adopt.

In addition, Qin Tian also hopes to find the king of monsters by taking advantage of the opportunity, so he feels confident.

"be careful."

Ling Yun looked at the fifteen people who were still silent after being released by the skeleton, and then said to Qin Tian with a worried look on his face: "Don't take action rashly until the situation is clear."


Qin Tian smiled and nodded, then jumped up.

Pushing away the tiles, he came to the yard. Qin Tian secretly felt that after these few days of rest, his body's superpowers had recovered to about 70%. He immediately summoned more than a hundred skeletons, and then secretly said: "Xiao Jin, detect the one closest to here." Monster location.”

"Yes, the scan has started. After the scan is completed, host, there are three monsters running towards here from the east. They will arrive at the entrance of the supermarket in about ten minutes."

"Oh, did you notice some movement? Your senses are quite sharp."

Qin Tian jumped up and ran to the beams of the building. He put his hands on his forehead and looked towards the east.

The surrounding terrain became flat. With his extraordinary eyesight, Qin Tian was able to see far away, and soon saw three monsters with fat bodies, like mountains of flesh, using their hands and feet to move towards the building where he was like a gorilla. Come running.

Except for their skin, body shape, and those black fingers, these monsters are really similar to humans. They all have human-like faces.

Qin Tian gathered the flaming bow, took aim, and then lowered the flaming bow with a sneer on his face.


Qin Tian thought to himself.

The three skeletons immediately ran out of the courtyard first, rushing straight towards the approaching monster.

The skeleton and the monster met in the fields and immediately threw themselves at each other.

At first, the monsters seemed to be surprised. Each one of them tentatively sprayed green liquid at the skeleton. After discovering that the liquid had no effect on the steel-hard skeleton, they used brute force again and quickly occupied it. Upside.

Qin Tian could clearly see from the roof that the three-headed monsters quickly pressed the three skeletons to the ground and easily tore off their heads.

"Is the combat power of a single entity overwhelming to skeletons? Let's see if they have team awareness."

Qin Tian's face slightly condensed, and with a thought, twenty skeletons immediately jumped out of the wall and ran towards the three-headed monster.

But at this time, the three skeleton monsters were eliminated, but they did not move forward rashly. Instead, they were whispering to each other on the spot, as if they were having a conversation.

The distance was quite far, and Qin Tian could only hear some "humming" sounds with his extraordinary hearing, but this was enough to surprise him.

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