End of the World Terminator

Chapter 846 Strange

Chapter 921 Weird

When entering the virtual space, Qin Tian saw Yi again.

Yi was dressed in white, holding a silver sword in his hand, and stood in nothingness with a numb expression on his face.

"Huh~, keep going."

Qin Tian tightened his grip on the Sky-Breaking Hammer and rushed towards Yi.

This time, the situation was better than before. Qin Tian persisted for ten rounds before his consciousness returned to his body.

"No, come again!"

Qin Tian opened his eyes suddenly, very annoyed, shouted angrily, and then closed his eyes again.

For the next eight hours, he kept competing with the virtual Yi in the virtual arena, but never won once, but he persisted for longer and longer.

The last time, he fought with the opponent in the virtual arena for a full hour before he was accidentally stabbed by his sword.


After his consciousness returned to his body, Qin Tian let out a long sigh, but found that the sky had brightened up. Although he was a little unwilling, he could only temporarily stop fighting with the virtual Yi.

The spiritual tree stretched out its branches and handed one or two branches to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian took the spiritual fruit from the branch, ate it in several mouthfuls, and thought quietly for a while, then secretly said: "Xiao Jin, summarize my performance and give me a battle plan."

"Yes, collect data... Data collection and completion, start analysis... Analysis completed, host, your performance has improved a lot compared to the beginning. Xiao Jin feels that you have reached the limit of this stage, but the other party is really It’s so amazing. The use of laws, combined with combat skills and formations, whether it’s defense or attack, can be said to be invulnerable.”

"Host, you have to fight with it. Xiao Jin feels that this is definitely not a wise move, but at this time the host is inevitably his enemy. When fighting with him, the host should be prepared to fight desperately. .”


Qin Tian twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "What do you mean by fighting for your life? Please make it clear."

"He just has the attitude of sacrificing his life and always plans to die with the other party."

Xiao Jin's voice paused before continuing: "Actually, Xiao Jin feels that even if the host gives up his life, the chance of winning is not great."

"I go."

Qin Tian was speechless. He raised his head and looked at the bloody sky. He was suddenly anxious, but he couldn't think about it. He could only sigh lightly and teleported to the Emei Mountain control room.

"Commander Qin!"

Wang Haotian, who had stayed in the control room all night, and his eyes were scarlet red, immediately saluted Qin Tian and said.

"How is the situation at Zhang Fengtian's place?"

Qin Tian walked straight through Wang Haotian's body, looked up at the huge screen, and asked.

"The situation in the United Empire has stabilized. Most of the rebels in various places have been destroyed. The few remaining are still resisting, but they can't cause too much trouble."

Although Wang Haotian looked tired, he looked very excited and said: "Furthermore, according to the news from Zhang Fengtian, although the leaders of the rebels have tried to contact the Wanzu, the Wanzu is now leaderless and has no time to take care of itself. There is no time to take care of them.”

"Oh, this is really a very happy thing."

A smile appeared on Qin Tian's face, and he waved his hand: "Go down first and have a good rest."


Wang Haotian retreated.

Qin Tianze picked up a cigar while staring at the screen.

The number of squares on the screen is increasing, and new surveillance systems are being installed all over the country.

Through the pictures in these squares, Qin Tian could clearly see the situation in various places, including Xu Qiming, who was leading people to build flight facilities, and Zhang Fengtian, who was busy correcting documents.

According to Qin Tian's plan, everything is going smoothly.

In the United Empire, Zhang Fengtian showed great ability. A leadership team has been established, with foreigners of various colors implementing rule over the United Empire, with a population of more than 10 billion.

As for Xu Qiming, the construction of the air fortress was very fast, and each aircraft was built very quickly. It is expected that it will be completed in one week.

Seeing that his subordinates were all so capable, Qin Tian was excited but also felt bored.

He felt the need to find something to do.

"System, how are the monsters wandering around China doing now?"

"Didi, according to the latest news from the drone, these monsters are escaping in a hurry. The kings of monsters have disappeared. The ordinary monsters are in chaos, and there are even internal fights between monsters."


Qin Tian pursed his lips.

If there was a king of monsters, he wouldn't mind stretching his muscles, but with a group of ordinary monsters, he really couldn't exert much energy.

So, he could only smoke a cigar in boredom and look at the screen.

This state lasted for two hours, and electronic sound suddenly sounded from the control room.

"Didi, there is news from Zhang Fengtian that there is an abnormality in Mount Olympus in Europe."


Qin Tian frowned slightly and said, "What's going on? Call Zhang Fengtian immediately."


Zhang Fengtian's figure immediately appeared on the huge screen.

"Commander Qin!"

Zhang Fengtian saluted Qin Tian across the screen.

"Lao Zhang, what's going on?"

Qin Tian asked directly.

"Last night, just as we were putting down the rebellion, a large number of monster kings gathered on Mount Olympus."

Zhang Fengtian showed an uneasy look on his face, and said in a rather serious tone: "And today, Mount Olympus disappeared."

"What do you mean, the mountain disappeared?"

Qin Tian raised his eyebrows and asked, "What happened?"

"Commander Qin, according to Senior Wuchang, this should be some kind of blinding formation, and this formation must have been set up by many powerful people together. It is very stable. Even Senior Wuchang cannot break it in a short time."


Qin Tian was suddenly a little surprised and said: "My head, those rebels suddenly attacked the nuclear arsenal last night. Could it be that they wanted to attract our attention? Could it be that these rebels have already contacted all races."

"Could it be that the actions taken by the rebels yesterday were just a show?"

Hearing this, Zhang Fengtian fell silent.

After a while, Zhang Fengcai nodded with a heavy face.

"Maybe that's true."

After a pause, Zhang Fengtian suddenly sighed and said, "Commander Qin, there must be a conspiracy in this matter. Something must be happening on Mount Olympus?"

"Well, send me the location of Mount Olympus and I'll go take a look."


Soon, a holographic map appeared on the screen. Qin Tian looked at the location marked with a red dot on the map and immediately wanted to teleport there, but soon discovered that he could not teleport.

“Do these domestic fires confine the space?”

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