Chapter 92 News

Qin Tian had been directing the skeletons to fight since the morning, and he didn't even have time to drink a sip of water. At this moment, when he saw the corn rolling in the water, he suddenly felt hungry and thirsty.

"Eat something first."

Ling Yun seemed to sense Qin Tian's state, scooped out a piece of corn with a wooden spoon and handed it to Qin Tian. Qin Tian was not afraid of burning it, so he grabbed it and started to chew it.

"Everyone, let's eat too."

Ling Yun smiled slightly, and Ling Jiao and others eagerly took out the corn from the pot with wooden spoons.

Ling Yun personally fished three corns for Zhang San and let the skeleton feed them slowly, then suddenly looked at Chen Yu and others who were staring blankly at the side.

"Bring them some food too."

Ling Yun waved and asked fifteen skeletons to come over holding fifteen large bowls. They fished out a lot of corn and gave a lot to Chen Yu and others.

After everyone ate for a while, Qin Tian looked at the small gas tank standing next to the pot with some confusion and said, "Is there still gas stored in this cellar?"


Ling Yun chuckled lightly and said: "This is a good place. Not only does it have water, but it also has a sewer that serves as a toilet. It is also connected to biogas. This gas tank is filled with biogas."


Qin Tian was a little surprised. He looked around and saw that part of the bamboo basket had been removed, revealing a corner.

In that corner, there was a pool, a manhole cover and a blocked metal pipe.

"I'm surprised. I've already seen it. The manhole cover is connected to the biogas tank. It was obviously dug not long ago, and the metal pipe was also connected later. These people dare to do this under the eyes of those monsters. remarkably brave."

Ling Yun smiled slightly at Qin Tian and glanced at Chen Yu and others with admiration.

Qin Tian was slightly stunned, and then said to Chen Yu and others: "There is water, food and methane gas. Ha, you are living a good life."

Hearing this, Chen Yu and others were silent for a while, and many people had panic expressions on their faces.

"Don't be nervous, we are not interested in your nest."

As if seeing the uneasiness of Chen Yu and others, Ling Yun pushed up his glasses and said expressionlessly.

Then, Ling Yun looked at Qin Tian who was fishing for corn.

"How's the situation outside?"

"Sir, I commanded the skeletons to fight with those monsters and killed more than three hundred of them."

Qin Tian picked up the corn and began to chew it wildly. The juice flew everywhere for a while.


Beside, Chen Yu and others were eating corn, and there were a few light coughs.

Chen Yu, who was chewing slowly, choked and kept beating his chest.

Ling Yun looked at Chen Yu, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said to Qin Tian: "Has the king among those monsters come out?"

"No, if there were, they certainly wouldn't kill so many."

Qin Tian threw the gnawed corn cobs aside, took out a few potatoes from the pot, and ate them slowly.

"You have killed more than three hundred monsters, and the movement is not small. Their king has not appeared yet. It's strange."

Ling Yun frowned slightly and began to think deeply.

"Oh, what the heck, I'll send some skeletons over later to check where this little turtle is hiding, a thousand meters away."

Qin Tian finished eating a few potatoes, took another mouthful of hot soup, touched his stomach, and burped with satisfaction.

Ling Yun nodded slightly and said: "Only by finding the king of that monster can we find out its characteristics, strength, and weaknesses. Of course, if it is too powerful, we can only avoid it. "


Qin Tian chuckled softly, looked around again, and found many rags piled up in the corner, and immediately pursed his lips with disdain.

Then, Qin Tian immediately directed the ten skeletons guarding the building to go to the nearest residence and majestically bring in a two-meter-long sofa.

Almost all the monsters within a kilometer radius are dead, and Xiao Jin is monitoring the remaining monsters at all times. Even if the skeletons are walking on the road carrying a sofa, they don't worry about being discovered.

Asking the skeletons to clear the middle of the cellar and put a sofa on it, Qin Tian sat down on the sofa and rested.

Ling Yun, Ling Jiao, Fatty Xu, Zhou Lili, Zhou Yunjia and even Zhang San all sat on the sofa thanks to Qin Tian.

And just when Qin Tian was relaxing and resting, Chen Yu suddenly walked over on his own initiative.

"That big brother."

Chen Yu seemed a little nervous. Although he was standing in front of Ling Yun, his eyes kept looking at Qin Tian.


Ling Yun looked at Chen Yu expressionlessly.

Chen Yu's body trembled slightly and said, "I just listened to the two elder brothers talking. I have some information here that the two elder brothers may need."

Hearing this, Ling Yun and Qin Tian looked at each other and raised their hands to push up the glasses on the bridge of their noses.


"I may have seen the king among the monsters you mentioned."

There was a hint of fear on Chen Yu's face, his eyes always wandering between Qin Tian and Ling Yun.


Qin Tian's eyes brightened slightly, and he suddenly became interested. He wanted to speak immediately, but looked at Ling Yun and finally closed his mouth.

Ling Yun was silent for a while and then said: "Tell me about the situation."

"In order to dig sewers, I took my companions to the supermarket to pick up tools. It was around three o'clock in the morning. We carefully opened the back door and took what we needed from the supermarket. Just as we were leaving, I ventured towards the wall. The outside probe observed the environment."

Chen Yu paused, and his body suddenly trembled. After a while, he said in a tone full of fear: "I saw a very strange back figure. There were fire lights on the head and shoulders of the back figure, so even in the At night, I could see clearly. It was a huge figure, at least five meters tall. The figure's limbs and body were very similar to those of a human being. Its whole body was covered with monster-like pink skin and was covered with... Brown bumps, but not as bloated as other monsters.”

"I watched the figure walking towards the distance, each step making a loud thud on the ground, and quickly disappeared into the darkness. The next day I took the risk to look again, but where the figure passed by, I saw something Rows of charred footprints as huge as footballs."

After Chen Yu finished speaking, the panic in his eyes did not fade away, and his body was still trembling.

Qin Tian frowned, his face serious.

Ling Yun nodded to Chen Yu expressionlessly.

"I know everything, you go down."

Hearing this, Chen Yu suddenly showed hesitation on his face, and then said with some excitement: "Two eldest brothers, are you trying to deal with that monster? Where are you from? Are you sent by the country?"

"These are none of your business, get down."

Ling Yun waved his hand, Chen Yu's body trembled slightly, a trace of unwillingness appeared on his face, and he slowly stepped back.

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