The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Jiang Fan came to the 28th floor and walked down the stairs to avoid exposing his ability to walk through walls.

The survivors took a few steps back when they saw Jiang Fan.

Several old people looked at Old Lady Xu.

Although Old Lady Xu was talking excitedly just now, she was a little scared when she saw Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan knocked on the door of Li Qingquan’s house without even looking at her.

After a while, Li Qingquan walked to the peephole and was surprised to find that it was Jiang Fan, and his scalp tightened.

“Did I offend him?”

Li Qingquan was very nervous.

Jiang Fan had come to the door, so he could only open the door and said calmly:

“Jiang… Building Manager, what do you want?”

“See your patient.” Jiang Fan walked into the room.

Li Qingquan did not dare to stop him and closed the door behind him.

The injured man stood up involuntarily.

Jiang Fan looked at the wound on his face carefully and asked:

“Doctor Li, can you cure it?”

Li Qingquan found that Jiang Fan did not seem to have any ill intentions, and he breathed a sigh of relief and sighed:

“The chance is not big, there is too little medicine.”

He wanted to ask Jiang Fan if he had any medicine, but he did not dare to speak.

Jiang Fan did not comment:

“Let me see the medicine you use.”

Li Qingquan took out the remaining pine needles.

Jiang Fan did not understand Chinese medicine, but he also knew that a doctor was still very useful.

Especially Chinese medicine.

Unlike Western medicine, Western medicine is almost useless without modern pharmaceutical technology.

Traditional Chinese medicine is full of herbal medicine.

However, Jiang Fan was not sure how much the herbal knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine could play in this era of rapid mutation of plants and animals.

It was better to have it than not to have it.

Jiang Fan asked again:

“Last time I saw you selling a very smelly vegetable?”

Li Qingquan nodded:

“The mutated shepherd’s purse is very smelly, and it smells even worse when cooked, but it is indeed edible and seems to be very nutritious. These days, my staple food is this shepherd’s purse. Unfortunately, there is no natural gas now, so I can’t cook it. I dare not eat it raw, alas.”

Li Qingquan felt very sorry.

Jiang Fan asked Li Qingquan to take some out.

A stench like a dry toilet hit Jiang Fan in the face, and he almost vomited out the overnight meal.

Li Qingquan looked calm.

The injured man said expectantly:

“Is this edible?”

Li Qingquan nodded:

“Yes! I eat this every day, and there is nothing else to eat at home.”

The injured man looked at Li Qingquan, whose face was flushed, and said pitifully:

“Can you give me something to eat?”

“Raw, do you dare to eat it?”

“I dare to eat it! Anyway, I won’t live for a few days, at least I can be a full ghost!”

The injured man is a bachelor.

Li Qingquan took out a large bowl of raw shepherd’s purse and placed it in front of the injured man:

“Just picked it yesterday, this kind of shepherd’s purse is very special, it can be stored for three days without corruption.”

“Ugh~” The injured man smelled the smell and couldn’t help but feel nauseous.

Jiang Fan looked at the injured man speechlessly.

You can eat this thing too?

He admired Li Qingquan very much. How did you find out that this thing was edible?

Then, the injured man picked up a little and tried it:


This kind of shepherd’s purse, when eaten in the mouth, is mushy, just like diarrhea feces.

Coupled with the stench, the taste is simply devastating.

The injured man vomited while eating, and could not continue after barely eating half a bowl.

He was completely exhausted, slumped in the chair, staring at the ceiling blankly, and retching from time to time.

Li Qingquan smiled and said:

“You are very good. I couldn’t stand it after eating only 2 for the first time. In fact, as long as you eat it every day, you will get used to it. If there is water and gas, you can also drink the soup. Although the taste… well, it is very nutritious.”

Shit-smelling soup?

Jiang Fan was speechless.

This old man is a real warrior!

The injured man waved his hands weakly and said:

“Kill me, I will never eat again even if I die! Ugh~”

Jiang Fan laughed:

“Record his condition carefully, I want to know if the herbs work.”

Li Qingquan vaguely felt that his chance had come:


After waiting for 2 hours, Jiang Fan came back again, and the wound of the injured man had actually scarred.

Moreover, in Jiang Fan’s perception, the brightness of the light on the injured man’s body began to stabilize.

The injured man also felt his own changes and said happily:

“Doctor Li, my face doesn’t seem to hurt anymore?”

Li Qingquan carefully checked it and sighed:

“I didn’t expect it, Song

After the tree mutated, the effect was much better than before. Perhaps, this evolution may be an opportunity for mankind. You are lucky, go back and rest. ”

The injured man left happily.

Jiang Fan was also very satisfied.

This Li Qingquan is really good.

In this case, Jiang Fan decided to help him.

Jiang Fan said:

“In the future, I will give you food every day. Do you want it?”

Li Qingquan was stunned for a moment, his eyes fixed on the instant noodles.

He is also a normal person.

Who would eat a shit-smelling feast when there is a normal meal to eat.

Li Qingquan is in his 50s and has long known that there is no kindness without reason in the world. He asked cautiously:

“What do I need to do?”

Jiang Fan is very satisfied with this rational person. Only rationality will not do unpredictable things:

“If my woman is sick, you will be responsible for the treatment. There will be rewards for curing her, and no punishment for not curing her. How about it? ”

Li Qingquan was tempted.

To put it bluntly, this was to be Jiang Fan’s private family doctor.

Li Qingquan was never a pedantic person:


Li Qingquan decided to move on the spot.

The valuables in his house were all solid wood furniture, which could not be taken away, so he could leave at any time.

His wife died early, and he only had a son and a granddaughter in the next city. After the red fog descended, he could not contact them.

Li Qingquan brought some clothes and a medicine box, which contained simple medical equipment such as silver needles, medicine scales, alcohol, iodine, etc.

Jiang Fan took Li Qingquan upstairs.

Everyone in the corridor saw it and envied it.

Old Lady Xu became more and more angry.

Last time, her grandson died because Li Qingquan, the old man, refused to treat him!

Today, Li Qingquan cured another bastard who had a fight with her.

“You old man, you are deliberately going against me! ”

Now, no one else can go upstairs, only Li Qingquan can go upstairs, which makes her feel even more unbalanced.


Jiang Fan took Li Qingquan to the 28th floor and found a house farthest from Zhang Yinuo’s house.

Jiang Fan was very cautious and would never let Li Qingquan live on the 32nd floor.

Li Qingquan was entangled:

“I live here? How to open the door?”

Jiang Fan stretched out his hand, his arm passed through the security door, and then his fingers returned to normal and easily turned the door lock.


The door opened.

Jiang Fan became more and more proficient in the use of virtualization, and could skillfully control the virtualization of local limbs.

Li Qingquan was surprised:

“Is this a superpower? It’s amazing!”

Jiang Fan said without comment:

“I will come to you if there is something, don’t go out if there is nothing, it’s very chaotic now. I will ask someone to send you food immediately. ”

Jiang Fan didn’t trust Li Qingquan very much and would not show too much ability in front of him.

Jiang Fan returned home and took out a box of instant noodles, a large bag of ham sausage, and a box of purified water:

“Xu Mengqian, Liu Mengyao, you take the things to Room 2809 and give them to Dr. Li Qingquan. ”

The two girls were a little afraid to go out, but they were even more afraid to refuse Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan was not worried. He could monitor the entire building in his perception. There was no danger above the 5th floor for the time being.

It was different below the 5th floor.

Overnight, the land that had been cleared by the herbicide grew more lush plants again, and various insects, ants and rats shuttled around.

The short safe time to go out was over, and everyone was trapped in the building again.

Even the building was not safe. The lower floors were crawling with mutant rats, mutant cockroaches, and mutant mosquitoes that appeared from time to time. If you were bitten, you could only pray for good luck.

In addition, in the drain pipe, a strange creature similar to a giant earthworm appeared.

They walked through the sewage pipe disgustingly, but the brightness of their bodies was very low, and they did not seem to be a big threat.


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