The more you look at the more you want, the more you will be able to see.

Jia Mengxuan was stumped by the question, scratched his head and asked:

“Hu Lei, which ones are they?”

Hu Lei smiled and said:

“This is the classification made by Academician Wang of the base based on the external manifestations of the abilities after analyzing a large number of abilities.”

“There are six types in total, elemental, ice, fire, electricity and other abilities.”

“Self-body, which is also the most common, for various enhancements of one’s own body.”

“External objects, can affect organisms and substances outside the body.”

“Space, very rare, related to space.”

“Spirit, mental, consciousness-related abilities, also rare.”

“Other types, some unclassifiable, very strange abilities.”

Zhang Zilin wrote them down carefully.

This kind of knowledge is very scarce.

Six major categories of superpowers, all sound very impressive.

And I am just the most ordinary self-type, I want to get more superpowers!

Zhang Zilin asked seriously:

“Okay, how to test?”

Jia Mengxuan raised his head and said:

“Fight with me, I will evaluate whether you are qualified to obtain new fruits!”

Zhang Zilin frowned:

“Fight? Barehanded or with weapons?”

Jia Mengxuan said casually:

“It’s up to you.”

Zhang Zilin couldn’t figure out the other party’s details:


Jia Mengxuan nodded:

“Okay. Let’s start.”

Zhang Zilin quickly got ready and took an offensive horse stance.

“Haha, fancy moves.” Jia Mengxuan stood loosely and said easily:

“Use all your strength, don’t hold back, the higher my score for you, the greater the benefit you will get.”


Zhang Zilin was angry.

She decided to teach this general who didn’t look like a soldier a lesson.

“I’m going to attack, be careful, Major General Jia.”

Jia Mengxuan grinned:

“Just come at me, no one in this world can break my defense!”

Humph! Zhang Zilin narrowed her eyes slightly.

She had held back when she attacked Jiang Fan before, but ended up suffering a loss.

This time she learned her lesson.

She will not show mercy!

“Okay! Then let me see the strong men in the military!” Zhang Zilin’s whole body strength burst out instantly, and her body seemed to have grown a circle, and even her short hair seemed to have grown a section!

Jia Mengxuan was stunned:

“Fuck! Wait…”

But it was too late.


Zhang Zilin crushed the floor under her feet with one foot, and her body rushed towards Jia Mengxuan like a meteor.

Jia Mengxuan felt a flash in front of his eyes.

Zhang Zilin’s figure appeared in front of him, and her fist hit his abdomen like an iron ball.


A powerful force burst out.

A huge bulge appeared on Jia Mengxuan’s back, and his eyes bulged out like bull’s eyes.

The whole person flew backwards.


He hit the wall, and a large piece of the wall broke.

Then it bounced back with a “DUANG” sound and fell heavily on the ground.

It bounced up again with a “DUANG” sound and fell down again.

It bounced several times before it stopped and could no longer get up.

Hu Lei was dumbfounded.

How could this woman be so violent!

The soldier holding the huge steel shield trembled. He glanced at the iron shield in his hand and felt that he had no sense of security at all.

Zhang Zilin’s face also changed slightly:

“Oh no! I used too much strength!”

Why is this guy so weak? ! !

Then why did you brag just now!

She ran to Jia Mengxuan in a panic and patted his back helplessly:

“Hey, hey, you’re not dead, are you?”

Jia Mengxuan is a major general in the army. It would be troublesome if he was beaten to death by me!

Jia Mengxuan held his breath for a long time, and finally caught his breath, and a mouthful of blood sprayed on the ground.


“Cough cough cough!”

He climbed up with difficulty and said:

“No, it’s impossible! I will never die! It was just an accident just now, I was not prepared.”

Zhang Zilin frowned:

“Could it be… your ability needs time to activate? Okay, then activate your ability, and I’ll try again.”

“No need!” Jia Mengxuan waved his hand immediately.

What a joke!

I’ll be dead if I get another punch!

You look pretty, why are you so savage when you beat people!

Jia Mengxuan said quickly:

“Zhang Zilin, congratulations. You have passed the assessment and can be rewarded with a supernatural fruit.”

Jia Mengxuan made the decision for his superior without saying a word.

As for Yang Jiawei, there is no need to test him. He is just an auxiliary and his combat power must be very poor.

He called a soldier over:

“You two, please go to the rest area and wait for a while. After Major General Zhang receives the supernatural fruit, we will assign housing.”

“Major General?” Zhang Zilin was puzzled.

Jia Mengxuan explained briefly:

“Here, if you become a Class A supernatural, you will automatically be awarded the rank of Major General.”

So that’s how you got the title of Major General!

Zhang Zilin suddenly realized.

Then he felt a sense of absurdity.

A small base also has the power to arbitrarily award the rank of Major General?

Is this a joke? !


Seeing everyone leave, Jia Mengxuan could no longer hold on. He knelt on the ground with a plop and coughed violently.

In the hall, a door opened and several people with different looks walked out.

The leader was a square-faced officer with sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, and an extraordinary aura:

“Major General Jia, how is it?”

Jia Mengxuan covered his stomach and said:

“You can tell by looking at me! If I didn’t have the ability to be a rubber, I would have been beaten to death! Doctor Liu, treat me quickly!”

An old man who looked sick came forward, put his hand on his stomach, and quickly took out a box of painkillers:

“It’s okay.”

Jia Mengxuan stared and said:

“Painkillers? My intestines are almost broken!”

Doctor Liu said impatiently:

“I showed you, there’s nothing wrong! You still have the ability to heal yourself, what are you afraid of!”

Jia Mengxuan was depressed and didn’t dare to talk back to Doctor Liu.

No one dared to offend a doctor with supernatural powers.

The square-faced officer nodded and said:

“In that case, I have no objection. I have also seen Zhang Zilin’s destructive power. I can give her a supernatural fruit. Major General Jia, you go and give it to her yourself.”

Jia Mengxuan took a rest for a while and recovered.

He found Zhang Zilin in the rest area and took her to the warehouse area.

Zhang Zilin saw that he was completely normal and couldn’t help but admire him:

“It’s amazing. I haven’t seen anyone who can stand up after being hit by my punch.”

Jia Mengxuan’s mouth twitched, and he said to save face:

“Haha, I have no other advantages, but I can take a beating!”

The two walked into a deep tunnel and walked down to an unknown depth.

This base is at the foot of the mountain not far from the TV station. It looks like a former military air-raid shelter.

An officer in charge of managing the warehouse came over.

The three of them moved forward together.

Zhang Zilin suddenly noticed that the red mist in the entire base was very light, and it could be seen more than ten meters away at a glance. She asked curiously:

“Why is the red mist here so light?”

Jia Mengxuan didn’t think much:

“I don’t know, it has been like this since I came here.”

Zhang Zilin asked curiously:

“Do you have a lot of supernatural fruits?”

Jia Mengxuan shook his head:

“No, there are only a few. The others are either used for experiments or rewarded to others.”

“How do you preserve them? Won’t they rot if you pick them?”

“Why do you have to pick them? Just move the plants with supernatural fruits back with their roots.”

Zhang Zilin suddenly realized.

It can actually be like this.

Zhang Zilin looked at the tunnels around her:

“Aren’t you afraid of being robbed?”

The officer said confidently:

“Absolutely impossible! Don’t think this place looks ordinary, it’s actually full of traps and surveillance, and there are 6 superpowers who are good at surveillance and 50 elite soldiers guarding it. Whoever comes here will never come back!”

“So that’s it!” Zhang Zilin nodded in admiration.

Jia Mengxuan also agreed with him:

“Yes! Our warehouse is very safe!”


As soon as Jiang Fan entered the subspace, he saw that the subspace anchor on Zhang Zilin’s body had moved to another place.

This time, she walked underground with a man in military uniform.

Jiang Fan suddenly became curious:

“Where are we going?”

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