The beginning of the video.

The Yutu-8 rover is driving slowly.

The sky is a dark space.

The ground is a desert-like lunar surface.

At this moment, the most terrifying scene appeared.

A person suddenly landed in front of the camera!

Due to the angle of view, the camera only captured the chest and below of this mysterious man.

The mysterious man was naked on the upper body, and only wore a pair of simple golden trousers on the lower body, and was barefoot!

He just stood barefoot on the lunar surface with an angle of more than 100 degrees!

Even though Ge Shanyue had watched it countless times, his hands and feet were cold.

Due to the angle of view of the camera, the head and face of the mysterious man could not be seen.

But it looks like a male.

The chest and abdominal muscles are well-developed, with mysterious golden tattoos on them. Ge Shanyue would feel dizzy if he looked at them for a few more times.

The golden tattoos also emit a faint light, supporting a wonderful halo around the man’s body.

In the video, the mysterious man faces the Moon Rabbit rover, and seems to be curiously observing the machine.

Then, a big hand burning with flames grabs the camera.


The screen goes black.

The video of more than ten seconds ends…

Ge Shanyue turned off the video with a tingling scalp, and his mood could not calm down for a long time.

There is too much information hidden behind this short video!

Who is the mysterious man?

If he is an alien, why does his body look similar to that of a human?

If he is a human, it would be even more terrifying.

Could it be that such a powerful existence is hidden in human society?

Why is he hiding in human society?

How did he get to the surface of the moon?

What did he do on the moon?

How did he move naked on the vacuum and high temperature surface of the moon?

What is the purpose of his tattoo?

The Dragon National Aerospace Agency said that this video was taken five days after the red fog descended.

Is the mysterious man related to the red fog?

Or is the mysterious man some powerful psychic?

He just had the bad luck to eat a magical psychic fruit, so he has the ability to cross 380,000 kilometers?

What fruit can have such a powerful effect?


In short, there are too many questions.

This is just Ge Shanyue’s guess.

The purpose of the Dragon National high-level officials to send videos is to allow various research institutes to brainstorm and provide more ideas to deal with future crises.

As the situation became worse and worse, the high-level officials could no longer take care of such a distant threat and could only focus on dealing with the present.

Later, they simply couldn’t contact the top leaders.

In fact, after the 10th day of the red fog, the entire Kyoto City was completely out of contact, and no news came out!

No one knew what happened in Kyoto City.

Therefore, Ge Shanyue didn’t show the video to others at all, but hid it privately.

Since this video was sent to the institute by the Dragon Space Agency, Ge Shanyue did not doubt its authenticity.

It is not certain for foreign countries.

Of course, he did not know whether Dragon Country sent the video to other countries.

Ge Shanyue guessed that according to the character of the Dragon Country’s senior officials, it would not be released in nine out of ten cases.

Even if it was released, Ge Shanyue could imagine that the foreign senior officials would think that it was a fake video and that Dragon Country was promoting the strength of its own superpowers to other countries.

This time the red fog does not look simple!

Ge Shanyue sighed and became more determined to create superpowers.

This video made the cause of the red fog disaster complicated.

I don’t know what the future will be like.

In any case, it is urgent to strengthen one’s own strength!

Even if the worst case happens, if the mysterious man is indeed an alien, as long as the other party can communicate, Ge Shanyue can still surrender and be a guide.

Of course, being a dog for aliens also requires capital.

The stronger the strength you have, the more attention the aliens will naturally pay.

Resist aliens?

Don’t be ridiculous. How can humans resist intelligent life that can travel through the universe and come to the moon in the flesh?

Ge Shanyue thought about it and carefully put away the military encrypted USB drive and put it in a hidden corner.

He looked at his watch.

It was late at night.

It was time to rest.

I have to have a good talk with Zhang Zilin tomorrow, so I need to conserve my energy.

A Class A psychic is still very valuable to the base.

However, Ge Shanyue is more confident that he can convince Zhang Zilin to obey his orders.

These are the psychics he personally selected.

There are few good people who believe in the country and are truly willing to contribute to the country and ordinary people.

“Good people… hehe.” Ge Shanyue sneered, slowly closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Purely good people can’t survive in this era.

I am also helping her live longer.


Jiang Fan returned home a little tired.

He hasn’t been so tired for a long time.

The side effects of tempering ability are too great.

He took out a handful of mutant frog meat and ate it.

Seeing that the man was tired, Tang Xuerou stepped forward and massaged his temples.

Xu Mengqian tapped Jiang Fan’s thigh gently, her eyes full of desire, almost tearing, and said resentfully:

“Brother Jiang, you haven’t been to my room for several days.”

Jiang Fan patted Xu Mengqian’s cheek and smiled:

“Don’t worry, you will be full when it’s your turn.”

Xu Mengqian was happy, as long as Jiang Fan didn’t hate her, and she blushed when she thought of the tragic battle before.

Jiang Fan took out a few supernatural fruits and swallowed them, and then ate the mutant frog meat.

The mutant frog meat entered the stomach, warm, emitting bits of energy, nourishing every cell, making Jiang Fan feel very comfortable.

After eating for a while, as if reaching a certain limit, Jiang Fan felt that his whole body suddenly relaxed, and the fatigue after tempering was swept away, and his body instantly recovered to its peak state!

Jiang Fan was surprised:

“What’s going on?”

At this time, the system reminded in time:

[Ding! Comprehensive physique +1. 】

Jiang Fan was overjoyed.

The overall physique has actually improved!

He has been stuck at 90 physique for a long time.

After the physique was upgraded to 4 stars, he didn’t know how many physique strengthening fruits he had eaten, and he never upgraded again.

Jiang Fan was a little desperate.

I thought I would never be able to improve it again.

But now it suddenly upgraded!


What did I do?

Could it be…

Jiang Fan looked at the mutant frog meat skewers in his hand.

Mutated frog meat skewers can improve physique!

Even the physique strengthening fruits can’t improve, but mutant frog meat can!

Jiang Fan’s eyes lit up.

In the future, eat more mutant frog meat!

And, every woman must eat it!

Eat it every day and every meal!

This can not only make them gradually stronger, but also accumulate more mutant frog meat for themselves.

The Red Mist Era is too dangerous.

That terrifying giant sea snake put a lot of pressure on him.

Jiang Fan can’t guarantee that these women will live forever.

In case they died, Jiang Fan had to ensure that he had enough stock to last until he got the next batch of women.

Seeing that Jiang Fan didn’t speak, Xu Mengqian asked carefully:

“Brother Jiang, what’s wrong?”

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled:

“Let’s go, I’ll fill you up now!”


It was late at night and everyone was asleep.

Jiang Fan got up and got out of bed.

He looked at his watch, it was 3:40 in the morning.

This time is when people are most sleepy.

Just in time to steal the fruit of enlightenment!

Jiang Fan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, tore open the blue portal, and walked in.

The subspace 5 kilometers away was empty and dark.

The subspace anchor on Zhang Zilin’s body supported a bright sphere.

Jiang Fan clearly saw that Zhang Zilin was sleeping.

This woman was still gentle and beautiful when she was asleep.

She had completely lost the sharp heroic spirit when she was awake.

Instead, she was more feminine.

Then, Jiang Fan noticed that there were dozens of rooms in Zhang Zilin’s dormitory area.

Each room had 1-2 people.

And these people were all superpowered people!

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