End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 119: Southern settlement

The Jiangnan settlement is about 400 kilometers away from the 岚 line and has 9 million survivors. It is the third largest settlement in China and the largest settlement in the south. The Jiangnan settlement is a planting settlement consisting of a main city and 20 satellite settlements. The hunters are mainly concentrated in the main city. Most of the ordinary survivors who work for a living are distributed in 20 satellite settlements. . Among the 20 satellite settlements, fifteen settlements are mainly planted for grain production, three mineral settlements, and two industrial settlements.

Because the defense of satellite settlements is very common, all the food produced must be transported to the main city for storage. Key industrial enterprises such as military production, pharmaceutical production, and food deep processing are all carried out in the main city. The main city itself also has a large plantation, but the plantations in the main city are mainly planted with vegetables and farmed animals.

The satellite settlements are scattered around the area of ​​the south of the Yangtze River for more than one hundred to two hundred kilometers, built in accordance with the location, as far as possible to avoid the terrible zombie wall around the Jiangnan settlement.

The zombie wall of Yucheng City generally does not exceed more than 200,000 zombies. The thickest part of the wall can stretch for nearly 20 kilometers, and the thinnest place is also four or five kilometers. The size of the hunting area, whether it is the size of the zombies or the number of hunters, is much larger than the hunting area in Yucheng.

Unlike the special guards in Yucheng, they only exist for the sake of profit. The special guards in the Jiangnan settlement are obviously more responsible. The corps of tens of thousands of people, in an orderly manner, kills zombies in the hunting area where the zombies are the most, and avoids the advancement of the corpse as much as possible. At the same time, as far as possible, the crystal nucleus left on the battlefield is eliminated, so that the zombies are not evolved.

Occasionally, the zombie body can be seen in the zombie wall. The Jiangnan settlement has already suffered from the loss of the giant zombies. The zombie wall has been monitored by the model. Once the giant zombie is found, the fighter will be sent directly from the air. Intelligent robots will also be dispatched on the ground to **** citrine, but the intelligent robots they create do not have energy isolation boxes, and they cannot isolate the nucleus energy. Once they grab the crystal nucleus, they will face numerous zombie sieges, nine to ninety-nine times. Returning to failure, so far, when you are lucky, with air combat, grabbed once or twice. When the luck is not good, even the fighters may get in.

The higher the energy of the crystal nucleus, the more obsessed the zombies.

Killing the giant zombies and robbing the nucleus of the giant zombies. After other zombies have eaten the citrine, it will take a few days and more than a month, and a new giant zombie will be born, which is equal to white work. But don't kill the giant zombies, who knows which day they detonated the zombie siege?

The practice of living in the south of the Yangtze River is equivalent to drinking and quenching thirst, but what can be done? Can only drag one day to count one day.

Fully killing zombie walls? The settlements in the capital can't be done, they don't even think about it. Grab the crystal nucleus, and put more ammunition into it, and it will create more high-level zombies.

Try to control the scope of the safe area, betting on the forces in the hunting area, and not letting the corpse advance, is the only thing they can do now.

There is also hope that the vaccine will be developed. Once the vaccine is available, it is also afraid of killing a bird and directly launching a full-scale attack. But where is the vaccine so well researched? Each settlement has invested a lot of manpower and resources into the vaccine research. In the end, even a semi-finished product can't be found. Failure, failure, and failure are all.

Wu Ye brought a new escort, a total of 36 people, opened four pickups, six modified military cards, formed a small caravan to follow Feng Yu's people to take the nearest, safest route, full speed Going forward, it took a day and a night to finally reach the Jiangnan settlement safely.

Looking at the huge hustle and bustle of the Jiangnan settlement, the endless wall of the city, the first time I felt that the city was so small and shabby. However, a medium-sized settlement of more than 100,000 people has no comparability with a super large settlement with more than 9 million survivors.

Qin Wuhua saw Wu Ye board with a baby face and asked while driving: "I am going to the Jiangnan settlement soon. What are you thinking about?"

Wu Ye sighed: "I was thinking, when will the city be mixed with this Big Mac."

Qin Wuhua’s corner of the eye swept a second-level zombie dog, and a purple-black thunder snake flew out. The zombie dog mourned and slammed into the ground. Turning the steering wheel slightly and moving on, he told Wu Ye very firmly: "There will be that day."

Wu Ye stinks: "That is, don't look at who is Xiaoye."

The two chatted about the day, and the pickup truck drove at full speed for nearly half an hour before finally coming to the city of Jiangnan.

After a day and night of driving, Wu Ye arrived at 11 o'clock at noon. The people who went out to the mission all went out. At this time, when they were busy, there were very few people coming in and out of the city gate. In addition, there are more than 20 entrances and exits in the Jiangnan settlement, and the flow of people is very scattered. Wu Ye, they only lined up for a few minutes, and they were their turn.

The entry detection of Jiangnan settlements is obviously more strict than that of Yucheng, and the instruments used are more advanced. Wu Ye originally wanted to install low-key, suppress the repair, and install the second-order abilities into the city. As a result, the instrument was swept away, and the abilities and abilities were repaired directly.

The fourth-order variogram, the fourth-order ray, the fourth-order wind, and the fourth-order dark system, then a long series of third-order, the lowest is the second-order.

Four-level mutant beast, four-level mutant beast, three-level mutant beast...

Nima, six fourth-order, more than ten third-order, is definitely a problem with the detector, it is completely unscientific!

There are only two fourth-order places in the entire Jiangnan settlement, and one is only two days before the breakthrough!


what? Yucheng came.

Yucheng, isn’t it the medium-sized settlement that captured the county town some time ago? No wonder there are so many contract beasts, isn’t the contract beast that comes from Yucheng?

A mutant wolf has tens of thousands of transcrystals, more than 20 mutant wolves, a mutant rabbit, the grade is not low, there is no more than one hundred million transparent crystals, absolutely can not get these contracted beasts. Moreover, the mutant wolf is a pure carnivorous mutant beast, and the giant wolf that is bigger than the calf is worth eating a day...

Local tyrants are definitely thousands of gold local tyrants.

Those who can do the testing work on the gates of the Jiangnan settlements are all people who have a little way to go. They usually have their eyes on their heads, not to mention the people who come from small places, the abilities of the Jiangnan settlements, as long as If the level of power is not so high, they will not be in the eye. However, today, faced with Wu Ye and his party, no one dared to let go, one by one, bowing down like a grandson, and he helped Wu Ye to do a temporary stay, and introduced them to the city's high-end hotels with great enthusiasm.

However, Wu Ye did not choose the hotel they recommended, Feng Yu had already arranged for them to live.

The entrance to the Jiangnan settlement is much higher than that of the city. The first person to enter the entrance tax is 50 per crystal per person, and the temporary residence tax is 20 per crystal per person per day. Wu Ye did not intend to stay more, only paid three days of tax money. Three days is not cheap, not Feng Yu's people, they are a group of 36 people, just pay taxes is 3940 through crystal. This is not counting those contract beasts. In the Jiangnan settlement, there are only a handful of people who bought the contracted beast. For the time being, there is no tax on the contract beast.

Wu Ye’s slightly painful payment of taxes, followed Feng Yu’s people into the Jiangnan settlement.

When I saw the colony in the south of the Yangtze River, I felt that it was very huge. I entered the settlement and was once again shocked by it. If the people who are not in the past are too worn, the air is filled with a faint smell of corpse, it is a spacious road, a row of beautiful high-rise buildings, Wu Ye has a feeling of returning to the modern city. .

Different from the settlement of the city, the predecessor of the Jiangnan settlement is a county town, which is more prosperous than Qingyi County. When the virus exploded, several local troops stationed in the vicinity joined forces to clean up the infected people in the city in a rather cruel way. They used gunfire to flatten the two nearby counties, which cost countless human and material resources to make the whole south. The largest survivor settlement.

The Jiangnan settlement is much larger than the city, and the city wall is at least five times longer than the city. Therefore, the city wall is not as thick as the city. Inside and outside the city walls, the machine roared, and a large number of cool survivors are constantly moving bricks, adjusting sand, and thickening the city walls. The appearance of the giant zombies sounded the alarm for the high-rises in the Jiangnan settlement. Since last year, they have recruited more people to participate in the construction of the city wall.

Soon, it was transferred to the city, and it was easy to see shops that sporadically opened on both sides of the street. These shops are mostly food stores. They are all kinds of grocery stores that sell everything. Then there is a repair shop. There is a fuel station on each main street, several weapons stores, and then some messy repair shops. In addition to these sporadic shops, the Jiangnan settlement, like Yucheng, has a huge open-air trading area dedicated to survivors. Entering the city center, a thick wall separates the city center from the outside into two worlds, and the city center is also known as the inner city.

The inspections in the inner city are more rigorous, and the guards on the walls standing guarded by guns will launch an attack if they are not right. There is no referral from the inner city resident, and the average person does not allow entry.

Feng Yu’s men had already been familiar with the guards of the inner city. They got off the bus and negotiated a few words. Several cigarettes were handed out. The guards routinely checked whether Wu Ye and others were infected and what the goods were carrying. When the guards saw the luxury of the car full of cars, their eyes were straight. If it weren't for Feng Yu's men, they might have to swear, and take advantage of the oil, but Feng Yu's people followed, and the head-changing mutant wolf stared at them. They didn't dare to start.

Entering the inner city, there are almost two worlds inside and outside.

Neat streets, a beautiful sports car parked on the side of the road, the streets are full of gorgeous women hanging around the window, or carrying big bags and small things, the inner city is not big, only four crosses Crossing the streets, each street can be completed in ten minutes from the street to the end of the street.

Unlike the outside, every shop in the inner city is open. Here, you can even find bars, water bars, cafes, brain games halls...

The two eyes kept staring at the brain-game hall in the mirror, and the team slowly docked outside a beautifully decorated shop.

This shop is Feng Yukai's luxury store in the Jiangnan settlement. Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua just got off the bus and heard a scream from the store: "I am the mother who controls you, Laozi only contributes, there is no crystal." Nuclear, you have to sell it today, you can sell it, you don’t have to sell it! The person who dares to be my Liu Hangqing is still not born! Even if Laozi smashed it here today, do you believe that your boss is afraid to put one?

Short oil, very crazy.

Wu Ye Xiaosheng said to Qin Wuhua: "Who is Liu Hangqing? How does it seem familiar?"

When Qin Wuhua saw two little faces, he couldn’t help but hooked his mouth: "The fourth-order abilities of the Jiangnan settlement."

Liu Hangqing was very good at listening to the fourth-order abilities. He heard someone mentioning his name outside, and turned his head to look out the window. The eyes fell on Wu’s face and instantly lit up. The tip of his tongue licked his lips, and his slightly awkward face showed a sinister smile. "The little face is so beautiful, the waist is definitely cool in the bed..."

The author has something to say: the Jiangnan settlement is a hundred times larger than the Yucheng, and there are more contradictions and conflicts under the orderly surface. The various systems will also be very different from the city.

A little later, the second is more ~~~ What? Thank you for your support~~~

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