End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 121: Xiqiao settlement

Two young people have been playing until the middle of the night, before Daqin took a step back and left the game hall, and went home to lie on the bed. The brain was still full of games. He was dragged by Daqin and smashed 'wars' for two rounds, and finally he was willing to sleep. . When he woke up at noon the next day, Qin Wuhua had already sold one-half of the goods brought over to Feng Yu’s shop. The remaining goods are split in half and are ready for distribution to the merchants who come to the market in the afternoon.

In order to avoid taxes, the transaction was transferred to a safe area outside the city.

Outside the city, it means that there is no security, and it is not too much to eat black. The Jiangnan settlement also has a black market dedicated to the consumption of the abilities, but the location is bright and the city is located in the city, the threshold is very high, the first premise to enter the black market must be the ability to obtain permanent resident qualifications, the second is only used Contribution point trading.

The contribution points, like credit points, cannot be reversed. Of course, it is not impossible to turn the contribution point into a crystal nucleus. As long as you are willing to pay a high price, some people will be willing to take the crystal core for your contribution point, but in this case, the cost is too high and takes too long. They don't have much time to spend in the Jiangnan settlement.

Wu Ye Shantou’s brains and Qin Wuhua had a hearty lunch at the hotel, and the spirit finally got better. After eating, the two men took the car with the guard and the wind, and they carried the goods full of cars. Jiangnan settlement. Merchants who have long planned to bring the crystal nucleus out of the city to buy goods.

Wu Ye gave them a relatively low price, which is sold at a 50% discount on the price of Yucheng. The price is more expensive than the caravans going to the city to pick up the goods, but it is definitely cheaper than other merchants in other caravans.

The best-selling is still cigarettes and candy, then all kinds of daily necessities and small snacks, and finally clothing. Among the goods that Wu Ye brought over this time, there were only a few cosmetics, which directly let Feng Yu’s people give it a round. On the other side of Feng Yu, Wu Ye often gave him a 30% discount price, which is considered to be human.

The out-of-town trading point was helped by Feng Yu’s men. It is about eight kilometers away from the Jiangnan settlement. Within the scope of the safe area, there are very few zombies in the surrounding area. It is one of the mobile trading points outside the city – the black market. The threshold is high, the tax in the city is high, and the merchants have been repeatedly banned in order to make more money and consumers to spend less. Of course, because there is no legal restriction on non-standardization, mobile trading points often appear black and black, and occasionally make a bit of life. Up to now, people who have no point to rely on, simply do not dare to come to the mobile trading point to do business.

Several old ghosts who were often stationed at the mobile trading point also reached out and bought a lot of goods. These old ghosts are squatting with more ammunition, and they are not guilty of bullying, swindling, black and black, but facing Wu Ye and his party, they are more honest than others.

No way, the more than 20 violent mutant wolves stood in a circle next to the car, occasionally carelessly fangs, timid legs and stomachs are soft, black and black? Don't break your teeth and take a little life. Wu Ye’s video of Liu Hangqing’s second time was banned, but it was later banned. The city was already spread all over the place. Many people also downloaded the video. The video was already flying through the chat tool.

Liu Hangqing couldn’t help Wu Ye’s move, and I heard that there are four fourth-order abilities in this team, two four-level mutant beasts. Who dares to make trouble? Who dares to make it is that the old birthday star is hanging, it is too long!

Those who came to buy goods, all lined up in a tight manner, handed over the money in one hand, no one dared to bargain. Most of the goods in this car are taken from another plane by Wu Ye. Over half of Wu’s hands have already earned more than 500,000 transparent crystals.

Now there are more and more three-level zombies, and Orange Crystal is gradually cherished when it is not out. In the Jiangnan settlement, the exchange rate of orange crystal and translucent crystal has dropped to 1:300, which is three times higher than the system exchange rate. However, Wu Ye is still very lacking in orange crystals in his hand. The system has a little bit of grades on the other side. He has to exchange orange crystals. He would rather have a higher price and change a little more orange crystal in his hand.

The scent-sensitive merchants experienced a decline in the ratio of orange crystals from 1:5000 to 1:300 now. There were not many people who had suffered losses, and now there are citrine (quasi-four-level zombie nucleus) and citrine. It may mean that there will be a drop in the day. In order to avoid losing money, they are more willing to exchange these orange crystals for goods. God knows when the end of the world will end, and the end of the day is not over. These luxury goods will only become less and less, more and more valuable, and they will not lose money when they are there, which is much more cost-effective than the Jingjing nuclear.

Up to now, Wu Ye has collected 1480 pieces of orange crystals, then some transcrystals and erythrocytes, and none of them are powder crystals and red crystals. Because of the exchange discounts, the hunters generally choose to directly convert them into contribution points. The two crystal nuclei are basically not visible on the market.

Nearly 1,500 orange crystals are quite attractive to zombies. Although there are fewer zombies in the safe area, it does not mean no. In the middle of the transaction, five third-level zombies appeared. The businessmen who were lining up to buy the goods saw the movement, and they were shocked and jumped out, and they took out the weapons against the back. Wu Ye took a look at them and licked the buttocks of the rabbit's boss. The rabbit boss ran to the corpse and ran to the blue awns. It seemed to be able to hear the sound of the water being frozen. The five third-level zombies have a layer of frost, and the speed is getting slower and slower. From rapid running to sprinting and then becoming slow.

At this time, the rabbit's old three-petal mouth, a clear scream, the body blue flashes again, more than ten dozens of pounds of super large hail fell from the sky more than ten meters, the third-level zombies again There are only copper ribs and iron bones that have been smashed into 'Transformers'. There were three bad lucks that were directly stunned by the head, and two of them were directly ruined. They squatted on the ground and crawled fiercely, still screaming and trying to bite. The rabbit boss squatted in front of them, and the thick fat meat pad stretched out a half-inch long metal claw, smashed twice, alive the zombie skull of the zombie, and dug out a crystal-clear orange crystal, three The level of zombies eventually fell to the ground.

The traders only felt that the scalp was cold, the legs and legs were slightly twitching, and the rabbit boss squinted at the blood-red round eyes, and the vendors were one by one.

Nima, too, too ferocious.

Pay handsome eyes, always feel that the rabbit boss seems to be watching him. He turned to look at Wu Ye, seeing Wu Yechong nodded slightly, and he quickly walked over.

When he walked to the rabbit boss, the rabbit boss patted the orange crystal with the fat and short legs of the zombie brain, and then patted another dead three-level zombie.

Fu Shuai instantly realized that the brave rabbit boss told him to come over to call him to work hard!

Fu Shuai also did not kill a three-level zombie. Most of the time, he was alone in the hunting area outside, and could not afford a sniper rifle. He saw that the third-level zombies had only run away. Today, when I saw the rabbit boss, I solved the five three-level zombies. In addition to his surprise, he also gave birth to the idea of ​​raising a contract beast for the first time.

Have you seen the performance of the rabbit boss, who does not want to raise the contractor? A shot is 5 orange crystals, equivalent to 1500 crystal, it is too profitable.

The rabbit boss held a fat round face and enjoyed everyone's attention. He walked over to Wu Ye and gestured to Fu Shuai to hand over the orange crystal to his master. The little guy looked at the owner with eager eyes, wanted to praise, and wanted to spoil, but he had to hold on to the cold face before him. The tangled little looks were stupid and cute.

Wu Ye used the power to wash off the brain stains on the crystal nucleus, and then picked up the rabbit boss and washed the dirty things on his fat claws. The little guy finally felt full, and he ran to the big gray side and whispered. Calling, it looks like it is showing off. The big gray squats on the ground like a daddy, and from time to time sweeps the rabbit's big round head with a big tail. Other variant wolves who know more about the habits of the big grays, they all seem to be in a good mood, and they have swept their tails.

The traders were completely stunned. No, it should be a stupid town. One by one, they were more honest. They queued up to pay the bills to pick up the goods, and soon they finished the last point.

Back in the city, Feng Yu's people have sent the total value of 200 boxes of crystal nuclei to Wu Ye over there.

Wu Ye asked the pro-guards to check the number with them and checked the whole number of hours before they cleared all the crystal nucleus.

Phellodendron: 240 (1: bsp; orange crystal: 1. nbsp; red crystal: bsp; erythr crystal: 3bsp; powder crystal: 10sp; transcrystal: 30sp; in addition, there are 11 more unfortunately the value of citrine Too high is too rare, Feng Yu's men can not get it. Now a small part of the batch of crystal nucleus that was redeemed is the accumulated sales of Feng Yu store, Feng Yu is actually worried about the contribution point, fixed crystal card, what is not reliable Therefore, he has been hoarding the nucleus in the dark. This time, he hoarded the nucleus, basically it was not enough for Wu Ye, and he also exchanged a batch of goods and contracted beasts with a number of high-rises in the Jiangnan settlement. The crystal nucleus has also acquired a batch of high-priced mobile trading points outside the city. Many parties have worked hard to raise the nucleus.

Looking at so many crystal nucleus, there are two kinds of seconds to change the local tyrants, but in the next second, he is awake from the temptation of wealth. So much inside, only 45.

He still has some money in his hands, and he can almost take all the citrine and orange crystals for himself. However, only 1. The starting price of the door is 1. Ben, the light is orange crystal, the score has to be 4; Nima, training a spiritual comrade is really burning money. As for the super pit of the tree of life, Wu Ye did not intend to manage it. He wanted to have more points and crystal nucleus. He might as well have been cheaper to exchange vaccines with the system.

I don't know if it is an illusion. Fu Shuai always feels that Wu Shao’s eyes are not quite right these days. He reflects on his reflection and still does not find out what is wrong with him.

Daqin’s heart was sour, and for two days, he didn’t stop asking Wu Ye: “How old have you been staring at these days?”

There are only two people in the car, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua. He said a bunch of baby fat face Barabara, the central idea is very clear - the integral crystal nucleus is not enough.

Daqin’s mood immediately turned cloudy and sunny: “Wait for this time, we will go to the next county. Fu Shuai has the talent of the animal trainer. After training, the hunting nucleus should be very powerful. You spend it on him. The crystal nucleus will let him return you in the future?" He has heard about Wu Shuai's talent from Wu Ye.

The top animal trainer can contract ten mutant beasts, and the talents can be at least three or more contracts. As the zombies continue to evolve, the abilities will become more and more important. The animal trainer can control several mutant beasts. Once they cooperate with each other, the role played by them is definitely more than 1+1=2. The biggest characteristic of the animal trainer is that he is not like other people. If his contract beast is dead, the strength will be damaged to a certain extent, but after that, he can still contract the appropriate mutant beast to fill the gap. On the other hand, the animal trainer can not only drive the control of the beast, but also the other people's contract beasts, and even the direct communication with the mutant beast.

Therefore, if the animal trainer is really cultivated, it can definitely become the main force of the battle in the team.

The animal trainer is very rare and precious, but it can be met. Wu Ye now has a comrade-in-arms quota. He has already given this quota to the handsome by default, but Fu Shuai has just joined the team and needs to observe it for a while.

"So many orange crystals, waiting for him to pay off, I don't know if I have to wait until the Year of the Monkey." Two less licking their mouths, not to open Sen.

Qin Wuhua’s mood was completely ironed. He also spent two less nucleation and points, but the two never asked him to go and never complained. Thinking about this, Daqin touched his nose. He seems to be a little too careful recently. He is a bit jealous. However, Aye is so perfect, he still has to keep an eye on it. Daqin is a typical lover in the eyes of Xi Shi, a pair of eyes completely ignore the shortcomings of the two less body into a sieve.

"I still have some crystal nucleus. If I need it, I can give it to you at any time."

Two less swinging hands: "You have to use your money for your own use. However, don't let me catch you, pick up a girl, or else confiscated."

Daqin solemnly stared at Wu Ye: "In your eyes, is it that I am a person who has no such products?"

auzw.com Wu Ye poked his cheek with his finger, let him stare at the road, and then died: "Although not now, but who can guarantee that you will change in the future? Maybe When you meet true love someday, you forget me."

Daqin: "..."

The next hour, Daqin was black and didn't say a word to the stupid two. Second, I realized that I was angry with people. If I apologize, I would say a basket, but Daqin ignored him. The second is also angry, with his eyes closed and self-closed, and he falls asleep while pretending to be loaded. Daqin listened to his long breathing, could not help but breathe a long breath, parked the car to the side of the road, grabbed a cashmere blanket from the back seat and covered him. The fingers gently pinched Wu’s face and sighed: “It’s a little **** with no heart.”

The unconscionable little **** woke up and forgot the unpleasantness of the moment, and talked and laughed with Daqin.

The Xiqiao settlement is located in the southwestern part of the southwest. It is more than 1,500 kilometers away from the Jiangnan settlement. There is no high speed. The shortcut that can be worn through the city can only be managed to go around the city. The distance is extended to more than 4,000. Kilometers. Some roads are inevitably close to the town. Even if Feng Yu’s men lead the way, Wu Ye and his entourage have encountered many dangers along the way.

In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, Wu Ye deliberately put a part of the crystal nucleus in the car when he left the colony of Jiangnan. When he passed the zombie wall, he almost did not let the corpse tide drown, and was chased by the zombies for dozens of kilometers. When leaving the area of ​​the Jiangnan settlement, Wu Ye put all the crystal nuclei into the space ring. There are a lot of chasing zombies, but they are all versatile, high-ranking, and there are more than 20 mutant beasts. For zombies, it’s a big mobile cake. Pounce on a few bites.

On the way through the town's main roads, there were several times that they also alerted the giant zombies in the town. These guys were quite persistent, and they were chasing them with a large group of younger brothers. Wu Ye wanted to kill the giant zombies and earn Huangjing, but the trip was too fast. The giant zombies have too many younger brothers. Even if they kill the giant zombies, they can't even grab the crystal nucleus. Wu Ye had to give up a series of random tasks released by the system, use the intermediate zombie expulsion agent to cover up the breath and run at full speed.

Along the way, the traffic was not stopped. Because of the bad road conditions in many sections of the road, the speed did not go up, and it took a full three days and two nights to finally reach the Xitun settlement.

The province where the Xiqiao settlement is located belongs to the basin topography. The temperature in winter is slightly higher than that in the same latitude area. Coupled with the vernal equinox, the temperature around the area is gradually rising. On the side of the Xitun settlement, the snow on the ground has begun to melt, and the sky is no longer a small snow but a pure rain. In the ridiculous fields, some places where snow has melted can already see the new green.

In the cold, the snow melted and the zombies slowly thawed, and the speed was significantly faster than in winter. I don't know if it is an illusion. When many people are killing zombies, they feel that the bones of the zombies seem to have become harder. The first and second zombies that were killed by rifles in the 500 meters away, now the same distance, It can cause a certain amount of damage to them, but it can no longer be fatal.

And this news is absolutely fatal to human survivors.

What is even more deadly is that there is a spring eruption in the settlement of Xiqiao. People in the city who are not only physically weak have been recruited. Even people with good physical fitness can’t stand it. They fall down one after another, and those with better physical fitness also have sick.

The Xiqiao settlement is built on the mountain. It used to be a mountain town, far from the city, and the road is rugged. The base has 35. Xiqiao is similar to Jiangnan, and is also composed of the main city and more than a dozen satellite cities. The area is slightly smaller than the Jiangnan settlement. There is a place to be here. The zombies are often lost in the mountains and narrow mountain roads. The zombies here are much less than the south of the river.

The fields are barely fertile, and the courageous people dare to team up to hunt and search for wild vegetables outside the forest. If there is no sudden spring break, the survivors here are still in good condition.

There is a satellite city specializing in the cultivation of medicinal materials in the settlement of Xiqiao. However, the herbal medicine seems to be unable to solve the problem at all. With the increasing number of infected people, the top officials of the Xiqiao settlement have already sent assistance requests to the capital.

"Hey--" Qian Xin shot a mosquito that was obviously over-sized, and a large group of blood in his hand. He scratched the itchy small mass and licked his teeth. "Mom, how are the mosquitoes here?"

The southwestern region is humid and warm, and there have been many snake worms and ants, and this year seems to be particularly numerous. Mosquitoes that should have appeared in the summer have become more inexplicable some time ago. The average mosquito is slightly smaller than the rice grain, and the mosquitoes here have stolen hormones one by one, so many heads catch the green fly. The mouth is very long, especially sharp. When you see someone, you don't feel anything when you are squatting. After the sputum, the mass of the body is particularly itchy.

Spring crickets almost broke out at the same time as mosquitoes. Many people suspected that they were caused by mosquitoes. Some people also reported that these mosquitoes had passed through zombies and swearing, and may have infected zombies. Coincidentally, people infected with spring sputum will have high fever, and a few weak people can't help but die. Things are getting bigger and bigger in Xiqiao, and the more people pass the evil door, the more people believe, and some people even ask the top to isolate the infected people.

Everyone in the city was wrapped very tightly. Many people were directly armed to the eyes. They were covered with thick cloth on their heads, wearing helmets and thick gloves on their hands. They only left their eyes with two nostrils outside. . In this way, there are still people who are recruiting from time to time.

Wu Ye and his party did not know these things at first, let alone Qian Xin, that is, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua have been smashed several times. The contracted beasts did not have a small number of people. They had not yet arrived at Feng Yu’s shop in the city. They were all overwhelmed by the ones, and they were moving around in the car.

The rabbit boss is a chicken thief. After being bitten a few times, he changed himself into a circle of ice, covered himself, and specially left a slit for the air, squinting and staying in the ice wall, from time to time. Use a fatty claw to scratch the bite.

The big gray is also very clever, driving the beast nucleus. The whole body's gray hair is all upright. If you look closely, you can see the blue-violet corona on the tip of the hair. The mosquito is directly connected to the coke. What's more regrettable is that it can't sit down, or the current will spread out, and it may mean something wrong with the people in the car and the car.

A few wind-based mutant wolves also learned to be clever, and exerted their abilities on their own bodies. When the mosquitoes were blown close to each other, they could not be close.

In addition, some variants of the wolf also tried to use the ability to expel mosquitoes.

"Still these little guys are smart!" Yang Lina finished her emotions and directly metalized her skin outside. The mosquito's mouth slammed and creaked. When she arrived at Feng Yu's shop, she had pinched some mosquitoes.

The mosquitoes in the city are a little bit abnormal. The vision of the abilities is good. Looking around, the city is full of mosquitoes everywhere. There are still a lot of rest on the walls, and there is a lot of numbness. The numbness is itchy.

Due to the emergence of these mosquitoes, the city is much more deserted than usual. In addition to the busy construction of the walls, there are people busy with the heat, the streets are very rare, and occasionally a few are in a hurry, in stark contrast with the Jiangnan settlement. .

Wu Ye asked the system: [Is this a bug disaster? 】

The system replied to him with a cold voice: [This is just the beginning. 】

Wu Ye heard a tight heart, do not know why, he thinks these little bugs are even more terrible than the zombies. He asked the system: [I used to buy mosquito repellent water from you, can you deal with these mosquitoes? 】 The mosquitoes of Xiqiao are like this. Ordinary insecticides and insect repellents are definitely not effective.

The system replied truthfully: [It is still effective to deal with these mosquitoes now, and if they continue to mutate, there will be no effect. 】

Wu Ye also asked: [Do you have any potions that directly kill these mosquitoes? 】

The system asks Wu Ye for the search fee as usual, and various levels of mosquito-killing agents appear on the control surface. The cheapest one in the front must be a whole 1> system before the Wu Ye Kailu, explain interestingly Road: [A bottle of low-level mosquitoicide can theoretically kill mosquitoes in the entire city, the effect can last for one to three months. 】

[What do you mean, even if you kill these mosquitoes with mosquitoicides, will they appear later? 】

[Yes. The mosquitoes here are dead, and mosquitoes from other places will fly over unless you kill the mosquitoes of the entire planet and destroy their eggs. In this case, you can choose advanced mosquito repellent water. 】 The system does not forget to sell.

The price of high-grade mosquito-killing water is as high as 10 million points, and it needs Amethyst. Wu Ye doesn't even know the long-term stuff.

The harm of the mutant bug may be even more terrible than the zombie.

"What's wrong?" Qin Wuhua saw Wu Ye's face and asked.

Wu Ye said the mosquito thing again.

"Then you are going to change the low-level mosquito killing water to help people here?"

Wu Ye shook his head: "I don't know." The price of a bottle of low-grade mosquito-killing water is too expensive and can only last for one to three months. Wu Ye is not the Virgin. He is reluctant to use his own points accumulated little by little on people who are completely irrelevant, and there are too many places where he needs to use points. However, seeing a temporary body in the temporary isolation tent on the side of the road, and a survivor who was crying and robbing the land, Wu Ye felt that if he did nothing, he seemed to be unable to pass the hurdle.

Qin Wuhua patted his shoulder. "Aye, don't push yourself too tight. No matter what decision you make, I will support you. It's not your fault, it's not something that you can change alone." of."

Wu Ye forced himself to withdraw his gaze and nodded.

"We will return to the city as soon as possible." The distance between the city and the Xiqiao settlement is only a linear distance of 1000 kilometers, and the temperature and climate are similar in all aspects. There is a spring in the west, and the city is also dangerous.

The author has something to say: one more monarch and two more monarchs continue to fit in the ~~~ what? Thank you for your support.

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