End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 123: Citizen hierarchy

The spring harvest is usually in May, and the harvest period for winter wheat is generally at the end of May and early June. The seed time provided by Wu Ye last year was a little late, and it was really cold in winter. Although it was built in a greenhouse, it did all the measures that can be kept warm, and the wood abilities were not given up. The maturity of this batch of wheat was also a bit too late. It’s a little late, and it’s just beginning to pick up the flowers in late April. Harvesting is estimated to go in the middle and late June.

Crops with a growth cycle of 170 days to 200 days, such as sweet potato and soybean, have also delayed harvesting time.

However, corn, potatoes, etc., which have shorter growth cycles, have entered the harvest season.

Since the whole winter is very cold, the coldest time in the city has reached zero, 15c, and the input of more external forces has played a very limited role. Food production cuts are inevitable.

The plantation of Yucheng City has planned 35,000 mu of greenhouses to plant corn, and some potatoes have been planted in a small amount. It is well known that corn and potatoes are high-yielding crops. Under normal circumstances, the yield of corn is about 400-700 kg, and the experimental field can reach More than 1000 kg. The average yield of potatoes is generally 800-2500 kilograms, and the maximum yield is 10,000 kilograms per mu.

Although the city has invested a lot of labor in the plantation to care for the grain, it is subject to the weather. The average yield of corn is only 240 kilograms per mu. The total amount of potatoes planted in the corn greenhouse is not more than 3,000 acres. The selected corners are planted, the potatoes like high heat environment, the greenhouse temperature is not up to date, the potatoes are not only small, the yield is low, the yield per mu is only 500 kg, the root is still very deep, very difficult to dig. The old people and children in the plantation planted it with a small shovel.

After harvesting the two crops, there will be approximately 9,000 tons. 140,000 survivors in Yucheng, assuming that each person consumes one kilogram of grain a day, the consumption of 140 tons per day is a daily consumption. Of course, every person can’t eat 2 kilograms of food per day, but with the variety of poultry and livestock mutants cultured in Yucheng, every day. The consumption is only a lot more than 140 tons. 9000 tons of grain, full of people who are full of money, but enough people in the city to eat for two months.

Of course, there are more than 100,000 mu of greenhouses in the city. When the harvest is harvested, it can theoretically be used for half a year. If you save food, the food problem this year should be barely solved.

In winter, the temperature is low, food production is limited, and in the summer, the grain production is definitely more than that. In the winter, the city only took 160,000 mu of greenhouses, and more than 100,000 mu of land was planted with some rapeseed, but it has been frozen to death. This part of the land is equivalent to being idle. Now it can be used to produce a lot of things.

As the weather warms up, Ji Chong arranges the seedlings of corn, sweet potato, and seedlings of the human race, and the seedling cultivation of the rice.

No matter how the zombies outside plundered and saw this thriving plantation, everyone was still a bit eager to go.

But at this time, the person picking the peach appeared.

The Jingcheng settlement sent a special security team to collect and collect the grain. On the bright side, it was very nice to hear, and it was not acceptable. What price should be paid on the market, and it will be paid by a fixed amount of crystal card, and will not be in arrears.

Not to mention Wu Ye, even Qin Wuhua's self-control is so good, I can't help but burst into the mouth.

Fixed crystal card? The fixed crystal card is not printed by the bank of the capital. How many prints do you want to print? Is there a fart? They can't think of it for money!

The denomination of the fixed crystal card has already exceeded the stock of the crystal nucleus. This year, the zombies are so ferocious, and the abilities of the abilities are increased. The consumption of the nucleus is greater and the price is bound to rise. Even Feng Yu sent people to pass the news, saying that the remaining batch of fixed crystal cards had to be picked up in a few days before the recent nucleus was not good. The fixed crystal card refers to the day when it becomes a waste card. It is too sincere to buy food with them.

This is one of them. The former special garrison stationed in Yucheng has 2,000 people. This year, Hula came to 5,000. The old acquaintance of Qin Wuhua was the first younger brother of Li Wei, Cheng Liang.

Cheng Liang is the son of Li Wei. From childhood to large, he is a follower of the Li brothers. In the past, when Qin Wuhua was still a Li Jia foster son and repeatedly established military merits, Cheng Liang said that his nose is not the nose, not the eye, not to mention the mean. Words, it seems that Daqin can mix that step to account for how much money the Li family has. In fact, Qin Wuhua never thought that he owed something to Li. He could climb so fast in the army. It can be said that he exchanged his life. On the contrary, Li Jiake deducted his military skills and did not use his merits to change him. The home of two sons.

Qin Wuhua has always been very disgusted with Cheng Liang. When he was more than ten or twenty years old, it was purely because of this person’s mouth. Later, he could not understand his charming and mean face. Later, he even hated this person and regarded him as Li. The next man of the family called and drank, more than once, smashing him in front of his subordinates and cutting his face.

And now, this person is coming again.

Qin Wuhua changed his face and changed his homonym to his own name. When he issued the order, he rarely spoke. He knew that the person coming from was Cheng Liang. He even asked Wu Ye to help him exchange the medicine, which would be low magnetic. The sound became rough and hoarse. Cheng Liang is an versatile person, and it is the earliest group of awakening abilities. He didn’t feel much about Qin Wuhua before he felt the abilities. After he felt the abilities, he quickly gained a foothold in the Li family’s ranks, not to Qin Wuhua is in the eye. The design of Qin Wuhua and his special forces squad had originally had him. In his eyes, Qin Wuhua died for several months and died for several years. He could not remember this person.

When I first saw Qin Wuhua, when he heard his name, he still had a slight microwave in his heart, but the face and voice of Qin Wuhua’s face were completely inconsistent with the person in memory, and he gave it to him. After losing your mind.

Qian Xin’s change was not small. In that mission, his eyes were smashed, and his face was left with a very embarrassing shackle. With Wu Yi’s mask for him, he became a terrible villain. The face, coupled with his five big three thick body, can definitely stop the children's nightingale. His voice is quite characteristic. After eating the easy-to-sound medicine given by Wu Ye, the voice is dumb eight degrees. The original tone of the floor is shaking and the three-tone sound is low and dumb. People who know him know that he has to go to spring. I broke my throat and didn't think much.

Cheng Liang is more familiar with Qin Wuhua. He is only a little impressed with Qian Xin. Qian Xin has become the present appearance. He can recognize that there are ghosts.

However, if you don't recognize it, it doesn't mean that he has let go of Qian Xin.

This time he came with a task. Buying food is only one of them. Another one is to get Qian Xin, and if possible, even Wu Ye should not let go. Then there is to get as many people as possible to return to Beijing.

In terms of food, Cheng Liang was not in a hurry. He felt that there was no capital in the settlements of the middle of the city, and there was no capital to live in the same place as the capital. Whether it was happy or not, he would have to sell it. Not selling? Don't even want to give the Beijing any assistance after that. Can the arm be screwed over the thigh?

Cheng Liang put his focus on the corner of the wall where Wu leaves.

The guard team is loyal. Loyalty can be eaten as a meal? As the saying goes, as long as the **** is well waved, no corners can be dug.

Unfortunately, this time Cheng Liang is destined to be disappointed.

It’s true that money is moving, but there are more money to be spent.

Chen Caosen did not even say a word, he was burned into ash by the loyalty. How can the guards dare to gamble?

In addition, Wu Ye is worthy of their treatment, and the people who entered the guard team at the latest have been able to make food and clothing worry. Which of the earliest batches with Wu Ye is not a local tyrant? Qian Caijing nuclear beauty? Throughout the country from all over the world, who dares to like Wu Ye, with them twenty or thirty people will dare to attack the county. Absolutely no! The perfect d virus vaccine, loyalty, zombie repellent, crystal energy isolation box... Wu Ye has too many strange and endless means, no matter how many secrets Wu leaves, only the people who follow him have the opportunity to share, and these means And secrets will make them live longer and more secure in the last days. Idiots know how to choose!

Cheng Liang’s wishful thinking was slammed. He thought that a small place in Yucheng, tens of thousands of crystal nucleus to buy a power is absolutely no problem. I don’t know how to make a toss, he can’t even come out with a guard, let alone Qian Xin.

Zhou Wencai offended Wu Ye, of course, to find another way out. Cheng Liang is the way he has been looking forward to for a long time. Cheng Liang came, Zhou Wencai was more excited than seeing his relatives. He was eager to jump down and greet Cheng Liang. He was very afraid of the guarantee of death to help him with the guards.

Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua did not wait to see Zhou Wencai. The people of the pro-guard team were not stupid. They received an invitation from Zhou Wencai to say that there were tasks in the body. No one went to the appointment.

Zhou Wencai and Cheng Liang did not give up, invited several guards, and when they saw the invitation, they began to work hard from their families. The invitations of the three times and five times made the guards all vigilant and warned the family not to deal with Zhou Wencai. Mixing the guards around Wu Ye, these people have absolute authority at home, no one in the family dares to violate their meaning. Even though there are so few eyelids that are not intimate, Zhou Wencai has invited him to come back, and he will not be moved when he comes back. In the end, he can only live a busy life.

Unconsciously, Cheng Liang went to Yucheng for more than half a month. The food was not settled. He wanted to dig the wall and even the real people did not see the two sides. He also had to take the special guards every day to kill the zombies. After the evolution of the zombies, the combat power has risen more than one level. The special guards are not so lucky. If they die, they will encounter giant zombies. After a few battles, one or two hundred people will enter.

The task did not progress, and lost the wife and the soldiers, Cheng Liang finally worried.

Ji Xiang sent a secret stare at Cheng Liang and others and reported their schedule to Wu Ye. Wu Ye sneered: "Anxious, wait for him. Anyway, he will buy food at a price, as long as he still insists on paying with a fixed crystal card, don't promise him. Food is in our hands, he only has four or five thousand people, I See how he can take us?"

Ji Xiang thought about it and hesitated to say: "The special guards released the wind and said that the research on the d-virus vaccine in the capital of the city has made great progress, and soon the antidote can be studied." Disguised is the threat to the city, only did not say Do not give vaccine if you don't give food.

Wu Ye swings his hand: "Do not believe in their set, soon? How fast is it? Can the d virus evolve faster? Their research is progressing. Isn't our research not?"

From the personnel to the money, the research institutes all hold Wu Ye, and only when the materials are needed, they will pass the hands of Ji Xiang. He is really unclear about the progress of the research. However, he has confidence in Wu Ye. On the loyalty, Wu Ye is absolutely very human.

After talking about other things, and finally talking about the price, Ji Xiang said: "There have been some hunters who have not gone out recently, all looking for work in the city. Many hunters complain that the price of crystal nucleus is too low. ""

Wu Ye thought about it and asked: "How do you think we are now introducing a citizenship system? We can also use the zombie gene collector on the other side of the Jiangnan settlement. We can also implement the subsidy policy as they do. Put it together."


The fully evolved zombies have scared some ordinary hunters. Wu Ye’s policy is relatively loose, and he can support himself even if he works in the city. When you get a disease like plague, you can also allow credit treatment to pay for work. For some hunters, the days are getting worse, it’s better than nothing.

It doesn't matter if one person or two people think so. There are so many people thinking, and the problem is big.

The zombies have been more powerful than before. If you don’t actively clean up the zombies in the hunting area, it’s definitely a matter of morning and evening. How can the walls be thick? Can you stand the collision of the Zombie Legion? What's more, there are giant zombies with a height of four or five meters. With their strength, the wall of the city can withstand several impacts?

So, no matter what, you can't let the zombies besieged!

But it is simple to say, the speed of zombies is faster, and the five senses are stronger than before. From the end of March to the end of April, the zombie wall of Yucheng has advanced more than ten kilometers, the nearest one is Yucheng. Only 30 kilometers.

The distance of 30 kilometers is too close, and the transitional safety zone has almost disappeared. It can be said that the gate is the hunting area. It may mean that one day, when I wake up, I will appear at the gate of the city. If this is the case, the hunter will have to drop the chain and play for the job. The city is really dangerous.

Qin Wuhua has been considering the problem of Yucheng during this time. He frowned. "Now the zombies are harder to kill. The number of crystal nucleus hunted by the hunters is only about 30% in the past. If it is just a subsidy, it is not enough." There must be a brave man under the reward. If the hunter has the same three-serving life as the ordinary labor force, why should he risk the death to kill the zombies?

Wu Ye said: "Because of this, I want to use the citizenship system at this juncture and use institutional incentives to encourage more people to engage in the hunter industry. Of course, the price of crystal nuclei should indeed be mentioned."

The citizenship hierarchy divides the citizenship rank according to the contribution value. The higher the rank, the more privileges there are. In essence, the citizen hierarchy violates the principle that democracy is contrary to everyone's equality, but the unfairness of the hunter is actually not another level of fairness.

There must be a house.

In fact, the citizen hierarchy has long been an expert in sociology and law, and Wu Ye has done a good job. From Wu Ye’s unreliable thoughts to their constant discussion and revision, the first draft will be made in the new year. The terms are very numerous and detailed, and they are very implementable. The set of institutional provisions they have developed essentially emphasizes that contributions can enjoy privileges while also balancing fairness and democracy as much as possible.

For example, no matter how much contribution, it must be subject to the law, and privilege is more in the benefits of people's livelihood than power. For example, the same thing, higher citizens have the right of first refusal, and at the same time enjoy a certain degree of discount; but if the higher citizens commit the law, no matter how high the level, the same legal sanctions are accepted as the lower citizens, without any discount.

Originally during the Spring Festival, Wu Ye wanted to introduce the citizenship system. Both Qin Wuhua and Ji Xiang expressed opposition. They believed that the timing was not yet mature. The rash launch would cause survivors to rebound. Wu Ye had to launch credit points first.

Now, the zombies have evolved in an all-round way, and the harm of the mutant worms has gradually surfaced. The situation has become more severe. The citizenship system can be put on the table as a 'encourage hunters' measure. I believe the ordinary labor force who fears zombies. There is nothing to say. After all, they have no fighting power, and in no case can they avoid the refuge of the hunters.

Yucheng is only a medium-sized settlement. The number of survivors still belongs to the bottom. There are fewer contradictions and fewer voices, and the voice of opposition is weak. It is suitable as a 'test field' of the new system.

This time, Qin Wuhua and Ji Xiang did not object to Wu Ye’s opinion. In fact, they also believed that the timing was just right.

What is more entangled in Ji Xiang is the price change of the crystal nucleus: "How much does Wu Shao plan to mention?"

Wu Ye looks to Qin Wuhua: "How much do you think is appropriate?"

Qin Wuhua thought for a moment: "On the basis of constant price in the city, the price of transcrystalline and credit points is temporarily doubled. The ratio of other crystal nuclei to transcrystals remains unchanged, according to the increase of transcrystals. The ratio of credit points is temporarily unchanged. The hunter's subsidy is based on the Jiangnan settlement, the first-level zombie reward 1 credit, the second-level zombie reward 5 credits, the second zombie 10 credits, and so on. , refer to the exchange rate of the crystal nucleus."

A new generation of collectors developed by the gene collector of the Jiangnan settlement in the city of Yucheng can perfectly identify the zombies in the excessive stage such as the quasi-secondary zombies, the quasi-three-level zombies and even the quasi-fourth-level zombies.

These bonus points are extra. The current price of coarse grains in Yucheng is still 5 credits per kilogram, and fine grain vegetables are 10 credits per kilogram. Even if the performance can only kill one or twenty corpses of one or two zombies a day, there is enough subsidy for them to eat at least enough.

After consultation, Wu Ye announced the implementation of the citizenship system on April 28th. At first, Wu Ye was only trying to get a try. I didn't expect to have a huge impact on the entire planet.

In the citizen hierarchy, there are three main aspects of daily accumulation of contributions -

For hunters, one is the various tasks of the hunter's trade union, the task is to release the contribution points according to different levels; the second is the number and quality of daily hunting and killing zombies, just like subsidy rewards, according to different grades The contribution point; the third is consumption, the more credit points accumulated in the city, will be converted into credit points according to different consumption amounts.

For the ordinary labor force, the first is the task of the work, and actively complete the tasks issued by the superior leaders, such as autumn farming and spring farming, there will be certain contribution points reward; the second is to comprehensively assess the usual work performance, and enjoy the contribution points according to the performance score. The third point is the same as the hunter, or consumption.

In contrast, the gap between the hunter and the ordinary labor force came out. Obviously, in any case, the hunter is more likely to get a contribution point than the ordinary labor.

In addition, there are some special contributions. For example, creating inventions, discovering, and making any major contribution to the safety of the city, after evaluation, may obtain the direct contribution point reward of the city owner.

In the preliminary draft of the citizenship hierarchy,

5000 - the following powers of credit;

On the basis of the monthly citizenship, you can receive 10 kg of rice noodles and three pounds of meat as a subsidy for materials;

1 On the basis of, enjoy more material subsidies, while enjoying a 10% discount on specific materials;

10, on the basis of, enjoy more material concessions, while allowing to buy and operate stores;


500 million - 1 billion contribution points for nine-level citizens, on the basis of eight-level citizens, sharing 10% of the tax revenue of Yucheng with other nine-level citizens, allocated on an annual basis.

Above the 1 billion contribution point, it is a ten-level citizen. On the basis of the nine-level citizen, it enjoys a part of the management of the city.

The above classification will be adjusted according to the problems encountered in the implementation.

In order to further promote the implementation, residents of permanent residents have been registered and directly contributed to the first-class citizens by 5000 contribution points. In addition, the mission record of the hunter corps union, the base contribution value received by the hunters before the task is directly converted into a contribution point.

Some hunters who love to do hunter trade union missions will easily advance to second-class citizens, and third-tier citizens will need further efforts.

The harvest of the city is just around the corner, and food is undoubtedly one of the most important strategic materials in the last days. As long as the granary can be supplied, the problem of nucleus price increase is not big.

In terms of weapons, after hollowing out the entire Qingyi County, the Institute used various materials to cooperate with the gold abilities, and newly acquired three bullet production lines and one rifle production line. Professor Ji Yun and Professor Li also temporarily put down the research on the nucleus energy converter. Together with other scientific research personnel, they carried out in-depth transformation of several sets of ammonia production lines recovered from the chemical plants in the industrial area, and then used natural gas to produce ammonia water, which was then converted into Nitric acid is then produced by esterification of concentrated nitric acid with concentrated sulfuric acid to produce nitrocellulose. Nitrocellulose is commonly known as fire cotton and is an important component of bullet propellants. With it, it can produce bullets continuously.

Good luck is that there is a natural gas well over the Lishui settlement. Now the gas output from the gas well has been damaged, but it can still be used in the drowning. Ji Xiang has arranged for the soil abilities and the people who know this technology to pass. If it is handled well, it is possible to build a military factory there and make the whole side to become the satellite settlement of the city, and then find a way. From the Qingyuan settlement or other petroleum energy settlements to toluene, and then self-produced tnt, to produce their own bombs, when the military is no longer subject to the Beijing settlement.

Feng Jia has a certain power and foundation in the Qingyuan settlement. When he accidentally leaks gasoline from them, he should be able to supply the demand of Yucheng in a short time.

For a long time, Wu Ye is still more optimistic about nucleation energy.

Cheng Liang thought that he was leaning against the capital and he was sure to win the prize, but Yucheng did not rely on the capital as much as he imagined. With the change in the value of the nucleus, the leaders of the various settlements will further seize the power. Other large and medium-sized settlements may also complain about the capital. After all, no one will be willing to take the benefits away.

The author has something to say: one more king and two more gentle again fit ~~~ what? Thank you for your support.

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