End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 129: development of

The Surabaya settlement is more than 300 kilometers away from Yucheng. There are no other settlements nearby. The living environment is superior to that of Yucheng. It is very suitable for the researchers who are under house arrest and their families. There are many people in the city, and if these people move their hearts, it is easy to pass the news. Wu Ye tied these people to want them to be assigned to him for work, instead of playing with these people, and at the same time, they did not want to find his corner in the short time.

The special guards who defected were all deserters. If they were found, they all had only one dead end. The mere shooting is not terrible, the terrible thing is to send them into the laboratory as a test article.

Of course, there are more than 7,000 people who have come here successfully, and the special guards account for 4,000. Even Huang Qianmu and Zheng Daping cannot guarantee whether these people have traitors who want to wear sin. These people are definitely not able to bring back to Yucheng at this stage.

Because there is a natural gas well on the side of Lishui, Wu Ye agreed with Ji Xiang to build this into a military satellite city. Now it is appropriate to put these people on the side of the road and ‘the house arrest’.

Wu Ye left the guards temporarily in Surabaya and gave them three days to let them settle down. He and Qin Wuhua took Gu Changen back to Yucheng.

Driving at night was very difficult, especially when sprinting the zombie wall, Gu Changen scared almost even his eyes could not open. As an old expert in energy, Gu Changen was closely guarded by the local garrison when the general public was still blocked by news. Later, when the last days broke out, he went to the settlement of Yueshui and learned that the daughter-in-law of the far-away family had all died. He was completely disheartened and turned the laboratory into a home.

In the last two years, he stayed in the building where he was responsible for the research almost every day, and the information outside was rarely transmitted to his ears. When he escaped from the Yueshui side, he was sitting in a closed armored vehicle. He couldn't see the outside situation. Now he is sitting in the vice seat of the truck. Under the white light of the roof, he can clearly see the denseness. The zombies came to the truck, and the body of the zombie screamed with screams and trembles...

In just one or twenty minutes, Professor Gu felt that it had been like a few years, and finally rushed out of the zombie wall. Professor Gu often breathed a sigh of relief...

Back in the city, it was already in the middle of the night. When I entered the city, Qin Wuhua called the Xiangxiang Hotel and asked them to do a few handfuls of dishes to their homes as soon as possible. The owner of the hotel was busy getting up and shouted a few masters in the store. After a while, Wu Ye returned home to take a shower. The restaurant sent six dishes and two soups, all of which were steaming.

Professor Gu was in peace with him, and he was not polite with Wu Ye. After going to the table, the chopsticks aimed at the meat piece. After eating, he said, "I’m old, my appetite is not good. When I am young, at least Eat two more bowls of rice."

Two less laughed: "You have a good appetite when you are young and young." Now you can eat three bowls of rice. How much do you have to eat when you are young? A proper meal! It seems to be dry and dry, and the belly can really fit.

Qin Wuhua looked at the wooden clock in the corner of the eye. The pointer has already pointed to three o'clock in the middle of the night. He said: "The time is not early. I will take the professor to take a break and arrange for you to meet Professor Li tomorrow."

Professor Gu nodded and was taken to the second floor room by Qin Wuhua. Professor Gu was not too young, and these days of heart and soul were exhausted, and fell asleep in bed after a while. When Qin Wuhua turned back to pack the table, and then went back to the room, the younger brother fell asleep, and Qin Qin sighed silently. He lay down on the bed and turned off the light, holding the person in his arms and gently on his lips. Kissing and kissing, listening to the second, shallow and even breathing, the heart calmed down, and then slowly fell asleep...

Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua left the city for twenty days. The planting and harvesting of the planting area was carried out in an orderly manner every day. The grain output in the spring harvest was not ideal, but the harvested grain was based on the existing population of Yucheng. On the whole, you don't have to worry about hungry for a whole year. Some of the machines that have been moved back from Qingyi County can further process these foods and increase storage time. However, the really exciting news is not a bumper harvest, but in the process of harvesting, some people have found mutated food.

Almost every variety of food and vegetables has variant varieties. Unlike other mutant plants, these varieties are almost non-aggressive. The fruit part of the fruit is not toxic, and the growth cycle becomes shorter, and the yield is turned up. Several times.

In the case of corn and wheat, the variation of corn is three times as large as that of ordinary corn. Other corn can only be one or two packs. They can produce seven or eight packs or more. After maturity, they will mature. Corn cobs, after two weeks, the original plants will continue to head and flower to grow taller, and a new Shibuya. Compared to ordinary sugar cane-sized corns, the mutant corn is taller and thicker and closer to the 'tree'. After experimentation, the germination rate of the mutated corn seeds is as high as 100%. After germination, it is obviously better than the growth of common corn seeds, and the probability of variation is higher.

The condition of the mutated wheat is similar to that of the mutated corn. While the yield is greatly increased, the plants will not die after harvesting, but will grow more lush.

Mutant potatoes and mutant sweet potatoes have a huge development trend. Survivors are excited when they dig up potatoes and sweet potatoes that are as large as twenty or thirty watermelons. Ji Chong personally took out the mature fruit part carefully, leaving the roots that became sturdy and thickened. After exerting their abilities, the original plant was hardly affected much, and soon after, the young leaves and flower bones began to grow again.


Similar mutations have occurred in other vegetables, and the variety of varieties has increased significantly.

Even if the mutation rate is only one in a thousand, this benign variation allows everyone to see some hope in the last days.

In addition, Li Yuan's vaccine research has finally made some progress. After adding some extracts of mutant plants and animals to the sera of the abilities, they finally succeeded in making semi-finished products. Through the white mouse experiment, these semi-finished products have a cure rate of 30%. Used on injured hunters, ordinary hunters have a cure rate of 20%, and those with abilities have a cure rate of 35%. After being cured, the abilities are often regressed, reduced, or even lost. The phenomenon of power. These semi-finished products can't be compared with the perfect vaccine that Wu Ye exchanges with the system. However, in any case, the d-virus vaccine is finally eye-catching, which is definitely the strongest strong-hearted needle for humans.

Professor Li and Ji Yun's nucleus energy experiment is still not progressing much, but after meeting with Gu Changen, the two sides exchanged experimental experiences and learned from each other's strengths. Both sides have the feeling of seeing the clouds and seeing the sky. After Gu Changen exchanged with Professor Li, he took the initiative to apply to join the laboratory. After Wu’s approval, he did not go out of the lab. After seeing the crystal pistol and the fusion weapon in the laboratory, Gu Changen was even more open.

With his participation, the experiment, which had been stagnant before, has taken a big step forward. Although Wu Ye did not have anything to do with them, but the converter they initially modeled, finally able to replace a little meager energy to light the bulb. With this beginning, I believe that they will be able to make a real energy converter in no time.

Li Minsheng's brain-brain experiment has been very smooth and successful. The upgraded brain has begun to take shape. It has now entered the final stage of commissioning, and it will take a long time to be completely successful.

In terms of military industry, the natural gas wells on the other side of the river have been thoroughly cleaned up. Only when the relevant facilities and equipment are installed can the ammonia gas be produced, and then the fire cotton can be manufactured, and the ammunition can be further mass-produced. It will not take long for the military of the city to stop Under the jurisdiction of the capital.

In desperation, human beings have brought wisdom to the extreme, survival, and victory. Although the war is cruel, it can promote human development to the greatest extent.

After Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua came back, they organized several large-scale counter-attacks.

Wu Ye specially asked Daniel to purchase a large number of incendiary bombs. In the summer, the hot environment can almost dry the zombies, which is not much water, so that the incendiary bombs can exert the maximum effect. In order to prevent the zombies from stealing the nucleus and artificially creating a higher level of zombies, Wu Ye specially summoned all the soil abilities in the city, joined forces to create a pit of the artificial crater, and lured the zombies into the pit to burn and kill. Then, create obstacles and block the corpse tide. Wu Ye then uses this short time to freeze the 'fire pit' with the ability, and then all the things in the pit are collected into the space ring, and then all are released to pick out the nucleus.

Repeatedly, Wu Ye’s ability finally broke through in the battle and was upgraded to 5th order.

Qin Wuhua was a month late, and he progressed smoothly to 5th.

After a large-scale counter-attack corpse and a reverse temptation, after nearly two months of hard work, the zombie wall of Yucheng was finally rushed to a place more than 70 kilometers away from Yucheng, and the safe area was reclaimed.

At this time, the terrible fusion variants finally appeared on the boundary of the city, and a large number of water sources outside the city were polluted. Deep water wells are used in the city, and no pollution has occurred yet. But after all, the water cycle is connected, and no one knows when the deep groundwater on which everyone lives will be polluted.

The mutant worm expert tied by Wu Ye took the details given by Wu Ye, and has now studied the method of testing parasitism. They made a reagent, and if it was parasitic, as long as the reagent was applied to the palm of the hand, the transparent reagent would immediately turn black. Once parasitized, all will be executed and incinerated outside the city to avoid the mutated worms entering the city.

The southern part of the Guangdong water settlement is finally broken, 45

More than half of the survivors did not die under the mouth of the zombies, but died of parasitic worm parasites. In the process of being parasitized, the dead person who was killed by the zombies and injured the final corpse has undergone a more terrifying variation. When the traditional five-level zombies appeared in front of people, a new zombie was quietly born.

The author has something to say: There have been three recent events in the world, and there are only a few Mengs in the week. It’s only a little more~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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