Ji Yun had followed Wang He and had already ran a destination. He led the way. Everyone successfully avoided the unreasonable sections and took a lot of detours. I don't know what happened. Ji Yun felt that the zombies encountered along the way seemed to be more than the last time. They drove at full speed, and the engine sound of the car provoked a lot of zombies chasing behind them. However, at present, the speed of zombies is still faster than the car.

‘砰——’ There is a zombie standing in the middle of the road, and Ji Yun’s unrelenting collision, the body of the zombie left a trace of shackles at the moment of intimate contact with the modified windshield.

In the car, except Wu Ye, everyone looked indifferent, as if they were commonplace.

Wu Ye said that he didn’t feel what he was, and he silently turned his head out the window. The car drove to the edge of the safe radiation area of ​​Yucheng. Outside the window were large tracts of ridiculous fields and sporadic factories. Numerous zombies were animal-shaped, madly moving through the grass, people who lived solely on hunts. Or stand on a high roof with a machine gun, or attack with an ability, or with a simple weapon to hunt together.

The sound of gunshots, the roar of the engine, the screams of human cry, the snoring of zombies, the innumerable sounds intertwined, playing the movement of death.


No, this is only the lowest level of fighting. The scattered zombies did not even form a medium-sized corpse. In a sense, this is a unilateral slaughter of human beings. Once the corpse tide is formed and the balance is reversed, that is the real **** scene.

Wu Ye has been in the last days for 20 days. Today is the real glance of the glacier in the last days. At the same time, I really understand the ‘the hardships of the people’s lives.’

Going forward for ten kilometers, the number of zombies suddenly increased.

"Sit firmly!" Ji Yun shouted, the car suddenly accelerated, constantly drifting the tail, try to avoid obstacles on the road and increasingly dense zombies.

Yang Lina is obviously not the first time to experience this kind of scene. She shakes a little window and throws out a whistling toy whistle. The metal bottle is tied with a thin piece of meat, and the meat is still covered with blood. Fresh fleshy and sharp sounds maximize the instinct of zombie hunting. She threw a few whistle in a row, and Ji Yun immediately felt the pressure drop suddenly, and took the opportunity to rush out the ‘ zombie wall’ that spread two or three kilometers.

After rushing out of this section, the number of zombies has dropped significantly, but it still has much more than the safe radiation zone in Yucheng. Seeing the zombies rushed up by the former servants, Wu Ye couldn't help but be afraid of it. Fortunately, he was not left behind by the unreliable system. Otherwise, he didn't know how to die.

The car traveled for more than 30 kilometers and finally stopped at the foot of a mountain.

Everyone had a tacit understanding of the zombies around them, and Zhang Ling, who had left the drops, came to see the car. Others quickly ran to the medicine fields in the middle of the mountain.

Their task was to collect a variety of herbs. The predecessor of the herb was honeysuckle. The mutated honeysuckle faded from the dazzling gold and became crystal-clear. Some hunters had picked flowers because they felt the flowers were beautiful. Brought back to the base, and later found that the mutant honeysuckle not only has a miraculous effect on heat-clearing and detoxification, but a simple headache, fever and cold can be treated, and the effect is comparable to some special effects before the end of the world. In the current extreme lack of medicine, the mutated honeysuckle is undoubtedly a valuable resource. The area around Yucheng is not the place of honeysuckle. Most of them are wild or ordinary people who make one or two plants and play them. It is rare to plant them in pieces. Therefore, it is very difficult to find mutated honeysuckle.

Because Wang He is a native, I know that there is a small piece of honeysuckle medicine field here. I have been preparing for a long time. I want to brush this task a few times and make a fortune. I know that the first time I came to the contiguous petals, I didn’t touch it. And return.

Let Wang and defeat is a mutant wolf group. Half of the big and small wolves are mutated. They die several people before they escape from the wolves. Of course, the loss of the wolves is not small. A few unmutated wolves and cubs died in the hands of the king and the people. The hatred of the two sides is already endless.

Before Qin Wuhua took this task, he had inquired about Ji Yun’s situation in detail. After confirming the employment relationship with Yang Lina, they told them about the situation and what they had to face. Everyone was more aware.

"Be careful, they are coming!" Qin Wuhua made a stop motion, and everyone stopped immediately.

When Yang Qi’s arm lifted, the mud gradually formed a two-meter-high thick earth wall in a khaki-colored light. Ji Yun released several robots that resembled mice in his backpack. The mechanical rats rushed to the ground. Before the formation of the earthen wall, it rushed out of the encirclement and plunged into the weedy field of honeysuckle. Two wolves chased the mechanical rat into the flower field, but under the control of Ji Yun, the mechanical mouse had already dig into the ground.

The battle was started with a string of wind blades that the wolf spit, and the sharp wind blade left a terrible crack on the earth wall. Then the three gray wolves roared and the body soared like a balloon. More than a few times, red eyes and mad rushed up and hit a wall. At the moment when the earth wall cracked, the three purple lightning bolts of the bowls were precisely placed on their heads. The three gray wolves mourned and softened to the inability of the limbs to twitch, and the fur was stunned and black.

"Hey--" The head wolf hated, mourned, and rushed up with the remaining wolves.

Zhao Jianguo keeps throwing fireballs with his hands, and Luoyang blesses his wind abilities to form a line of fire, forcing the wolves to dare to go forward; Yang Qi mobilizes his abilities, a ground thorn quietly runs through a The body of the female wolf; the head of the wolf sees the same family fall again, the beast's instinct has overpowered the wisdom and reason that just formed, only a black shadow flashed, the head wolf has rushed to the front of Yang Lina, sharp teeth licking her neck Bite away.


Wu Ye’s brain was briefly blank for a second, and he returned to God, but there was no scene of blood and blood splashing.

At the beginning of the millennium, Yang Lina’s gold abilities finally advanced to the second stage, and the body surface became a metal, which successfully resisted the fatal blow of the head wolf, but the head wolf also privately ran from her neck with its unusually sharp teeth. Large piece of metal.

The first wolf couldn't strike, and turned around in the vicinity of Zhao Jianguo and Luo Yang. The two men had a scratch on their backs.

The gunshots and the screams of the two men rang at the same time, and the wolf was unwilling to fall to the ground, the blood mixed with brains, and the red and white splashed.

The remaining five variants of the wolf were in the wrong condition, sobbing and fluttering and flew into the jungle on the mountain.

"Oh, I was glad that I didn't hurt my spine, and I couldn't help but complain to Qin Wuhua. Luo Yang also stared at him with a blank face."

Yang Lina removed her abilities and rubbed her neck. The bright red liquid continued to overflow from the fingers, and the bright red flesh was exposed to the outside. She endured a painful laugh: "If you can react faster, you can avoid this attack. On the contrary, if Qin Ge’s reaction is fast enough, I am afraid that you two are now two bodies. I still complain that others have not saved enough in time. Hey, people are invincible, and sure enough."

"Yang Lina, you are still angry.

"Lina, I know that you are still blaming me for Zhang Ling's affairs..." Luo Yang saw Yang Lina's ability breakthrough, and wanted to repair the relationship between them. The second-order gold abilities who are known for their combat effectiveness are significantly more valuable than those who have a healing ability that is not spiritual.

"Hold it, first pack things away, I am not in the mood to marry you." Yang Lina is now completely aware of the true face of Luoyang, and even do not want to say more to him.

At this time, the mechanical mouse that Ji Yun manipulated has already succeeded. This piece of honeysuckle field is not small, but there are only 3 strains of real mutants, one big and two small. The mutated honeysuckle faintly evolves from shrubs to trees. The branches are thicker and taller, and the leaves are soft and green, and the hard edges are like saws. In addition to the transparent crystal color, the flowers are more enchanting than the ordinary honeysuckle, and the branches are covered with steel needles. thorn. I don't know because the evolution direction of honeysuckle is still too low, it is not as active as most mutant plants.

Just now they were fighting the wolves. Everyone was afraid to disturb other animals on the mountain and the zombies in the vicinity. The mutant honeysuckle was successful, and everyone immediately smashed the wolf corpse and the mutant honeysuckle down the mountain.

Qin Wuhua had a lot of strength. One person dragged four wolves. Wu Ye had no strength at all. He took the initiative to smash the body of the wolf, and he put a heavy weight on his shoulder and let him lick his mouth. Ji Yun smashed three strains. Honeysuckle, Yang Lina and others split the chasing zombies and chased them.

"Yang Lina, your neck has been bleeding, really do not need Zhang Ling to help you?" Ji Yun's impression of Yang Lina is good, see her has been bleeding pale, very can not help but ask.

Yang Lina said: "When her ability wants to use it, she doesn't have it when she doesn't want it. Do you think she will be willing to treat me?" Yang Lina has taught Zhang Ling's urine more than once. She is too familiar with her care. . Said that Lin Lina took a roll of bandage from her backpack and simply wrapped the wound that had just been washed. Then she took out two toy whistle from the bag and tied the sponge that had just been cleaned with blood stains.

"You are not wasting it," Wu said.

"Saving is a virtue, a small - brother learns."

"..." Can you still work together happily? !

"What are you going to do with the wolves that you just hunted?" Yang Lina asked.

Wu Ye said: "Of course, I took it back to the city to sell it. Why, do you have a better idea?" Wolf meat is a good thing, it's good, it tastes good, it doesn't say it is very good, and the wolf skin is warmer. Good thing.

Yang Lina shook her head and smiled: "I know that the three of you are unfamiliar with the city, and take it back to the city to sell it. Isn't it a white one for others?"

"If you don't return to the city, do you... Is the rumor of the black market of the abilities true?" Ji Yun exclaimed. He once heard that there is a mysterious market outside Yucheng, which is dedicated to the trading of the abilities. It does not need to pay any taxes. It is the acquiescence of the high-level city.

The compromise of the top of the city is to attract and condense the abilities. They naturally do not want the ordinary people to have the same kind of learning, and get a tax-free trading area outside the city. Therefore, they acquiesced in the existence of the black market of the abilities, and also asked the abilities to slap on the black market. Many abilities have a high self-esteem. They think that they should not be in the same league as ordinary people. Half of the abilities themselves serve the high-level people of the city. Finally, most of the abilities in the black market are willing to accept the high-level condition. Evolving to the present, the abilities have become the black card of the black market, and the black market has only been passed on by the abilities.

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