End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 144: new factory

The current situation in Yucheng has become more and more stable. The city does not say that everyone can live a small and good life. At least three meals a day is no problem. A hunter with a lot of skill, with money in hand, will naturally go up. Wu Ye came back this time, intending to get some snacks, as well as salt and some medicine to go back. At that time, things are not only sold in the city, but also sold to other settlements.

Before Wu Ye returned, he gave Professor Li a dozen kilograms of green sputum mine, allowing him to try to make a small defensive energy hood and apply this energy hood technology to jet aircraft. Professor Li’s current energy cover is only a defensive function. Wu Ye hopes that he can further make an energy cover for the attack and defense. Otherwise, it is the kind of energy cover that can be 'invisible' sold by the system to improve the safety factor of the air route.

When you fly directly to other settlements by plane, it takes only two or three hours to go straight to Beijing. The efficiency is much higher than that of the team running on land. It is also convenient and quick to buy the goods you need. Even, it is also possible to advertise the city and let more people immigrate to the city.

This year, due to the emergence of mutant insects, Wu Ye has been unable to extract time to capture the new county, and can only find another way. Now the role of the nucleus is only used by the versatile, and more often acts as a currency of circulation. After the development of nucleus energy, the value of the nucleus will definitely rise. In other words, now is the best time to accumulate original capital.

The accumulation of wealth from other settlements will inevitably cause resentment and rejection from other high-level settlements. However, Wu Ye is not the same as before. He and Daqin are among the best in the country, and their guards are definitely the top hunter team. The city itself has also established a firm foothold. As the various techniques of the late Yucheng City were developed, other settlements did not say that they were rushing to tie them, and at least they would not easily sue them. Moreover, Wu Ye, like Yucheng, has a lot of settlements, and there are many high-rises in the settlements. There are always seams that can be opened.

Slowly infiltrating forces and influences into other settlements, gathering more hunters, expanding the scale of the city, and accelerating the development of the city, is the goal of Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua.

The capture of the city can certainly get a lot of supplies, but now there is no one who can capture the city like them. It is safer for the city’s goods to have zombies to guard. On the contrary, if Wu Ye does not grasp the development of the second half of the year, and the mutant worms and zombies become more and more powerful, it will be more difficult for survivors to migrate.

Of course, the premise of all this is based on Professor Li's ability to improve the new energy cover.

Before that, Wu Ye needed to hoard a lot of goods.

Over the past six months or so, after Wu Yong successively invested a large amount of money in Xinxin Food Factory, the food factory has developed from the original candy, chocolate, biscuits, bread, etc. to the production of various kinds of preserved fruit, puffed food, various dried meat and other markets. A variety of small snacks that are popular. The formulas of these small snacks were purchased by Wu Yong at a high price, and Wu Ye was collected in another plane. In general, the taste remained at the same level, and the products that Wu Ye got from another plane were quite Features, in line with Pang Zhi's small supermarket listing, the consumer response is very good.

Because of the good sales, the overall income is quite impressive. After Wu Yong and Wu Ye simply negotiated, they took a 500-mu land in a suburb near the city of H, and prepared to build a large factory. Compared with the land price of the old industrial area, the land price of Xinyi County is much lower, and Xinyi County itself is still a grain county. Whether it is contracting land to develop its own raw material base or directly purchasing raw materials, it is more convenient than in the city.

Not only that, Ouyang's family because of the Ouyang old man's things, after the chicken flying dog jumped for a while, coupled with the sluggish real estate market this year, even if it is how to turn the tide, it is still showing signs of decline. In order to revitalize the company, Ouyang Xin and Ouyang old man and Wu Sen are interested in reaching out to the old industrial area. The original development of the old industrial zone is the long-term goal of the Ouyang old man. Since the scandal has been stranded, the Ouyang old man has always been unwilling.

Of course, the development of the old industrial zone, for the time being, is the internal high-level trade secret of the Ouyang Group, which was discovered by Wu Li with his little internal news. On the municipal side, the new mayor who just took office immediately has a lot of energy. He wants to get some excellent political achievements, and uses the city as his pedal, and keeps his senior qualifications. Ouyang has been operating for many years and naturally has its own source of information. After smelling the intention of the new mayor, it has begun to move.

The fastest next year, the latest in the next year, the development of the old industrial area is imperative.

If Wu Yong does not plan early, he will be caught off guard sooner or later.

The gold that was disposed of from Zhao Jun has all arrived in the account, but soon Wu Yong invested the money again. Wu Ye’s purchase of arms also consumed a part of it. He now has less than 900 million yuan left. It is unrealistic to compete with the Ouyang Group for the development rights of the old industrial zone. It is better to retreat to build a new factory.

Fortunately, the land price of industrial land in Xinyi County is not high. Wu Yong’s money is basically enough to run the food factory. Later, the working capital can also get a part of the mortgage loan. Moreover, even if the Ouyang Group wants to develop an industrial area, it is not finished with a slap in the mouth, and there is also a huge demolition fee. The forces in the old industrial zone are rooted in faults and there is no satisfactory compensation. The Ouyang Group’s plan is bound to be bankrupt.

"Mom, the old man is not so happy to be so open today? Is there something wrong?" Wu Ye sat on the sofa eating fruit, and took the old man to go to the bathroom to ask He Yushu.

auzw.com He Yushu snorted and some unpleasantly said: "What else can be done, isn’t it today that Ouyang Group announced the successful acquisition of the Zhou Group?"

“Zhou Group?” Wu Ye immediately responded, is the Zhou Group not the Wu’s group that changed its name?

To say that Wu’s group’s position in Wu Yong’s heart is absolutely no less than a pro-son, the son’s son’s credit is more than half of his son’s, and the Wu’s group is Wu Yong’s hard work. It’s built up. Wu’s group was first joined by the most trusted son and the old friends who worked together. Now they are sold to old rivals by old friends, and his son is the leader. It’s strange that Wu Yong’s heart can be well received. He is still relatively open-minded. He has a lot of feelings in his heart. If he can’t think of it, he may feel that there are many people behind him watching his jokes.

"For more than 20 years, I have raised a white-eyed wolf!" He Yushu was angry. Wu Yong came out of the bathroom and just heard it. The face that was not so good-looking was even tighter. Stinking on a face, I went to the study and played with my beloved potted sulking.

Wu Ye heard the old man's movements and comforted the mother. "Mom, you just have to say a few words. Anyway, things are already like this. The old man is very uncomfortable. You still advise him."

He Yushu’s son glanced, “I’m still more uncomfortable, and I haven’t seen anyone to comfort me.”

Two less stunned to the mother's back massage: "Do you think I am not comforting you now?"

He Yushu glanced at his son and looked at his son's ignorance. The suffocation in his heart was a lot. Pulling his son's hand to let him be around, he said: "Ye, you see that you are 25 years old this year, and you are 26 years old. You should also make a girlfriend. Other things are busy, get married and have children. It must also be in the heart, that is the most important thing in life."

Wu Ye’s actual age is only 24 years and a half. It’s true that the girlfriend is right, but it’s too early to say that marriage is too early. He Yushu is so anxious. On the one hand, he hopes that Wu Ye can stay in this plane. Don’t go to the dangerous world again. Anyway, they have money in their hands and they are on the right track. Even if Wu Ye does not do enough, he and Wu. On the other hand, He Yushu is a woman, and her sense of smell is far more sensitive than that of a man. She always feels that her son’s laziness is easy to follow. It’s just that wealth is impossible to attract him. side.

Even if they don’t have enough wealth in their hands, once Wu Ye’s brain technology comes out, they will become the next Bill Gates. It’s definitely not a delusion. If it’s for money, it’s in another world, in this world. Is it more important to develop the foundation? The currencies of the two worlds are not universal, and it is not easy to deal with gold and jewellery antiques. Why bother to spend that extra effort?

The more I think, the more I feel that I am not right. Her son, she still does not know what personality? Wu Ye can have a lot of ambitions, others do not know if she still knows?

There is definitely a greasy look inside.

Wu Ye listened to this matter and numb the scalp. Pretending to be impatient: "I am only busy with 24 things. In a few years, your son and I will not be able to go anywhere. I am now the key time, at home. Things can't let outsiders know, talk about what friends have been for a few years." If Daqin is the person of this plane, he still has one or two points to let his parents accept him, but he is not the person of this plane. The mother's temptation is obviously not wanting to come together with the person in the plane. Even the women have no way, not to mention that Daqin is still a man.

He Yushu’s big eyes pulled Wu Ye’s training, so he said that he was talking for a long time, and finally Pang Zhi rescued him by phone.

"Well, you are a stinky boy. When you hand over your girlfriend, you don’t say anything to your brother. I’ve been stung by my mom. I’m taking people out for a while, why are you giving me this enchanting? Received." Two less dissatisfied to say that he fell, he said that today's mother how old things are re-raised, and the daring is to let the dead fat give stimulation.

Pang Zhi’s voice is very impressive. “Of course it’s a beautiful person. I’ve been chasing it for a long time before I get it, and it’s brought out for a while to open your eyes.”

Two less sour teeth have fallen, "You are stinking, you can't do your aesthetics?"

Pang Zhi was mad at the phone on the phone. After that, the two decided to go to eat. In fact, Wu Ye would like to go to the drunken court, Western food or something, he has not been very cold, but Pang Zhi said that his girlfriend prefers to eat Western food. The speaker was unwilling to listen to the intention, and had not seen Pang Zhi’s beautiful friend, Wu Ye’s heart had a discount on his girlfriend’s impression. The good news about red wine and steak is romantic. It’s hard to say that it’s a good thing. The western food tastes really good. I specially invited foreign chefs to do it, but Wu Ye thinks it compares with the delicacies of the drunken house. , how to eat or eat the z national dish for decades is more smooth.

The author has something to say: Tomorrow must be updated early, holding the claws ~~~

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