End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 156: Armor & Detector

Qin Wuhua once also touched the Li family's comparative insider. Although some of the core secret Li family have been guarding him, but based on his own information and understanding of the Li family, the power of the Li Wei brothers has greatly improved behind the absolute There is a big article. The hands of Li’s family were never so clean. Once they pulled out something and attacked the power of Li’s family, Qin Wuhua was quite happy.

However, their influence in Beijing is limited, and the contacts that can be used are limited to the younger brothers of Feng Jia and Ji Xiang. Ji Xiang's younger brother is just a small officer under the Li family's hand. It is not difficult to spend money to help them explore the news. However, it is not so easy to spy on the core secrets of the Li family, and this step is not to be exposed. Qin Wuhua once placed some nails like Huang Qianmu and Zheng Daping in the Li family. Unfortunately, the changes in the last few years are really too big. Can these people find a problem? Even if they find it, he does not dare now. Easily expose your identity and use them.

Therefore, to deal with Li's family, I still have to let Feng's family take it.

Feng family and Li family had enmity, but now Feng family is hard to take advantage of the relationship with the Yucheng allies, they are absolutely not willing to sit and watch the Li family rise again.

After all, the cake is only that big. When someone eats it, someone will eat less or not even eat it.

Qin Wuhua returned a letter to Feng Yu with a password. The letter did not say anything, but let Feng Yu pay more attention to Li’s research institute.

There is a large research institute in the colony of Beijing. Down, the top ten forces and various consortia have set up their own research institutes. After the outbreak of the last days, everyone in the study was particularly eye-catching. Whether it is a perfect vaccine or a nucleus energy development, as long as they can study one of them, they will be able to walk in the end.

The d virus first erupted from the southern cities, which happened to be the sphere of influence of the Li family at that time. Therefore, compared with other forces, they were the first to get first-hand information. Analysis of the situation is not right, Li Wanghao ordered the secret protection of scientific researchers, university researchers, and later sent these people to the capital to raise.

Li Wanghao has always been an image of peace and harmony, and it is absolutely good for people who have value in use, so that you can't pick up a little problem. He not only rescued these researchers from the chaos, but also tried his best to send a large number of troops to find the families of these researchers and **** their families to the capital.

Whether it is a genuine gratitude or a threat of helplessness, the researchers who are raised in the Li family are quite loyal.

Because the research institute in the hands of the Li family is the most researcher in the settlement of the capital, the facilities and equipment are also very complete, and many forces are secretly staring at the desire to share a piece of cake. However, Li’s defense is quite strict, and they directly repaired their research institute in a small satellite city that they completely control. The small satellite city is also the main garrison of the Li family. It can be said that it is protected in the heart, not The Li family, even the satellite city can not get close, let alone go in and spy on the news.

However, Feng Jia and Li Jia fight for so long, Qin Wuhua does not believe that they do not cast nails to each other.

When the soldiers were trained for a thousand days, the voice of Qin Wuhua had already passed through, and the energy of Feng’s family was seen.

The Li family's affairs, Qin Wuhua and Wu Ye are temporarily unable to take control. In addition to concentrating on eliminating zombies outside the city, they also urged the construction of the new city wall in Yucheng.

After seeing the zombies and mutant worms that have evolved again in the south, Wu Ye and Daqin returned directly to Ji Xiang to stop the construction of the houses in the city, and concentrated all the manpower and material resources to build the walls first. From last winter to the beginning of April, Yucheng participated in the construction of the city wall from the first tens of thousands of labors to hundreds of thousands of labors.

After half a year has passed, the new city wall of Yucheng has taken shape. The full ten-meter-high wall will circle the whole city, and the next thing to do is to continuously widen the thickening.

The huge cost of the city wall will almost empty the city's finances. However, once the city wall is completed, the return is also rich - the area of ​​the city will be expanded by nearly 2.5 times on the original basis, and planning well, accommodating seven or eight million people is absolutely not a problem. However, the location of Yucheng is good, and there are energy masks to alleviate some disasters. After the expansion of Yucheng and the variation of grain, the basic food demand for the residents in the city is not a problem.

The current scale of Yucheng has reached the standard of large-scale settlements, and one of the special rights of large-scale settlements is to exempt the government from paying 'food tax', 'mineral tax', etc., and those compulsory taxes in small and medium-sized settlements will be Transformed into equal trading.

Wu Ye brought a large number of medicines, and the wood abilities were carefully watched. The growth situation was very good. Then there were facilities and equipment that were originally moved back from the pharmaceutical factory in the industrial area. It is basically not a problem to produce some common medicines.

The military factory in the settlement of Lishui has been completely successful. The current production of arms can fully supply the consumption of the city. In addition to some high-level artillery shells and large fortifications, it is necessary to ask the capital to purchase. The military side basically does not have to rely on the capital of the capital. The crystal nuclear weapons independently developed by Yucheng City have been completely successful and put into production, and Yucheng can even reverse other settlements.

What is lacking in Yucheng is fuel and various ores. When the crystal energy converter is truly perfect, the fuel problem will be solved, but the lack of ore is more troublesome.

auzw.com Fortunately, they have reached a covenant with Feng Jia, and Feng Jia has always been willing to trade all kinds of 'high-precision' products with the ore they control.

At the beginning of April, a new batch of armor that Wu Ye had customized with Daniel last year was finally available.

This kind of armor was photographed at a high price by Victor in the 100 billion auction organized by Zhao. After obtaining the patent, Victor began mass production of the armor. The armor has a weight of about 15 kg and is made of a new type of titanium composite material. The fully enclosed structure has excellent ballistic resistance. The armor itself is softer and more elastic, and does not hinder the flexibility of the body. In fact, this kind of armor is almost ineffective against third-level zombies. Wu Ye is interested in its 'anti-insect' function. Wearing this fully enclosed, tough armor, it is not so easy for mutant worms to think about parasitism. The survival rate of hunters will increase a lot.

The cost of this kind of armor is very high. Daniel’s friendship price to Wu Ye is also his medicine and weapons purchased by Daniel. The gold and jewelry left in Wu’s home are almost exhausted. Antiques are also shot. Better.

The armor Wu leaves were divided several times before they were all shipped back to Yucheng, leaving a small amount of medicines to the institute to study the materials and see if there were any mutants, mutant beasts, mutant plants or zombies. These parts can be combined to increase defense and even transmit abilities.

The rest of the armor, Wu Ye all put in their own stores to sell at the price of 50 orange crystals.

Yucheng now has nearly 1.8 million survivors. After the winter, many people have awakened their abilities. Now the ratio of abilities has reached 25%. At the same time, the proportion of third-level zombies has also increased significantly, and the number has exceeded one level of zombies, second only to second-level zombies, accounting for 28%. Therefore, among the powerful hunters, there are not many people who get 50 pieces of orange crystal in one breath.

This new type of armor sells 200 pieces a day. Often, when things are put out, they are sold out. Second, the number of yellow-orange nucleus is counted every day, and more fatigue can be swept away. There is a master of the trick (host), the rabbit boss and the system can only drool silently against these beautiful crystal nucleus.

As the temperature rises, the mutant worms hidden in the thick snow and frozen soil gradually wake up, and the role of the new armor is gradually highlighted.

The mutant worms that have evolved again after a long winter have not only become bigger, but also become more aggressive, and most of them have obvious toxicity. And the various parasites become more awkward and faster, and ordinary fabrics can't stop them. Only the new armor, these mutant parasites still take it for a while, and many hunters with armor have returned a small life.

The mutant worms are constantly evolving, and more and more hunters have dig the energy crystals similar to the color and energy of the zombie nucleus in the corpse of the mutant worm. These heads are obviously smaller than the first energy crystallization, and the energy contained is relatively less. The hunters are hoping to use the insect nucleus to crystallize as a zombie crystal nucleus. At the beginning, the city tax system, savings office, and shops in Yucheng received many such crystal nuclei.

When the ice and snow melted the bugs, Wu Ye immediately launched a crystal nucleus energy detector in the city.

The energy detector was developed by Professor Gu and can accurately detect the energy contained in each crystal nucleus. With a standard through crystal of 1 energy unit, the instrument is accurate to 0.01 crystal transmission energy.

In this way, the crystal nucleus, which usually looks like the same kind, begins to have different energy contents. Professor Gu named this energy unit as 'crystal'. The energy contained in a standard crystallite is 1 crystal, which is contained in a standard red crystal. The energy is 10 crystals, the energy contained in a standard orange crystal is 100 crystals, the energy contained in a standard crystallite is 5000 crystals, and so on.

Since there is a 'standard', then there is a 'non-standard'. In fact, most of the same type of crystal nucleus will fluctuate up and down around this type of standard. The 'crystal content' of the zombie nucleus is 50% higher than the 'standard' nucleus. Now the number of zombies is quite large. Once the hunters check out the standard nucleus, they feel that they have earned. . As for the nuclear energy of insects, since everyone knows that their 'crystal content' is low, many shops are not willing to ask for it. The circulation in the market is not so good.

Now that there is a detector, how much energy a crystal nucleus contains is clear, and everyone who knows the price is fair and has nothing to say.

At the same time as the launch of the detector, the credit exchange system of Yucheng City changed immediately, and it became a unit of “crystal”. One crystal can be exchanged for 5 credits, and the floating fraction is converted according to this standard.

In the past, everyone bought things according to the number of crystal nuclei. Now you need one piece to identify the 'crystal content'. When you buy something, it is very time-consuming, and it is not convenient to change the zero. So many people will choose to pass through the crystal and powder crystal. Low-grade crystal nuclei such as Chijing are directly converted into credit points for trading. More advanced crystal nucleus is kept, or used to buy some specific items, such as armor, fusion weapons, etc., which can only be purchased with crystal crystals above the crystal level, or keep their own cultivation.

The emergence of the crystal nucleus energy detector has avoided many disputes and also allowed the credit system of Yucheng to be further promoted and improved. The monetary system has stabilized, and the financial system of Yucheng can be more stable. The economic foundation determines the superstructure, a new currency unit appears, and it can be peacefully promoted, which means that Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua are more secure in Yucheng.

The reform of Yucheng is proceeding in an orderly manner according to the plans of Wu Ye and Daqin. By mid-April, the snow and ice have completely melted, and the mutant worms have completely recovered. The city has encountered several small-scale insect tides and the presence of energy hoods. Easily weather the crisis. The cockroaches of the cockroaches will not stupidly lick this hard bone, and instead aim at other settlements.

The Jiangnan settlements adjacent to Yucheng have unfortunately become their key targets...

The author has something to say: There are things that have been stunned three times this week, and there is only one more visual inspection. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

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