End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 160: birthday

This time, Jiangnan’s rescue mission, the second less than the minimum required to complete the task, the final task rating was rated b, and earned points reward 2 . The shape of the chariot is similar to that of an armored vehicle. It is completely driven by a crystal nucleus. The interior of the chariot can accommodate 30 people. It can be equipped with an offensive and defensive body. It has its own energy cover. It can withstand up to three ordinary six-level ordinary zombies and attack, and 1,000 ordinary zombies below the third level. Attack, the fastest travel speed can reach 200

The chariot material has an isolation function, which is similar to the energy isolation box. It not only shields the nucleus energy, but also shields the abilities of the abilities. Due to the low level of the chariot, it can only block and interfere with the perception of zombies and mutant worms below level 5. However, this is already enough for Wu Ye to use at this stage.

In the words of two less, this thing is simply a mobile fortress. With it, it can be traversed on land at this stage.

Don't look at this. It's just a low-level energy chariot. It's not cheap at the system. The price of the same model is that the 150 plane saw its owner's six-level zombies in the sky above the big city. It took half a day's effort and it was a Only did not die. If it is not a good luck, Wu Ye only looks at the drooling of these chariots.

However, even if he took the energy chariot that pulled the wind and got most of the wealth in the Jiangnan settlement, Wu Ye was always a little happy when he thought about the **** scene he had seen in the Jiangnan settlement. Of course, in the rescue of Jiangnan, he has tried his best, unhappy is not happy, at least he is conscience.

Daqin saw that his mood was very low in the past few days, and he handed over something that he would have done for him to Wu Ye himself. Sure enough, the busy work quickly shifted the attention of the two, watching the settlements prosper day by day, and the second less gradually put this thing down.

However, the things in the south of the Yangtze River have also sounded the alarm for the second, and there is a strong sense of crisis in the subconscious. They are no longer as indulgent as they used to be in playing games, putting more thoughts into cultivation, and not improving. small.

After a few months in a blink of an eye, the survivors who escaped from Jiangnan basically settled in Yucheng.

Although the living conditions of Yucheng are not superior to the Jiangnan settlement, the system is relatively democratic. As long as you are willing to work, you don’t have to worry about hungry, and some people who are selected to enter the government management service layer feel more obvious. There is no faction dispute in the south of the Yangtze River. Although there should be fewer struggles in the workplace, the big environment is very relaxed and rewarding, which has aroused many people who want to work hard to shine.

In the eyes of hunters, the ammunition on the side of Yucheng is obviously cheaper than Jiangnan. It is easier and cheaper to buy a fusion weapon. Everyone is grinding a fist and wanting to upgrade the high-ranking citizens of Yucheng. The offer is so pleasing to the eye.

Man is a very adaptable animal, especially in the last days. Soon, the survivors from Jiangnan gradually integrated into the normal life of Yucheng, and began to have the same hope of the future from the bottom of the heart like the people of Yucheng.

Qin Wuhua has been secretly monitoring the main high-rises of Jiangnan through various means, so that none of these people enter the management of Yucheng. Seeing that the survivors of Jiangnan were quickly assimilated by the city, the top officials had no money to have the right to power, and there was very little appeal.

They are also anxious. Many times they secretly gave Wu Ye a secret message. They intended to use the wealth of Jiangnan in exchange for a part of the management of the city, but Wu Ye was ignorant and confused, and did not respond to them.

The top executives hated each other, but they were reluctant to leave the city. Some people had to build their confidant team into a team of hunters, and began to honestly brush the contribution of the city, with the intention of getting various benefits as soon as possible. The management power of higher citizens.

At this time, the soldiers and hunters sent by the capital to the south to help the disaster finally arrived in Yucheng.

Because of the special circumstances, Wu Ye did not accept the occupancy tax and head tax of these people, but he also did not provide any accommodation and assistance for these people.

As a result, they don’t have much money to carry with them, and the time they can stay in Yucheng is very limited.

In a limited time, the forces of the major forces frequently contacted the main high-rises in the south of the Yangtze River to explore the whereabouts of wealth. The Jiangnan high-rises frequently hit the wall in Wu Ye, and their hearts were suffocating. They did not believe that Wu Ye was not tempted by those wealth. They thought that Wu Ye’s current attitude was nothing more than trying to pinch them. They also did not call him what he meant. When they cooperate with the people in the capital, see him in a hurry!

Jiangnan's high-level calculations are very good, but Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua are not moving. After a few days of tempering, the high-rises in the south of the Yangtze River did not see Wu Ye’s movements, and they gnawed their teeth in secret. Finally, they simply turned to the power of the capital.

Now the corpse around the colony of Jiangnan has not dissipated, not the best time to take away wealth. In the Jiangnan high-rise and the capital, some people stayed in the city to monitor the Jiangnan settlements. Once the time is ripe, they will send people back to work together to take away those wealth. Jiangnan has mastered the five main tops of the vault key and fingerprint code, and their family members were all taken away by the capital, and went north to the capital of the city to prevent them from cooperating with the city.

It took about a week before and after, and things finally reached a consensus. The reinforcements from Beijing will go back.

However, at this time, many team leaders found that many soldiers did not want to leave, and a soldier even whimsically proposed to stay in the city to be a special guard. Many of the hunters who were hired, especially those who were not affected by the family, gave up the remaining half of the task and left the city without leaving. Some hunters with family rooms secretly negotiated secretly. This time, I must find a way to pick up my family and settle in Yucheng. People with good relationships have already begun to negotiate a car group. What is the group?

Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua have long been familiar with the activities of 'crowding-cheating' survivors of other settlements, so that so many people have the idea of ​​settled in the city, they are not less behind. Now, after the initial success of the plan, they have selected some more prestigious hunters and told them that if they can go back and do a good job for the city, the more people they bring, the more contributions they will receive. In addition, if they bring people who are abilities, they will also calculate some credit points according to their ability level.

For these hunters, this is a good business. If you can bring more survivors at a glance, the consumption on the way will not only be saved, but the operation may be small. With the conditions of Yucheng, they went back and publicized in the circle, and some people would be happy to come over.

Therefore, these people took Daqin’s ‘Yucheng propaganda film’ and happily followed the team back to Beijing.


Not long after, they returned to the city with a large number of survivors. When someone in the capital found that something was wrong, the folks had quietly raised a ‘the immigrant heat of the city.’ Of course this is a follow-up.

The main high-rises in the south of the Yangtze River and the ‘helpers’ in the capital were sent away. The rescue of Jiangnan was really over, and the situation in Yucheng was gradually stabilized.

Ji Xiang carefully selected and distributed a part of honest debtors to work in the settlements of Lishui. After the manpower in the city was enough, he transferred some people to start building new residential buildings and resettle survivors.

By the beginning of June, everything was on the right track, and Daqin’s birthday finally arrived.

The second was quietly in another world, and the master asked him to customize a pair of platinum rings. He was ready to surprise him when he was waiting for Daqin’s birthday. Daqin also prepared a pair of rings long before, because it has been entangled in the past to let Wu Ye stay here, the ring has not been sent out. He had calculated this opportunity a few months ago and put the people in full force.

In addition to the ring, Er Shao also intends to personally give Daqin a big meal, usually enjoy Daqin's dedication, and secondly feel that it is time to return.

Unfortunately, his craft is limited to cooking things, making dumplings or something, he will pack, and noodles will be, but he will not make noodles and noodles, and the stuffing that he has made, he feels strange. of. The rabbit boss had already let Daqin raise his mouth. He didn’t have a rare failure. He ate a dumpling and felt that it was not good. He turned to the outside hall, and then he clawed the legs of Daqin, and he was pitiful. Feeding.

Daqin looked at the face with a little smoldering flour on his face, and looked at the poor rabbit boss. It was a difficult second, and he decided to let the big ash go out to play with the rabbit boss. The rabbit boss went outside, and immediately went to the fruit tree to find the fruit to eat. It is especially clever. When you can't find the fruit and won't climb the tree, you will pour the ice on the fruit of the tree. Then the big gray is always accurate and the mouth is connected to the fruit falling from the tree. Lost to the rabbit boss to eat.

Two less through the window to see the outside under the shade, the rabbit boss squatting around the big gray to lick the fruit's stupidity, the gas will not hit a place, and then a burst of anger - what is he doing so difficult? Even stupid rabbits will be disgusted!

Daqin timely kept people in his arms. "As long as you do it, it is the best in the world for me. Thank you, Aye."

The two little mouths clearly raised some arcs: "If you haven't eaten, you will boast. Don't eat it later than the rabbit boss."

Daqin smirked and smiled: "Is it so bad?"

"..." qaq is a jerk, it can't be played happily together!

"I won't slip even if it's hard to eat. It's best to eat for a lifetime."

Two less screaming, "I want to be beautiful, it’s not bad to make a meal for you, but I want to eat it every day?"

Daqin snorted and said: "Then I will do the head office for you every day?"

Two little nodded very much, with a kiss: "This is almost the same."

Daqin pulled the second less and deepened the kiss, and got up and down his hand, the river crab had a meal, and the second few had a soft leg and put the dinner at night to the table.

One person has a large plate of dumplings, and a few plates sell not very good cooking. The only one that looks at the higher grade stew is still learned from the mother's stealing school two years ago.

Despite the poor craftsmanship of the two dishes, each dish is cooked, and the taste is not too salty or too light--the half-baked unsatisfactory and too salty failing goods have been destroyed by him - dumplings The taste is not particularly good, just look at the sale is not bad.

Daqin had a hard time eating two less crafts, and each dish was exceptionally fragrant. Soon, under the small eyes that he was hiding and looking forward to, he slammed into a hard object.

The author has something to say: no responsibility for small theaters:

Daqin spit out half of the teeth and broken rings under the small eyes of the two ‘pikapika’, “...”

Two less: "..."

Surprise for a second and become amazed.

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