The development of Yucheng is booming, but in fact the overall situation of the zombie plane is getting worse and worse. Wu Ye, in addition to returning to another plane to pick up the goods, even the family’s birthday is a little bit home to reveal. In the face, the goods he took away were also prepared by Pang Zhi in advance, and he left when he took something at the designated warehouse. The outsiders could hardly see him.

But in this way, he was still eyeing, and he was not an ordinary person, but a national security department, commonly known as the 'water meter'.

Wu Ye did not show up in front of everyone for a long time. Wu Yong’s external rhetoric was that his son went abroad to expand his business. In the past two years, the Wu family has indeed gone abroad at both ends in order to hide their eyes and ears, so everyone did not think much.

Wu Ye’s main time and energy have been spent on another plane. It is reasonable to say that the crime of committing a crime is not counted on his head. However, the first time Interpol got a report, saying that Wu Ye and the big arms The head of Victor has been very close, and has been trading frequently in the past two years. The known transaction amount is hundreds of millions of knives. The arms of hundreds of millions of knives are not small. According to this standard, Wu Ye is undoubtedly a big customer of Victor.

Those organizations that are committed to maintaining world security are not vegetarian. For example, Victor and Victor’s big clients are still at ease, but the brothers are all recorded. Don't be too thick to pick it up, but Wu Ye? If they are not informants, they have never even heard of this person. The most embarrassing thing is that those big customers are more secretive than the transactions of Victor. Afterwards, the goods will always find some clues. When I arrived at Wu Ye, there was no such thing. The arms of hundreds of millions of knives seemed to disappear from the air.

The international security organization set up a special investigation of Wu Ye. The investigation data shows that Wu Jia is a serious businessman who has never evaded taxes and tax evasion. He was almost bankrupt more than two years ago. Later, he reversed the situation because he recovered overseas investment. Mainly engaged in food production and chain sales, other miserable investments have also done a lot, in general, the positive development of the business is very good. The investigation team could not find out the wrongness of Wu’s family and could only focus on the overseas investment.

Digging along this line, they dug up a deeply buried international washing and money organization. At this time, the cable people broke out that Wu Ye had participated in the Zhaojia organization’s 100 billion auction and the relationship with Zhao. Extremely deep, and with some mysterious characters.

How can the Zhao family bleach, their status in the rivers and lakes, and what business to do, everyone has a lot of thoughts, so that Wu Ye’s identity has become even more suspicious. Wu Ye rarely showed up, let alone catch him. They stared at the tip of the chain for a long time and they didn’t see one side. There was always no result. The international matter was handed over to the water meter. It is.

Tong Huang has an agreement with Wu Ye to secretly protect the safety of his family. After discovering that someone stared at the Wu family secretly, he became alert, mobilized the contacts, and quickly found out the ins and outs of the matter.

"... So, you said that I was tired of Victor's sons?"

The city of Yucheng has temporarily stabilized. However, in view of the current development trend, waiting for this winter season, there will be something busy next year. Wu Ye talked with Daqin, went back for a while, put the matter of wisdom and brain on the agenda, and completed it as soon as possible, and it was a wish. At the same time, if the Wu family can rise and take off, he will be able to dispatch more funds and more things he can do. Even if he quietly set up a military base abroad, it is impossible.

He was full of ambitions, and the result was still not open. Tong Huang told him that he was so devastating.

Wu Yeqian was careful and careful, for fear that he would be eye-catching by the water meter. I know that several children of Victor are fighting for power, but they are involved in it. It is an innocent disaster.

"Yes, if it is not Pang Zhi's immediate, what will you do?"

"Is Pang Zhi also being stared at?" Wu Ye asked. When he was not there, Pang Zhi had been helping him deal with some dark things. If you start with Pang Zhi, it is difficult to protect those people who will not find them. Register those leather bags companies and other things abroad.

"You should thank your brother for his superb hacking skills. He discovered the movements of those people in the first time and secretly blocked their investigation clues. At present, Pang Zhi is temporarily targeted, but they have nothing. Find."

"Do you have a connection with Ah Li?" Wu Ye asked with a look of high-profile Tong Huang, frowning.

"Don't you want me to contact your brother? I thought you still want me to accept Auntie as an apprentice." Tong Huang asked with a smile.

Be careful to be dismantled, and the second one is not blushing. He said in a big way: "It is a good thing to accept the apprentice, but the main thing is to look at the meaning of A. You and I both said nothing."

"Wu Xiaoye, I haven't seen you for a few months, you have a long face." When did he say he wanted to accept the apprentice? "What your eyes, even my mom said that I was thin," Er Shao shook his head. "Some people really are old and have bad eyes."

"Yeah is old, the spirit is not very good, the time is not early, I have already told you about the things I said, you can do it yourself, I will go back first." Finished, Tong Huang will table Shang Wu Ye gave him a reward for the second half of the year, and his body shape disappeared into the living room.

"Aye, what should we do now?" Wu Yong asked, he had known in the past two days that someone was investigating them in secret. Wu Yong has always done a legitimate business, rich and personal, but his network is limited to the city level, and he does not know anything about the people who are listening to the sky. Once their family is targeted by those people, they have not found anything okay. If you find out what is wrong, things will be difficult.

Wu Ye had already confirmed it with system monitoring. There was no eavesdropping device at home. He said: "As long as they don't have the exact evidence, no one can take me. I will be careful with the trading of Victor in the future. A small company will temporarily stop for a moment, and then avoid these limelights."

He and Victor’s military-fire trading and medical transactions are still not stopping. Yucheng has no problem in the supply of ordinary bullets, but some powerful bombs have to be bought from Victor. I have to rely on Victor for a while. He can only do more secrets. When he comes down, he can find a way to talk about Victor and Daniel. After all, this time it is the wind that leaked the wind and destroyed the rules of their transactions. .

Wu Ye’s words turned and said: “I came back this time, mainly because I want to brainstorm things. Dad, I want to hear your thoughts.”

Wu Yong’s eyes reveal a glimpse of the light. “The brain cake is too big. Our family can’t eat such a big thing, and once the brain is available, it will be an unprecedented storm in the computer industry. It’s no exaggeration. It is said that countless fields will be transformed. Such technology, if there is no government shelter, we can't protect it, and the government can't stop."

"If cooperation with the above is imperative, then do you have a cooperative person?" Wu Ye is very confident about his personal strength, but he is, after all, a singer, it is impossible for a brain to be a brain And the enemy of the world, even if he hides too much to hunt, but his parents and relatives? The best way is not to hit hard, but to win-win, to the maximum extent that Wu Jia seeks benefits, but also can serve the motherland to a certain extent, and everyone is happy. Since it is a choice of cooperation, then the partner is especially important, the country is a concept, and things will eventually be implemented on the individual.

This person has become the key, Wu Ye does not want to appear behind the knives behind the knife.

"I think Xing Zhiqiang is a good candidate. He is clear and the Xing family is not too small."

"Xing Zhiqiang? Our current mayor?" Wu Ye’s mind is full of the middle-aged man who is full of enthusiasm. The impression is not good, but it’s not bad. But the name of Xing’s father is what he heard. It used to be The real power figure of the military, even if he retreats now, still has some energy in his hand, otherwise Zhao Jun will not be so active in attracting Xing Zhiqiang.

"He has a bottom line for people to do things, and people are resolutely arrogant and arrogant. The efficiency of many organizations in the city of H is improved this year. Many indicators in the city have gone up. Even the old industrial areas where so many people dare not move are also He ate it. When I chatted with you, Chen Shu, a few days ago, everyone said that he was a personal thing, and he could go further in the morning and evening."

Xing Zhiqiang is now the mayor of the provincial capital, and belongs to the provincial cadres. It is naturally going to Beijing. Xing's style has always been good. In addition to Xing Zhiqiang, Xing's family still has a job in the military. When he changed in the early years, he also stood on the team. Now whoever mentions Xingjia has to say a promising future.

Wu Yong’s network is limited. When he thinks about it, he feels that Xing Zhiqiang is a good candidate.

"Is the old industrial area already settled?" Wu Ye asked.

“The public bidding last month, Zhao’s took all the pieces.”

"Zhao Taizi's big handwriting, is the Ouyang family's plan not going bankrupt?" Although it was already known, Wu Ye couldn't help but feel a bit.

Wu Yong’s face has become a bit complicated. “It’s just that the plan is bankrupt. I’ve heard that Ouyang’s family is suspected of tax evasion and tax evasion. The arrears of the bank’s arrears, the quality of the property is not enough, illegal operations, there are still many messy things, the bank’s side. They have already frozen their funds, and several of them have been put in control. The owners of many of their properties are looking for trouble. I can't see the whole Ouyang Group going bankrupt."

"What about him?" He, of course, refers to Wu Sen.

Wu Yong sighed. "He and his two shackles have been put in. Now they are looking for people to help." The upper circle of the city of h is only so big, it is a bit windy, Wu Yong does not have to deliberately ask someone to say to him. . The Ouyang family’s business shows that some people are behind them. The so-called wall is crowded with people. When it comes to the snow in the cold weather, how many people will brave the cold?

"Living," Wu Ye snorted, and Wu Sen was not the money that the old man had earned in the family business. He didn't want to mention this in front of the old man. "I am looking for Zhao Jun to help me find a line and see if I can get Xing Zhiqiang out as soon as possible."

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