End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 176: Negotiate

Three days of time passed, and Wu Ye and his family could not close their doors. The food factory and the supermarket were all responsible for Pang Zhi. Wu Ye, they are not idle, Wu Ye captures all the network signals through the upgraded version of the little prince, and finds ways to track the whole process.

Xing Zhiqiang, since they already know that Wu Ye has the brains of killing all hackers in his hands, he is extra careful, and he has found a safe house that can isolate all signals in a secret military base in Beijing to discuss the matter.

Although Xing Laozi has retired, he used to be a high-powered figure. He has a very high prestige in the military. A few years ago, he changed the Xingjia station to the team. Now is the time when the development is booming. No one dares not to sell his face.

The wisdom of the brain is of great importance. Master Xing only told the news to four senior officials who were too hard and who he believed in, as well as the leaders of the authorities. Therefore, only 7 people participated in this conference.

Xing Zhiqiang explained the process of the incident with a little nervousness. At the same time, the translated materials were distributed to everyone. Everyone listened to the information and could not help but silence after reading it.

After a while, the leader broke the silence: "This technology is in the hands of individuals and is extremely dangerous for the country. If it is slightly careless, it will bring great losses and even disasters to the country and the people. ""

The other four people also agreed to agree with him. Everyone knows the subtext. It is nothing more than hoping that Wu Ye will hand over the whole set of technology. Of course, from the perspective of the leader, his ideas are not wrong.

Master Xing Qingqing said: "It is true that the words are correct, but Wu Ye is not a simple character. His master is Tong Huang."

The two elderly people who attended the meeting together and the old man like Xing’s father suddenly changed his face and asked in unison: “Are you sure?”

Other people see the two people very excited, can not help but curious to ask: "Who is Tong Huang?" The name sounds familiar.

"The one in the top secret 5s file."

Throughout the whole country, there are no more than 10 people who have access to the top secret 5s file. All of them have this right in addition to Xing Zhiqiang.

"How is it possible? Is that person really alive?" Everyone was excited to see Master Xing. Everyone has seen the files, but Tonghuang has been missing for decades. Everyone thinks that he is likely to have passed away. After all, according to the records on the file, his estimated age is over 200 years old. According to the current scientific and technological level, The ultimate age of human beings is around 120-175 years old. Now I heard that Tong Huang is still alive, how can everyone not be shocked?

"The news is true, Zhao Chengyuan also saw Tonghuang with his own eyes, and received the medicine from Tonghuang. The whole body is full of ills and the skill is not too small."

Zhao Chengyuan is no stranger to this name. He is both a deeply buried cancer and a celebrity who has made outstanding contributions to national unity and national construction. Zhao’s active transformation over the past decade has maintained the dark world as much as possible. Order, the relationship with the government is also an enemy and friend. In general, he is still within the scope that the government can tolerate.

The friendship between Xing Laozi and Zhao Jia is an open secret at the top. Xing Laozi has done a good job at the bank, and has not deliberately concealed the Zhao family. Of course, he now proposes the Zhao family, and it is also for everyone here to have a more cautious consideration of this matter. Zhao family can invite world-class black and white celebrities to participate in the 100 billion auctions he organized. The relationship between Zhao and his own is extremely deep, not limited to one city on the island or one country on the island. As long as Wu Ye or Tong Huang are willing, they can use the relationship of Zhao to catch up with other lines.

Tonghuang is also not a simple character. On the 5s top secret file, the record about this person is 'extremely mysterious and extremely dangerous'. If you think that Tonghuang is a chivalrous patriot, then you are wrong. During the First World War, the Chinese people The death and injury were terrible. Tong Huang barely showed up, but some people heard about his news. He was not afraid to find him in trouble, trying to find out the secret of immortality from him. However, those who were destined to miscalculate the abacus, Tong Huang alone destroyed a team of thousands of well-equipped devils, leaving a strong color. Later, he assassinated several high-ranking officials who participated in the incident. He was a ghost, and there was no way for him to take him. It is a pity that he only killed the people involved in this matter, when the two governments wanted to recruit him without success.

Later, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the state also repeatedly investigated his news and wanted to recruit him for the country, but no matter how good conditions they offered, Tong Huang was unmoved. Later, he played directly and disappeared, and there was no news since then.

Until this time, it appeared again in front of people.

However, the people present here do not know that if the danger is discussed, Wu Ye has far surpassed Tong Huang. Without mentioning the value of force, if Wu Ye wants to make it worse, and get a virus from another plane, there is no doubt that the whole world will be subverted. Once the world becomes the end of the world, with his current level of abilities and the degree of adaptation to the end times, how much wealth power do you want to be?

Fortunately, Wu Ye is not so ambitious and ambitious. Compared with Tong Huang, who is also evil, Wu Ye still has a bit of patriotic sentiment.

The atmosphere in the conference room was a bit stagnation, and they were determined to be able to get the fat from the mouth to the bowl of others. But how do you eat the fat of this hot mouth, Wu Ye really wants what kind of reward, everyone has no bottom. After a long discussion, they came to the conclusion that Wu Ye’s conditions were met as much as possible, but the control of the core technology of the brain must be in the hands of the state.

auzw.com It’s a big deal. In this matter, the seven of them reached an agreement. Before the time is right, they must not disclose one point, even if they are their own wife and daughter!

These few people are high-ranking or retired seniors. Their every move does not know how many people are staring. The task of negotiating with Wu Ye is naturally in the hands of Xing Zhiqiang. There is no doubt that as long as Xing Zhiqiang can handle this matter, this will be his excellent political capital.

After reaching an agreement here, Xing Zhiqiang immediately returned to the city by plane and contacted Wu Ye to go to the fans to discuss in detail.

"...the state-owned brain company is established. All the investment is made by the state. You only need to use the core technology of Zhinao to buy shares, you can enjoy 25% of the original shares of the company. If you want, you can also participate in the company's production and operation. Come."

Wu Ye smiled and looked at Xing Zhiqiang. "Is this your sincerity?" In all fairness, you don't have to invest a penny, as long as you provide core technology, you can enjoy 25% of the company's original shares, and other patents, almost counted The top is excellent. I really want to build a brain-brain factory, and there are no billions of dollars worth of investment.

As long as they talked about it today, if these investments go down, it will be equivalent to one-fourth of them belonging to Wu Ye. The continuous income in the later period is not counted. The prospect of the brain is absolutely unimaginable. Once the company goes public, the stock price can definitely rise to an unpredictable level. By then, 25% of the original equity will bring Wuyi’s unimaginable wealth.

Moreover, state-owned companies have the backing of the state, and they can carry out the ridges and breaks in a bright and straightforward manner. First, the world is not considered, and the local market is enough for Wu Ye to make a full profit.

In Xing Zhiqiang's view, such compensation is absolutely sincere. But Wu Ye's appearance does not seem to be very satisfactory.

"Everything has room for negotiation, Wu Shao can mention your request." Xing Zhiqiang laughed.

"I can completely hand over the core technology of Zhinao to the country. In the latter part of the company's operation, I don't care. In exchange, I want 33% of the original shares. This is my reserve price. You can think about it."

This is the result of Wu Ye and Wu Yong's discussion. The core technology of Zhinao can bring them wealth, but it is also a very hot potato. This technology can't be grasped in the hands of individuals. At least the foundation of Wu family can't control it. Instead of doing it for it, it is better to hand it over to the country and let the country handle it. The core technology of Zhinao is a tool for making money in Wujia, but it can become an extremely important strategic weapon for the country.

And they can completely retreat to create a derivative of the brain. For example, a variety of new applications, games, applications involving professional fields, etc., can also bring a lot of wealth, but not so eye-catching. Most importantly, these software programming has a complete sample at the end of the world and can be used directly. Moreover, he is able to come back from the end of the world with relevant tutorials to let Wu learn, and then Wu to teach other programmers, so that their starting point will be higher than any company, why not earn money?

Therefore, giving up a core technology is nothing at all.

Wu Ye is willing to withdraw from the business operation in Xing Zhiqiang's unexpected, but his asking price is also beyond Xing Zhiqiang's expectation. "Wu Shao's asking price is too high, I can only give you up on the original basis. 2 percentage points."

"I said, that is my bottom line. This way, I will give you three more days. You should consider giving me a reply. I am still saying that buying and selling is not a matter of righteousness. Of course, it is best for us to cooperate. "I am very happy." Wu leaves on the surface, but in my heart, I have already blossomed. The price he negotiated with the old man is 20% of the original stock. I didn’t expect Xing Zhiqiang to be a generous opening. It is 25%. fool. Wu Ye did not know that the high price of the high-rises was entirely in the face of Tong Huang.

"Definitely!" Xing Zhiqiang did not know how many times Wu Ye had been smashed, and he had a pure and harmless baby face, and he was blacker than anyone else! 33% he actually dared to mention!

Wu Ye slowly took out seven small porcelain bottles from the bag, and the word row was open in front of Xing Zhiqiang. He smiled lightly. "These bottles are filled with the medicinal herbs given by my master. You take them back to give them to Xing. Master said that this is his little intention."

Xing Zhiqiang has some hesitations. This should be a line of bribes, bribery, and bribery. This is a high-profile attitude. It is true that only the life is only seen. Of course, the object of bribery is absolutely only life! Wait, no more than seven bottles, isn't that the number of people they are discussing? Wu Ye even knows this!

When Zhao Jun saw that he was hesitating, he simply couldn’t wait to rush to rob them all.

About Zhao Jun’s eyes were too embarrassing. Xing Zhiqiang thanked him and put everything into his briefcase. After going back, he took things out to other high-level executives at the meeting. After Master Xing got the bottle, he didn't want to go straight to his mouth. When everyone didn't respond, he took the pill. Xing Zhiqiang was so scared that his face was green, and others had blamed Xing Laozi for being too rash.

Father Xing in turn ridiculed them for their courage. Facts have proved that Wu Ye is giving a real body-building physical fitness pill, not something that has been smuggled into private goods. Some people are more reluctant to take things to a special person to test, the test results show that things are good things, that is, after the test, good things are just lost. Seeing the spirit of others day by day, someone in my heart called a regret tangled.

Doing business has always been a matter of asking for money on the spot. Wu Ye and Xing Zhiqiang and others have bargained for a few times, and finally finally set the core technology of Zhinao as 30% of the original equity.

The most critical technology of the brain is condensed on the chip. In addition to the chip, there is a lot of patented technology to produce a complete brain. Some patented technologies are not only used on the brain. . Wu Ye asked Wu to take out these patented technologies and prepare to apply for a patent, and then make a big profit by selling the patent right!

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