End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 178: transition

In view of the fact that it is now at the end of the year, Wu has temporarily escaped from hiding and stayed at home. However, if he stayed at home, he couldn't rest. Wu Ye asked the mercenaries hired to teach him fighting skills, guns and techniques, and he was so tired that he was too tired to spit his tongue.

Or Tong Huang looked at him really poor, tired and did not have the spirit to go with him to teach him, he taught him a set of internal interest and vomiting method, Wu Li Xue learned a few times before he gradually mastered the cockroach, slowly adapting The intensive training of the mercenaries, together with the dietitian's tailored diet table, smashed up to 4 cm. With the beautiful face of the sun and the slim figure and the long legs, the rate of returning on the road is quite high, and there is a little girl bluffing everywhere.

Because of his previous illness, Wu Li learned to control mood fluctuations from an early age, and rarely touched people other than family and doctors. At home, it is inevitable that it will appear unsmiling or even cold and lonely. It is for this reason that Wu Ye hopes that he will continue to go to school and go to school. Of course, Wu Li also knows the true intentions of his family, but he does not like to deal with those who are not pure, or the slow progress of teaching in the school, and the subjects he does not like, compared to school, he More willing to hold a small prince at home to learn a variety of brain programming tutorials.

It is a pity that he is ‘speaking lightly’ and is forced by his father’s elder brother’s x-wei. Wu Li has not been in the high school class of the day. I really have to go to the college entrance examination, and I am not allowed to even get an undergraduate course. Wu Li had already heard of the terrible test of the national college entrance examination. Even his brother, who was so heartless, had to lose weight on his face during the college entrance examination—although it was not two weeks after the college entrance examination was over. Make up for it - he should never go to suffer the torture!

Wu did not want to go, Wu Fu Wu mother also worried that he could not go to the college entrance examination, the family discussed for a long time, and finally Wu Ye Ling machine, looking for Xing Zhiqiang to help open the back door. They didn't even think that Wu Li must be on the big q, big b, and so on. It would be the best university in the city. It is really too far away from home, they are not at ease.

However, the best local universities in h city can also rank in the top 20 in the national college rankings. How easy is it? Wu said that there was no college entrance examination score. Since she was a grown up, she has been recognized by the z-country universities for more than a year. Wu’s transcripts for the first year have not been able to adapt because of the lack of adaptation to the environment. The second year’s transcripts have reached the standard of excellent students. However, he directly dropped out of school, and even sat did not apply.

Xing Zhiqiang said frankly that even if he is the mayor, it is not easy.

Wu Ye directly let Wu Li perform a brain-smart programming in front of Xing Zhiqiang. After Wu spent less than an hour, he compiled a very practical and intelligent small program, which shows his talent.

Looking at Wu Ye’s face, ‘I’m a younger brother is a genius’ expression, Xing Zhiqiang has nothing to say directly. I don’t know what channel he took, helping Wu to get a special offer, and starting next September with a freshman. If it is not Wu Ye’s clear indication that he does not want Wu to leave the capital so far away, Xing Zhiqiang wants Wu to go directly to Q University, just to be able to “learn from each other” with the brain brain expert group on the other side of the capital.

When he starts school in September next year, Wu Li will stay at home for half a year. Every day, in addition to special training with mercenaries, he will learn all kinds of brain-brain programming tutorials that Wu Ye brought him back from another plane. Write a low-level framework for a large-scale Xianxia-like brain-minded game that he conceived. From time to time, he would contact his foreign friends to discuss the technical difficulties encountered. However, no matter how busy he is, he will be unable to beat the Tonghuang every night. Brush this together.

In general, Wu is full and happy every day.

After Wu Ye implemented Wu’s reading, he used the system portal to go to the e country and find Victor and Daniel’s ‘talking’. Victor apologized for leaking their trading information, and the leakers involved in the matter were dealt with by him. His two sons who were clever behind the operation were also punished by him and removed them. Power in the hands. As compensation, Victor has discounted Wuye’s arms deal by 5 percentage points. Wu Ye ordered a batch of incendiary bombs worth 100 million US dollars. In addition, there were some shells, grenade, and armor-piercing bullets. They agreed to pick up the goods in batches after the Spring Festival.

These munitions are all prepared for the warming of the next year. Just after the hot 300 million knives, they have spent half of them.

"How can you not be stunned?" Daqin gently made a small sip on Wu Ye mouth and asked softly.

"Don't bother me, I am sore, how can you say that this money can't help?" Wu Ye slammed the head of Daqin, and the rabbit boss found that his master was not in a good mood. He went to the yard with a big gaze. play.

The ice and snow were blocked by the energy cover. The city was very dry and the temperature was kept at around 5 degrees Celsius. The mutant fruit trees in the yard were hardly affected by the temperature, and the flowers were still full of fruit. With Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua plus a rabbit boss, they can't eat so much fruit. Not long ago, Qin Wuhua also let the people of the guards come over and took all the ripe fruits. The members of the guards were divided into parts, and some people were given to the small buildings.


Wu Ye specially confessed that there should be more points for An An and Zhou Jiabao. The two little guys were happy. They had more fruits, and they were afraid of putting things down. Professor Li also made a special appearance. After the candied fruit was made into a candied fruit, he slowly took it and could make the two little guys beautiful.

Zhou Jiabao has been helping in the plantation, and he can get a lot of reward every day. With the crystal nucleus he received, his wood ability is smoothly upgraded to the third-order intermediate level, far ahead of the peers. However, after all, the child is a child, and Zhou Jiabao's power reserve is less than that of the same level. However, compared with the adults who have been stereotyped in various aspects, Zhou Jiabao has been studying the martial arts courses taught by the school system, slowly mastering various techniques of fighting, shooting, and life-saving. He also knows about different zombies, mutant worms, and mutant plants. Dangers and weaknesses. In the near future, Zhou Jiabao, An An and other children will grow up, and they will surely shine in the future battlefield.

The rewards that Zhou Jiabao receives every day, in addition to cultivation, can still be left. The rest of the crystal nucleus, he will spend part of the appropriate spending in life, and then the rest will pick up a little bit, he has been looking forward to raising enough money in the future to buy a prestige beast, like the big gray It is powerful and powerful. Zhou Jiabao spends more money on his life. He not only buys snacks for himself and Anan, but often buys some meat and vegetables to go back. The name is to add meals, but in reality it is a disguised living expenses. Occasionally, he will also help some orphans who really need money. These good deeds have a high reputation in the school, and there are many children around.

Zhou Jiabao's precociousness and sensibility made the people on the small building very moved and very emotional.

Therefore, although Zhou Jiabao is still young, his heart and talent are enough to make Wu Ye look. After Wu Ye and Daqin repeatedly considered it, he decided to give him a precious comrade-in-arms quota and secretly cultivate him as a secret weapon.

After Zhou Jiabao got the practice that Wu Ye gave him, he did not let Wu Ye be disappointed. Not only did his own cultivation become a thousand miles, but the energy that can be fed back to the tree of life every day has also multiplied. What is even more rare is that Zhou Jiabao’s young age is very calm and suffocating. After getting the exercises, he has no difference except for being more diligent in cultivation.

In the living room heated by the fireplace, Daqin finger squeezed the cheek of Wu Ye’s meat, and the other hand rubbed his waist and smiled. “Aye, you are more and more financial fans. It is."

Two less shots of Daqin's claws, the anti-customer directly turned over and sat on the Daqin leg, sticking out his tongue and licking the throat of Daqin, the beautiful peach blossom eyes are full of provocative light: "What happened to the financial fans? Don't you like it?"

Daqin’s light suddenly dimmed, and the room quickly passed out.

In a blink of an eye, it is another year of the Spring Festival.

Last year, the population of Yucheng surged, and the consumption of livestock in the city was far from catching up. At the Spring Festival, most people still could not eat meat. However, for many people, it is not important to be able to eat meat. As long as you and your family can live peacefully and live a Spring Festival is the biggest victory.

The survivors of Yucheng have only made a big fuss from Yunzi City. Many people are more affluent. Even if they can't eat meat, there are a lot of other things to buy. For example, small snacks made of various foods and vegetables, clean and warm refurbished clothes, small household appliances that are usually reluctant to buy... Inheriting the customs of the millennium, the Spring Festival has become the biggest consumer festival, and the city has a full-fledged taste.

Wu Ye also took the opportunity to get a large number of 'high-end snacks' produced by Xinxin Food Factory from another plane. The purchased tobacco and alcohol cosmetics made a big profit by the opportunity of the festival. Compared with credit points, Wu Ye prefers nucleation. In order to circle the nucleus, he asked Zeng Xin to slogan in his store to offer a 30% discount on New Year's bonus crystal shopping. Wu Yedian sells expensive scarce luxury goods, which are rarely so large. Offer. After the offer was settled, many hunters with crystal nucleus in their hands were licking the nucleus to buy something that they would not be able to buy. Some people have tried every means to raise the nucleus, just to buy more ‘high-grade tobacco and alcohol’ and go home.

Wu Ye saw the increase of the crystal nucleus in the vault every day. The mood was not good. Even during the Chinese New Year, there were no complaints about the continuous filling of the two worlds.

It was not until the third day of the third day that the atmosphere of the Yucheng Festival was completely gone.

The first happy event of the New Year is not that Wu Ye has earned the nucleus, but Professor Li and Professor Gu have finally teamed up to research a nucleus energy converter that is completely independent of green enamel.

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