End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 184: Eve of the competition

Wu Ye sent all the modified safety planes in Yucheng to send out small flyers. In addition to the extremely affiliated settlements of Zhaowang’s settlements, all large and medium-sized settlements received news, even some of them were more powerful or smooth. Small settlements have not been let go.

Wu Ye did not send a flyer to Li’s forces. He was not afraid of those who were artificially transformed by Li’s family, but worried that those special fusion infected people would bring the parasitic worms into the city and make it unnecessary for the city. Loss.

The Li Wei brothers also have the handle of sucking human blood and living human flesh in the hands of Wu Ye. Now it is time for them to expand their power and attract a large number of immigrants. If Wu Yezhen gives them an invitation to the game, they may also think that it is a The conspiracy of the banquet.

And this power competition shows that it is the new trick of the city to dig people. The other settlements have been given the formula of the city, and it is not easy to make a bold confrontation with the city. They did not send people to this time. Formula, so they can't sit and watch the city grow bigger every day!

Therefore, Zhao Wang’s settlement also said that he would hold a competition. The generous rewards were comparable to that of Yucheng. At the same time, they also opened up the ordinary people’s competition. If the ordinary survivor can enter the top 10,000, all the abilities can be obtained by a survivor. The higher the ranking, the more reward the reward will be. Although it can't be compared with the rewards of the abilities, for the ordinary people who are struggling to survive, seeing the ‘sense stimulating the pharmacy’, the eyes can't see the other words except the six words.

For example, zombies and mutant worms are constantly evolving, and human beings are constantly evolving into abilities. Now the proportion of the abilities has accounted for 30% of the total population. Among them, the first-order abilities are mostly, the third-order abilities account for about 10% of the total, and the fourth-order abilities are less than 1. %, the fifth-order abilities with more than five orders are few.

However, even if they are just awakened first-order abilities, the benefits they enjoy in each settlement are qualitatively different from those of ordinary hunters. Whether it is a policy of settlements, going out to form a team, or distributing a harvest, the abilities have priority to give priority. As the level of power increases, they enjoy more and more preferential treatment. If they can be repaired into third-order and fourth-order, it is the object of all parties' efforts.

But ordinary people, except those who are too good to be able to enjoy the benefits, more people are just struggling to survive in the hard times. In the past, many ordinary hunters, as long as they have a good hand, relying on the bullets in their hands to feed a family of two or three people is almost no problem, and occasionally a good point can also make a tooth sacrifice. Now that the zombies are getting more and more powerful, it is too difficult for ordinary hunters to hunt them with guns. Not to mention the four or five zombies, even if they encounter a three-level zombie, they can only run without the help of the abilities. Part of it.

Don't talk about tooth-picking now, it's not easy for a family to want to mix and drink. On the other hand, those who are versatile, even if they are only first-order, can allocate more materials and rewards than they do. At least, it is not a problem to support the family.

Countless ordinary hunters, dreaming that they will one day become capable.

Therefore, when they saw that they were expected to get a free ‘spot stimulating agent’ in the Zhaowang settlement, the excitement was hard to describe.

This kind of 'spot stimulating agent' is sold in all large and medium-sized settlements, even if the probability of success is only 30%, the mortality rate is as high as 30%, and its price has never been lower than 4,000 transcrystals. Many abilities do not have to get such a large nucleus, let alone a common hunter struggling on the food and clothing line?

After the news of the game spread, many ordinary hunters with good skills dragged their homes and rushed to the Zhaowang settlement.

The power competition held by Li Jia, the competition rewards are comparable to that of Yucheng, and the rewards of individual rankings are even richer than Yucheng.

After the abilities of the abilities received a message, they briefly hesitated for a while, and most of them still did not change their original intentions, and still packed up their things to go to the city. For the well-informed people who know the news, the cruel human experiments that Li’s family made were very uncomfortable in the first place. Now the outside environment is getting worse every day, and the long-distance migration needs to take a lot of money. Risk, many people go to the city of the game to embrace the idea of ​​settlement.

Thanks to the unremitting propaganda and preliminary work of Yucheng Day after Day, the abilities can exchange the wealth of the whole city into the credit point of Yucheng in the place where there is a exchange point in Yucheng. It will be used directly in the past. Light and simple, don't worry about being chased by zombies and bugs on the nucleus.

In addition, the energy cover of Yucheng was transmitted to the gods, and the city has indeed survived many corpse tides and insect tide attacks. The defense aspect does have extraordinary features. Moreover, the technology of Yucheng is also very advanced. The things like the contract beast, the fusion weapon, the treatment of parasitic drugs, etc. are all from the city. The water towers are the first to get the moon, not the other, if they live in Yucheng, at least Is it cheaper to buy these things than anywhere else?

Moreover, it has been rumored that the city owners of Yancheng have a strong heart and good management and taxation, which are much looser than other places. At the same time, the city owner and the deputy city owner are said to be one-of-a-kind abilities. Are they not specifically making a special challenge? Even if you don't have the chance to challenge them, the ups and downs may help you in your practice.

For a variety of reasons, abilities around the country flocked to the city. In contrast, the huge power competition in Zhao Wang’s settlement is particularly sleazy, but ordinary people are also rushing to activate the pharmacy. The number of people on the two sides is evenly matched.

Of course, those large, medium and small settlements can't sit on the crowd and watch the population lose. Some people will draw the hoist to hold the competition, and some people will offer preferential conditions. Anyone who returns to the place of origin after participating in the contest will be given a certain subsidy. Rankings will be awarded.

Regardless of whether these people will return to their original settlements in the future, at least Qin Wuhua’s ‘Promoting abilities to make common progress’ has achieved better results than expected.

"In front, is that the front of the city?" A gray-faced abilities far from looking at the translucent cover in the distance, both surprised and happy.


"It's a city! It's definitely a city! It's exactly the same as what I saw on the video! No, no, the video on the city should not be so big, we are here, we are finally here!" A female actor is excited They are all wet, and they are going south, and the difficulty is completely beyond expectations.

When they left the settlement, they formed a team of 100 abilities, with their families and the ordinary survivors who paid for them to **** more than a thousand people, because of several times of distress, bypass, The line is just over a thousand kilometers away. They have been away for half a month, and the people who have come along have been killed and injured. Four days ago, the last bit of food they carried with the car had been exhausted. In the past few days, they have been eating non-toxic insects, and gasoline and bullets are running out. If they can’t get there again, City, they are afraid that they really have to explain in the wild.

"Accelerate the speed, there is still a half-day time to register is over!" Lu Xuanqiang, the captain with the highest abilities in the group, said that he was happy to use the intercom to tell the team.

At this time, some people later discovered that "Land Bo, how can there be no zombie walls in front?"

"Isn't it bad?" Li Weiwei only saw the hustle and bustle of the city, and could not wait for the ribs to fly over. Where else can I see the other?

Lu Xuan returned to God and murmured: "Yeah, how can there be no zombie walls? No, don't think so much, go forward at full speed!"

The closer to Yucheng, the more zombies and worms are scattered, and the hunters are quite numerous. They almost entered the safe area of ​​Yucheng without any danger. At this time, almost half of the trucks in their fleet consumed light. Gasoline stopped halfway.

"Lao Lu, what should I do now?" Wang Chao asked anxiously. He is also a versatile person who wants to participate. He is a fourth-order power abilities. He formed a hunter team together with Lu Xuan. The second-in-command, the combat power is no less inferior to Lu Xuan. In the medium-sized settlement where he was originally treated, he was the top player. He had great hopes for this competition. Seeing that there are still two or three hours, the registration is about to end, but the car is still out of oil, and he is so anxious that his sweat on his head goes straight to the ground.

Lu Xuan was silent for a moment, just about to speak, the military card of a city defense guard drove over and stopped.

“What happened?” A guard who looked like a leader jumped from the car and went to Lu Xuan and others to ask.

"Big brother, our car is out of oil, let's come to the competition..." Li Weiwei was incoherent, and tears were spinning in her eyes. She is a third-order healing abilities. She never thought that she must win the prize in the competition. However, after thousands of miles, she has gone through the hardships. If she does not even have the qualification to register, she will not be sad.

The guards did not seem to see Li Weiwei's beautiful generality. On the other hand, she said: "Last city just experienced the zombie siege last week. The city owner and the deputy city leader led everyone to successfully defeat the corpse tide and the insect tide, and some of the abilities who came to participate in the competition. In the battle, the injured did not heal. In order to be fair, the city owner specially posted the contest registration and the competition time for ten days. You don't have to worry.” When it comes to the city owner and the deputy city owner, there is an insatiable fanaticism in the eyes of the guard.

Li Weiwei’s round eyes exclaimed: “The corpse tide? The insect tide?”

Lu Xuan’s eyes flashed a trace. It’s no wonder that there are no zombie walls near the city. It’s no wonder that they encountered so many large-scale corpse tides and insect tides on the way down the south. Are they from the past?

The guard’s expressionless face finally showed a hint of pride: “Yes, we just succeeded in defeating the 30 million-level corpse and insect tide. In a short time, the city will be safe. You can wait for the next game. You can apply to register for the citizens of Yucheng during this time, so that if you pick up the task at the hunter's union, the reward will be higher, and it will be easier to rent the house. Here, you have already entered the middle of the safe area of ​​Yucheng. There are very few zombies and bugs around. You can send people to the city to buy gasoline first. As long as you enter the city before dark, you will be safe. I still have the task, take the first step."

The guards said that they had respected a standard military ceremony, and then turned to the car, and the military card went away.

Lu Xuan and his entourage were there and did not return to God for a long time.

In many settlements, the city guards are all guilty, don't talk about it, and even if you ask them, they won't be snoring. Some are simply bureaucrats. I don’t want to slaughter you. It’s good to talk to you like this. It’s a dream.

For a time, Lu Xuan and others have had a lot of curiosity and expectation for Yucheng.

It is possible to let the guards keep the discipline of the soldiers, and at the same time get their loyalty and love, what kind of person is the city owner and deputy city owner of the city?

Daqin looked at the two big mouths in front of him, looked down at the chilled grapes that had peeled off the skin and was dripping, and hesitated for a second, decisively feeding the grapes into the two little mouths. Two less satisfied with the eyes, the rabbit boss next to the loss seems to have pulled down the ears.

The author has something to say: What? Thank you for your understanding. I have been checking with my father for the past two days. I can see all the tests coming out next week, and then I can do chemotherapy + radiotherapy, ╮(╯▽╰)╭

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