Marto is a gold versatile person who served in the military. With a good fighting power, he was quickly promoted from a big soldier to a captain, with more than a hundred soldiers in his hand. On the working day, he took the soldiers to serve in the army. On the day of the break, he took the soldiers out of the city to kill the zombies and worms, earning some living expenses to subsidize the household.

The league is lacking in supplies, prices are rising, and guards like Marto are not a minority. In the era of peace, this kind of practice, which is similar to the private life during the service period, is properly courted by military courts. But now, these guards are inhabited by the colonies and will not be hungry and frozen, but their families only Can make a living for themselves. What can an old woman at home do? When the summer temperature is high and the food is not so scarce, it is no problem to work hard in the city.

However, this year's plantation park was destroyed by insects, and the food was seriously owed. The winter came early and the cold was even worse. In the past, the food in the settlement of the land could not last long. The people in the city were so worried that they could change all the valuable things in their hands. In the case of food, the price of food naturally rises and then rises.

In this way, the wages they receive each month can not keep up with the speed of rising prices. Some of the heavy-duty guards began to take risks and use the time of the shift to go hunting. As prices continue to rise, there are more and more guards to choose from, and the higher levels are gradually aware of these things, but they can neither give the guards a higher salary, nor can they provide sufficient supplies, they can only close one eye. One eye, let the guards act privately.

Today, it was Marto’s turn to rest a group of people, and the day was just bright. He was stuck at the gate of the city early, and with other people, he asked the guards who requested the booth to open the gate. If you look closely, you will find that they are very different from the usual equipment. Many people only have a small pistol on their body. The pistol is not in the cracked coat all over the patch, and almost no traces are seen. The rifles or machine guns have become a huge travel bag or a linen pocket or even a slightly awkward sleeping bag.

The guards of the sentry posts seemed to be somewhat absent-minded. Some people still had obvious depression and resentment on their faces, and seemed to be very dissatisfied with their work today.

The cold winter is cold. At this time in the morning, the gate of the city is still very cold. Today, not only is it full of people, but the crowds are getting more and more. Everyone is screaming and going out of the city. The atmosphere is unconsciously tense, and the noise is gradually taking place. It has a smell of gunpowder.

Outside the city, Chinese businessmen came, and they brought a lot of supplies.

Overnight, the secret went away and spread among some well-informed survivors. Regardless of whether the message is true or not, almost everyone who receives the message counts the savings in their hands at the first time.

Captain Marto was on duty last night, and Sergeant Flander sent him out of the city to inquire about the news, so he knew the truth of the news more than many people, and he also knew that Wu Ye sold something cheaper than the city. many. From the list of materials handed over to him by Sergeant Flanders, Wu Ye’s main intention is to directly trade with the top leaders of the alliance. If they can’t take a step faster than the top of the league, they probably won’t buy anything. !

Marto was a little anxious and pulled a slightly heavy backpack. Although he was a captain, he could receive a salary of one or two thousand crystals a month, but he had a 10-year-old daughter and two eight-year-old twins. Son, wife, a pair of elderly parents, brothers who can't walk with their legs in the last days... His wife and parents are doing heavy physical labor in the city. The salary that can be received every month is very limited. Now the price is now Constantly soaring, to support a family of people, his savings in recent years have almost been spent, and can not get extra crystal nucleus to trade supplies.

Fortunately, he still has a lot of different materials found in the insects. These things are also being acquired in the city, but the price is too low, he has been left with no hands.

God bless, I hope that these things will come in handy.

Marto was thinking about the matter, and the closed door of the settlement suddenly opened, and Marto was pushed out by the raging crowd.

Like everyone else, Marto was surprised to see a huge ice and snow ‘downfall’ not far from the front, so let’s call it a collapse. Below the ring, more than a dozen fierce and mighty mutant wolf beasts were kept around the ring, and the ice table above the ring was filled with exquisite materials.

Food, clothing, salt, medicine, candy, tobacco, alcohol, perfume, etc. are all deeply imprinted in the memory of their daily necessities, I do not know because of excitement or feelings, many people are red eyes.

In the crowd, I don’t know who shouted [grab], and the crowd suddenly violently rushed. Everyone went crazy and rushed toward the ring.

People's emotions are easily infected and enchanted. Marto's ears hear the word [grab], and the brain automatically gives instructions. The body begins to rush in the crowd and rushes forward...

'嘭——' Marto found the anomaly when it was too late, and the body slammed into a layer of translucent 'film', which felt like it was hitting a thick iron wall. He was hit. It took a lot of time to pop up and plant it in the snow, and it knocked over many people.

What is that ghost thing? !

Marto and other survivors who had been knocked over looked at Venus's translucent 'membrane' in front of him, full of doubts.

A thin layer of 'membrane' is a strong barrier to the two worlds, and its hardness is no less than their hard-built walls.

Marto's reason quickly returned in pain. He was a little sluggish looking at the layer of 'membrane', and his brain flashed a whisper: [Energy hood, yes, it must be a nucleus energy hood, God, this is simply too Unbelievable. 】

Marto is still in a daze, the guards in the energy hood have picked up the loudspeakers and shouted: [Please arrange two teams, each time you enter 10 people, the sales will last until 4 pm today, please prepare enough Crystal nucleus, be sure to follow the order of the scene! Anyone who fails to comply with the order or deliberately makes trouble will be disqualified from purchasing. In addition, each person has only 10 minutes of purchase time, and the energy cover will roll out our sales materials. Please think about choosing shopping again. 】

This is a dumbfounded person who tries to catch fish and grab things in the water. The behind-the-scenes instigators are also dumbfounded - bastard, without such cheating, can you play together happily? (╯‵□')╯(┻━┻

The chaotic scene was sluggish for two or three minutes. The person closest to the energy hood was in the position of the 'Taiwan' ladder. He began to voluntarily arrange two teams. After the guards shouted a few times, the intuition lined up quickly. Expanded to hundreds of people.

Four rifle guns went to the bottom of the ladder. Ji Yun passed the monitoring system. After observing the outside situation on the plane, he gave a voice password to the intelligent control system of the energy hood. The energy cover quickly opened a room for only one person. The door, the person who was at the head of the team stunned and walked in.

Marto had a good luck, just in the tenth person, he just entered the energy hood, the person behind him wanted to squeeze in, and a cold murder suddenly rose to the ground, even the long-term battlefield he also conditioned After a goose bump, the man behind him was so scared that he stepped back and forth, and the energy shone with a faint white light, and the 'door' disappeared without a trace.

[Action fast. 】The guards urged the road.

Malto was busy taking back the line of sight that fell on the energy hood, and climbed into the ring in a few steps. The various materials on the platform seemed to make him unable to open his eyes. Those who stepped forward as early as they were all like the earthen buns who just entered the city, their eyes fixed on this, and they touched the hand, and they wished to pack them all in their original bags. But in the face of murderous guards, no one dares to make a second.

There are not many nucleus in the front that come in. There are a thousand crystals in a little more, and only a hundred crystals in a few points. This money can't buy any luxury goods, everyone is looking at the cheap food.

Wu Ye got the food sold in Europa mainland is definitely more expensive than the sale in the local city of Yucheng. The coarse grain 2 crystal 1 kg, the fine grain 4 crystal 1 kg, the ordinary vegetable 5 crystal 1 kg, the price is also cheaper than the alliance settlement. 25% to 50%.

Survivors who don't have much savings don't dare to buy expensive luxury goods. After identifying the crystals on the instruments provided by Yucheng, they go to the hills where food is piled up and pick what they want.

When these foods were in Yucheng, Wu Ye had already been packed, with a maximum of 100 pounds and a bag, at least 5 pounds and a bag.

Those with little savings in their hands can only carefully select the coarse grains and take some fine grain to bring them back; those who have more savings will not be able to take one or two hundred kilograms of grain, so they have to pick up the number of their own hands and then leave the crystal nucleus in their hands. Change to small, easy-to-carry things like salt, candy, and cigarettes sold. After hollowing out their own pockets, they carried their hoods from another ‘door’, carrying or squatting with their belongings.

[I don't have a crystal nucleus, but I brought what you need. Marto was a little nervous. He opened the bag and grabbed a small piece of rust-colored irregular metal from it.

Zeng Xin’s eyes are bright, and he does not move: [Take something over, we need to do the test first. 】

Marto felt that there was a play, and he breathed a sigh of relief. According to Zeng Xin’s instructions, he poured several different creatures from his backpack into the test instrument. The instrument quickly shows the name, weight, quality, and final amount of these items.

[According to our final assessment, you have a total value of 5,156 crystals, you can choose to buy the same value of materials, you can also choose to discount. 】

[Can you discount? Marto was surprised.

[Yes, we also provide discount service, but if discounted, we only provide the credit card issued by our city, 1 crystal is equivalent to 5 credits. You can enjoy a 10% discount on the purchase of materials with a credit card. After accumulating a certain amount of credit, you can enjoy a lower discount. 】 This time, Marto’s answer is a small robot with a height of 30 cm. The small robot is implanted with a pretty sweet and soft female voice. This Chinese paper is far more than the end of the sister paper. This sound is difficult for males. The charm of words.

The use of Ji Yun’s cumbersome and intuitive description is that it can be hardened by listening. Just kidding, I don't want to think about how many ‘Life Tutors’ he was looking for in order to synthesize such a beautiful voice.

[Then I can discount it first, then buy the goods? Marto almost knew about the evil marketing plan of the seller, but he knew that it was a trap and he had to step on it.

【of course can. 】

[If I can't use the credit on the card this time, can I continue to use it later? 】

Zeng Xinxiao replied: [Of course, no problem. We are here with great sincerity and believe that the alliance will establish a good and long-lasting cooperative relationship with us. Therefore, Mr. does not have to worry about the issue of credit cancellation. 】

Marto lowered the dice and asked: [If I can get these alien creatures, will you buy them? Can I sell it directly to you when I arrive? The purchase price of the aliens given by these Chinese people is five or six times the purchase price of their city. If he can seize the opportunity, he may make a small profit. As far as he knows, because the purchase price given in the city is too low, many hunters and guards are not allowed to sell in their hands.

Zeng Xin smiles unchanged: [more than 300 pounds, you can bring the goods here at 6 o'clock the next day, the price will definitely satisfy you. 】

【it is good! Marto’s eyes flashed with hopeful light, and he did not hesitate to do a Zhang Kee credit card. He smashed two hundred pounds of flour, bought ten more fruit candy, and several packs of cigarettes and several other small ones. Something, with a credit card left without a penny.

Wu Ye had been sleeping on the plane until eleven o'clock, and was awakened by Daqin. He was confused and brushed his teeth and washed his face to eat the tough beef noodles.

"Why don't you call me earlier, I said that I am going to visit General Paul this morning!"

Daqin was speechless and pinched on the face. "I have called you at least five times this morning."

The second less arrogantly shot the paws of Daqin. "I haven’t heard it all over, not counting!"

Daqin: "..."

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