End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 214: Empty city

The number of people taking the Lijia abilities in the high-rises of Beijing is far more than that estimated by Wu Ye. The average age of the nine warlords is more than forty-five. They are old-fashioned fritters that have been through the battlefield. Li’s very close two, others have not taken it, but there are many people in their immediate family members who are taking drugs. There are more people taking drugs in their subordinate officers.

Although the information provided by Wu Ye and Feng Jia has fully demonstrated the harm of the Pharmacy, everyone has a chance to have one or two points in the heart. How can they not directly treat those who have taken the pharmacy as being executed by parasites? Even more troubling is that after testing with the test parasitic agents provided by Wu Ye, it was found that one in ten survivors in Beijing had taken the potion, which is equivalent to one-fifth of the existing combatants in Beijing. One-sixth of this one-fifth of the combat population is the soldiers of the big men.

If you want to completely eradicate these hidden cancers, let's not say that the people are not blaming the people, and the big men who hold the heavy weapons will not agree first.

Feng Jia had a relationship with Li, and Wu Ye reminded him that he would not be allowed to take a potion. After testing and verification, only one or two thousand people in the Feng family had taken the pharmacy. Excluding this group of people, Feng family, who has hundreds of thousands of soldiers, is only drizzling.

However, other big cockroaches thought they had the 'benefit' of Li's family. The abilities of low-cost pharmacies were distributed in the form of rewards to the soldiers who performed well in the military. If this part of the soldiers was forced to give them a pot, What do you take in Beijing in the future? Is it really necessary to watch the Feng family in the capital after the family? And what about the relatives who have taken the medicine at home? If you count people in other settlements, there are more people who need to be executed, and those who have the ability to get the potion and take it, which is not the main force in the human camp, if you really execute these people, The current situation of mankind is undoubtedly worse.

However, the cancer is not removed, and sooner or later, the whole body will be returned to the sky, and the high-rises will be in a dilemma.

Two of the big cockroaches who took the abilities and other high-level squads were temporarily under house arrest. Other big squads and high-level squads were all embarrassed, and they refused to give a message. The matter quickly fell into a deadlock.

However, the attitude toward the Li family is an unprecedented consensus - hate to gnash.

Nima, it’s too sinister and sinister, and it’s not that Feng’s family reveals them in time. They don’t know how to die.

Although many of the high-rise executives did not take the medicine themselves, many of their relatives in the family were stunned and obeyed Li’s ‘efficient, high-quality no side effects’ pharmacy.

The senior executives of Daxie are still somewhat sensible. After several meetings, they reached a consensus--after the rituals, if the Li family can hand over the antidote, then everything is fine. If there is no antidote, then the Zhaowang settlement will not be discussed!

I don’t know, they haven’t sent an ambassador here, and Zhao Wang’s settlement has a move in the first step.

Li Wangxi actually let the survivors of Zhao Wang’s settlements leave the settlements, and each made a living. When the people sent by the capital arrived, Zhao Wang’s settlement was almost gone to the city.

After all, Zhao Wang’s settlement is far away from the capital. Wu Ye’s spiritual strength and his points are not enough to open the system for monitoring 24 hours a day, monitoring the movement of Zhao Wang’s settlement. When he wakes up, he can use the system to view Zhao. In the case of Wang Juju, the sinister and self-informed Li Wangzheng has already issued the order. The survivors have already made birds and beasts. It is too late for Wu Ye to have a portal to reach the Zhaowang settlement in minutes.

Wu Ye was depressed and used the system monitoring search for a long time and did not find the Li Wei brothers. Li Wanghao, who had been so rotten and half dead, did not run, but he knew that life would not be able to escape, but he could not escape. To the Li Wei brothers.

"Well, don't be angry. This thing doesn't blame you. Even I didn't expect Li Jiahui to get the news so quickly, and it will be so decisive." Qin Wuhua comforted Wu Yedao, this time they really neglected, only Stabilizing the situation in the capital, blocking the news, did not go to the Zhaowang settlement in time to block people, but, then, the situation in the capital is really quite bad, they may not be more confused when they stay in the town, and negligence is also reasonable.

"Bastard, I am losing a random task in vain, they are better not to fall into my hands in the future!" Wu Ye gnawed his teeth and rubbed his teeth. According to his long-term mission experience, this random task can at least be level b or above. Hundreds of thousands of points are gone, and my heart is plugged.

Wu Yegang finished, more heart-wrenching things came - system: [forced tasks: save special fusion infected people, no less than 5, etc. What did the system say?

The system intimately repeated the icy mechanical sound for the stupid host, and it was more stupid to sneak into the stupid host.

"System, are you sure that your chip is not a problem? You let me save at least 5

[There is no problem with the chip, the task data is correct, the host must save 5" within six months... You just kill me! 55! Re-change the task line?" Although Wu Ye did not work with the system for a long time. The mandatory task of the draw is over, but he doesn't want to do such a pitious task at all?

[No. If the host abandons the task or the task fails, the system will clear all the points, the points will not be counted within six months after the failure of the task confirmation, and a pain penalty will be given. 】

auzw.com Two attempts to ask: "How painful is the pain penalty?"

[Forcibly unlock 100 times the pain of the gene chain. 】

Two young people immediately think of the pain of using the system to upgrade their abilities for the first time. The pain of eroding the heart is x100 times, and the second is silently chilling. I want to make a big noise - the court can't do it! ! ! Qaq.

Qin Wuhua looked at Wu Ye’s appearance as a mourning test. The content also heard 7788. He thought about it: “Aye, we will definitely not be able to make 50 billion points in more than half a year, but we can try to imitate that pharmacy. ""

Wu Ye's eyes are a little bit of a turn, a slightly flattering question system: [乖 system, in theory, can we formulate that kind of medicine with our current materials and technology? 】

The system is not distracting from the stupid behavior of the stupid host, but it also knows the situation of Wu Ye. In half a year, he can't get the points. If the mandatory task fails, not only will the host be severely punished, but the system with supervision function will also be punished by the original program. The level of hard work will fall, and the hard-working small vault will be emptied. The picture is too beautiful to be afraid.

[300 points integral, 1 orange crystal. 】The system is a smashing opening.

[Small ghosts, deduction, deduction, I am really afraid of you. 】

After the system is satisfied with the deduction of the stupid host's integral and crystal nucleus, it is unwilling to open: [The fruit extract of the tree of life must be able to dispense the medicine. 】

[...] It’s better not to say it! The fruit of the tree of life, the price of the potholes, the price of a system is one billion points to go up, but also the legendary black insect crystals higher than the amethyst, not to mention the present on this planet There are still no such high-grade mutant bugs, that is, there are more powerful than the nine-level zombies, and only ten of them are tied together.

"I am finished, I am finished, I feel that I still give up the task directly, lying down and let the system penalize better." Two crying and mourning the baby's face wrinkled into a ball, the small appearance is pitiful and pitiful.

Daqin habitually licked his hair and comforted: "The ship will be straight to the bridge, and there will be a solution. Don't forget, we planted a tree of life."

"Don't give me that pitted goods, light blossoms do not result in farts."

Qin Wuhua reminiscent of the rabbit boss who was whipped by the tree of life. He later saw with his own eyes that the mutant beasts such as Daqing, Andri, and Rabbit Boss seemed to want to find something on the tree of life. Will it be fruit? Daqin decided not to tell Wu Ye for the time being, wait for him to go back and read it carefully, and then make a decision in the province.

Wu Ye is entangled in this extremely difficult task, and the high-ranking officials in Beijing are also struggling with the infections. There are still three or five days to go through the New Year, and this kind of thing is still happening. This New Year is destined to be a bad one.

The capital city strongly urged the Li family and related matters, but the survivors of the capital could not be aware of the storm from the core of power, and the atmosphere of the city was cast a shadow.

Three days later, the negotiators and soldiers who had been sent to the Zhaowang settlement to lobby for no such thing as Shi Shenhai had no news. The high-level sent several helicopters to Zhao Wang’s settlement to see what happened. As a result, these people came back and said Zhao Wang’s settlement has already gone to the city...

The high-level executives heard the news and did not mention more anger, they are back to the taste - Li family absolutely no antidote, there is no idea to talk about it.

How to do?


"To teach Zhao Wang a place to live, I believe that everyone in the room has no objection, but as far as I know, Li Wangxi’s secret holds a nuclear bomb that is enough to destroy our Beijing settlement. If it is urgent, I am worried about him. I will fight with me to break the net." In the meeting, an amnesty raised an objection.

In the conference hall, there was a loud voice of discussion. It is clear that Li Wangqi’s possession of nuclear weapons is more than just the one who is arrogant.

Wu Ye, sitting on the tail of the banquet hall, suddenly said: "I will try to deal with the nuclear bomb. You are ready to attack the weapons of the Zhao Wang settlement." The **** Li family, don’t give them some color, he really I can't swallow that breath!

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