End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 218: Crystal nucleus robot

After the New Year, Wu Ye’s mood has always been good. First, she determined that the tree of life has fruit. As long as she has fruit, he believes that it is only a matter of time. Shortly after half a month, the institute cracked down on most of the ingredients of the drug. The upgraded version of the brain was able to find out more than 70% of the ingredients in the database of different creatures collected by the hunters. Wu Ye paid the system for a lot of points and crystal nucleus and got the exact information. Everything is available. Just waiting for the fruit of the tree of life, the institute can give a real antidote to Wuye.

When the tree of life was compromised, Wu Ye was not idle. In order to make up the task of the 5 corpse unions that needed the task, the various settlements were all high-level who were taken by Li’s family. They now point to the city. Out of the antidote to save lives, one by one can not wait to look for those materials, the support for Wu Ye is naturally support, do not need Wu Ye to open them to the task of remembering a generous base contribution value reward, plus Wu Yefeng The remuneration of food materials, not long after the mission was released, there was a steady stream of raw materials sent back to Yucheng.

What makes Wu Ye happy is not the antidote problem, but the development of the crystal intelligent robot.

The first batch of nucleus intelligent humanoid robots only produced 12, and the general shape was only 1 meter 65. The solid alloy torso was attached with simulated silicone muscle and skin. The researchers tried to maximize the intelligence of the nucleus. The robot achieves the effect of concealing camouflage, deliberately making these muscles and skin rot, sticking it to these robots, and then putting them on dirty and smashed clothes, which can be almost smashed in the zombie group.

The core chip of the i-generation humanoid intelligent robot comes from the upgraded version of the brain. In order to meet the needs of wartime, these robots only follow a course of action - completely obey the command of Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua, in any case, with them. The safety of life is first.

Due to the chip, the wisdom of the i generation is almost equal to that of ordinary humans. In addition to not having the ability to create innovation, they are accurate in judging the external environment.

The energy-separating alloy perfectly encapsulates their entire energy-running system. The nucleus is placed in their abdomen and no energy fluctuations are detected. The simulated zombie brainwave signals allow them to be easily mixed in the zombie group, even if it is truly advanced. Zombies are also not easy to find abnormalities.

In addition to being exceptionally good at camouflage, they also use any of the existing tools like humans, and the technology to drive and use weapons is no less than a human master. Although they can't have the magical ability like the versatile, the 1500 kg punch and 2000 kg leg strength have reached the level of the ordinary second-order peak power abilities. Unlike the abilities, as long as With ample energy supply, they can continue to force for 36 hours, and the combat power is far less than that of the second-order power abilities.

After seeing the data and actual situation of the i generation, Wu Ye was simply satisfied. Unfortunately, there are only 12 such robots. If this number can expand one wheel.

In addition to humanoid robots, the institute has produced 100 mouse-shaped robots, 200 bird-shaped robots, and 1000 insect-shaped robots. These robots are mainly responsible for investigation and play a role in all-round assistance.

When the robots were commissioned, Wu Ye couldn't wait to send them to the battlefield.

Wuyuan City, located in the southwest of Yucheng City, is 65 kilometers away from Yucheng City. It is the capital city of the province where Yucheng is located. It is also one of the most famous super-large cities in the world. It is a prefecture-level city cloud that was captured before Wu Ye. The purple city is ten times larger. The urban terrain is extremely complicated. The estimated zombies in the city are conservatively estimated to be no less than 20 million. This is not counting animal zombies and mutant worms. There are many zombies above the fourth level. In the case of Yucheng, Wuyuan City is undoubtedly a huge untimely nuclear bomb.

However, now that there is an intelligent robot, Wuyuan City has become a treasure trove for Wu Ye.

"Achieve the designated location and determine the delivery goal!"

The safety plane hovering over the 1200-meter-high skyscraper in the western part of Wuyuan City suddenly turned on the energy hood. Several wooden big boxes were thrown out of the cabin. The box hit the concrete floor with fine cracks on the top floor, in a dull sound. It was torn apart, revealing a pile of black lacquered metal.

The safety plane quickly turned on the energy cover. The red dots on the projections in front of Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua lit up one by one. The electronic sound of the 'xx program activation' came one after another. In just five minutes, the metal objects on the roof were already It disappeared, leaving only a few pieces of broken wood. The projection on the opposite side of Wu Ye has been expanded by three times. The above image has changed, the screen has been cut into countless small squares, and the image on each square screen is constantly changing at an extremely fast speed. All information is at the speed of light. Passed back to the host server, analyzed and processed by the server, and then fed back to each small robot, so that when the small machine people go, an incomparably detailed three-dimensional map is quickly formed, just after ten minutes, this 110 The 1200-meter-high skyscrapers are clearly explored by unobstructed, pervasive small robots.

At the moment when the small machine people left the building, the server gave a detailed list of the building, including the topographical map of the building, the distribution of the material structure of the building, the number of zombies in the building, the level and distribution of the zombies, etc. The leaf system monitoring system 'see' is also accurate and fast.

The safety plane stayed in the sky for a little longer, and the zombies and mutant flying insects hovering in Wuyuan City heard the sound and gathered in the direction of the plane.

Wu Ye did not intend to entangle with them at this time, ordered: "Retreat as originally planned."



Before the zombies and bugs caught up, the security plane passed over Wuyuan City in a near-elegant manner, and countless zombies looked at the angry roar of the sky. Outside Wuyuan City, the twelve modified large trucks on the road suddenly moved. After the internal combustion engine was replaced by the nucleus energy supply system, the big truck was quiet as a ghost, and quietly headed for Wuyuan City. The guy driving the twelve big trucks is a i-generation wise man capable of disguising himself as a zombie.

In the closed container of large trucks, a server is installed, which can receive electronic signals within a range of 300 kilometers in diameter. Through them, all the information collected by the small machines will be transmitted to the generation i in time. The i generation will collect materials according to the priority of the task information in the database.

Yes, Wu Ye now needs the generations to do not to play with the zombies, but to collect all the useful materials in the city.

From the outbreak of the last days to the present, there have been many years. Many foods, daily necessities, medicines, etc. have long passed the shelf life and can no longer be used. Machines and instruments are also rusted due to wet weather and lack of maintenance. Insects and zombies also Unconsciously destroys everything in the city.

However, there is always something useful in a big international metropolis.

Even if the machine and instrument will rust and will be destroyed, they always have a usable part. At this time, the more useful parts of the robot than humans are highlighted. They can be based on data that has been or has just been collected. Accurately judge the parts that can be used by machines and instruments, and the tools that their fingers can be flexibly turned into. It is easy to unload a huge machine and find out what parts can be used to move to the car. On the other hand, as long as there is sufficient energy, they can work for more than 20 hours a day, and the state is stable and not exhausted. The natural camouflage allows them to be effortlessly immersed in the zombies. Occasionally, the zombies hear the sounds of their work being attracted, but the smell of food that has been snatched for a long time is all slowly spread out.

In this way, the i generations unscrupulously removed the wealth that belongs to human beings under the eyes of the zombies.

Occasionally there will be high-level zombies rushing into their doubts, but they are not smart zombies. After the robot's nucleus energy is completely isolated, they can't find the tricks hidden under the 'Zombie skin'. Simulating the interference of zombie brain waves, they regard robots as the most strange kind of behavior.

Senior zombies can drive and enslave low-level zombies, and in general they rarely take the initiative to harm the same kind.

Even if this happens, the robots are not vegetarian. The 12 humanoid robots have always been in the same place, and the harmless low-level zombies camouflage, each of them has no less than the third-order power system. The combat power of the people, they also carry high-killing crystal nuclear weapons, even if they encounter the five-level peak zombies are not afraid. Moreover, they have more than a thousand small robots to explore the road, and the distribution of high-level zombies around them is clear in their hearts, but can't they hide? Occasionally, I am not afraid of hiding. I have a stunt and a stunt. The energy switch is off. I lie down in the corner of the corner. It is as insignificant as the scrap iron. Even if the seven-level zombies come, don’t try to find them easily.

With so many convenient conditions, the machines people in Wuyuan City can't be more smoothly shunned. It is as simple as collecting a full amount of goods every day.

Qin Wuhua specially selected a thousand people from the loyal guards of the city defense guards. The shifts were responsible for secretly transporting these materials to Yucheng and Lishui. With these abundant and precious materials, the factory under Wu Ye's name has begun to develop rapidly. A huge industrial empire is slowly forming. In the foreseeable future, his wealth will grow at an extremely terrible speed.

The initial test of the robot is undoubtedly very successful. Professor Li and Ji Yun and other researchers have further improved and adjusted these robots based on the feedback from the server, and achieved the satisfactory results. A thousand humanoid robots officially entered the production stage.

It was at this time that the tree of life could not help but compromise.

In the past two days, Wu Ye always felt that there was someone who was staring at himself in the dark. He felt particularly obvious at home. Qin Wuhua, who was with him, looked at him as usual. He was obviously more sensitive than him. !

Wu Ye feels that she is mostly nervous. He doesn't think much about it. The feeling of being stared at is more serious every day. The thick nerves can't be eaten as he gradually gets away - usually feel like being stared at, even with Daqin xxoo I still feel that someone is peeping at the side, what is it (╯‵ ′ ╯) ╯ (┻━┻!

The system was almost stupidly cried by the stupid host. Seeing that the stupid host was violent day by day, I finally couldn’t help but scream: [The spiritual exchange request from the tree of life, access? 】

Two less: What is the ghost of the spiritual exchange request?

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