End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 228: Counterattack

If you can look closer, you will find that some people are no longer the 'people' in the traditional sense. They are naked. The skin exposed on the outside of the clothes is covered with a thick layer of taupe and **** layer. It is full of cockroaches and horrible knobs; the hands and feet are obviously huge, and the fingertips are half inch long with a metallic luster to replace the nails. A small number of people - if they can still call it people - do not know because of evolution or degradation, the hands and feet are used on the ground, on the walls and even on the ceiling for purposeless crawling, terrible bone spurs leave a trail in these places Deep scratches.

The landmark office building wrapped by insects has 120 floors and the height of the building is nearly 300 meters. The lower the floor, the more eccentric the appearance of 'people', the more the number, the lower 50 floors are packed. Many of the guys who can't even see the human form are more likely to call them monsters than people. This is probably the lunch time. The monsters are surrounded by groups of three and five, and the big mouth is biting the fresh flesh and blood. The miserable whine of the 'prey' causes only their strong appetite, splashing in the aorta. The blood that comes out is their favorite drink, and the bones that are smashed in the ground can be seen everywhere.

The mutant ants don't abandon the meat on the bones that grow in the seams. Their sharp teeth easily pierce the end of the bone and dig into the big mouth to enjoy the remaining bone marrow.

This feast lasted for more than half an hour, and the unfinished monsters looked at the prey that curled up in the corner.

The rumors of rumors were deceived, or the special fusion of the infected people with the tigers at the beginning faced these out-of-the-box monsters, scared to the wall roots, and watched the white bones scared to hold themselves and shiver.

The end of the world has been around for a long time, and few people have seen the scenes of zombies eating people, but compared to the zombies that completely lost memory, humanity and even the soul, these monsters have all the memories of the past, they can also take drugs that inhibit side effects regularly. Those who are truly mad and irrational, are very aware of what they do.

However, they naturally enjoy all of this, not helpless, but from the fall of the soul.

If these are monsters from the inside out, then the fifty-story up, the person who looks like a normal person is a monster with a layer of human skin, which is even more dangerous and more terrifying.

Wu Ye used the system to monitor this place for nearly half a month, and ‘eyes’ saw an example of how many people changed from people to monsters and then from monsters to people. In the beginning, when they were not able to swallow, the special fusion infected people would kill each other and enrich themselves by swallowing the body of their companions to obtain some mysterious power in flesh and blood. In the process of strengthening, their appearance will become increasingly grotesque. Incomparably, when this reinforcement reaches a certain level, they will slowly move closer to the human form by the monster.

But it's just close, they will still reveal the essence of the monster in the event of a battle. Throughout the process, the parts that belong to them are slowly removed. This elimination is not only directed at human nature, but is more directly applied to genes. Therefore, in the process of strengthening, the mortality rate of the monsters is extremely high. Only two or three monsters have only strengthened the human form, and even if they strengthen the human form, there will still be a very high mortality rate.

According to the analysis of the system, only the enhancement of Li Wei in all these monsters is close to perfection.

That's right, these monsters are brought by the brothers Li Wei.

The fruit extract is too small to be configured with enough antidote. Wu Ye pre-empts that things must be bad, so he pays special attention to the refugee camp outside the city, hoping to suppress the violence as much as possible within the controllable range.

In the beginning, the best way he could think of was to save some of the poisoned people first by priority. For those who were less poisoned, he had already spent a lot of money asking the system to buy a formula that would inhibit the drug. Only when the raw materials are collected, the corresponding inhibitor can be produced. The side effects of these agents are not small and costly, but they are enough to delay the special fusion patients for more than a year and two years. In the past two years, it is not difficult for the tree of life to end up with a batch of fruit. At that time, he will not pay more for the price, and he will get one or two more fruits. The remaining people should not be a problem.

However, the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

In the first batch of the drug factory, Wu Ye found a change in the refugee camp.

Some people are sinister and provocative in the relationship between the city and the infected people! Even planning to subvert his dominance in Yucheng!

If only someone is doing evil behind the scenes, Wu Ye will not be very angry. What makes him unexpected is that quite a few infected people are easily provoked.

Wu Ye is simply mad, and he is tracking through the system with a sigh of gas. The system without a trace is easy to find out behind the scenes.

Li Jia.

The days of hiding in Tibet are not good. The two brothers of Li Wei are used to their pampering. Whether they are in the upper or the last days, they are in a high position. Where is the habit of a funeral dog who is accustomed to lack of food and clothing? They were in a hurry, and they ran quietly. They couldn’t carry too much money. In less than half a month, the things they carried were exhausted. The settlements in various places are strictly guarded against the infected people, and these people simply cannot mix in.


If you can't get into the settlement, you can't buy the materials. For a long time, they have to live by looting, hunting the caravans and hunters. In just three or four months, the patience of the two young masters has been thoroughly smoothed. Seeing that the city is getting stronger and stronger, the emergence of crystal nuclear weapons has become the last straw to crush the psychological defense of the two young masters. .

They know that they are destined to be endless with Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua. So instead of sitting and watching the two grow to a level that they can't reach, it's better to let go, maybe there is a chance to turn over. Yucheng seems to be strong, but in fact it is shallow and shallow. As long as Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua fall down, they don’t know how many people are trying to get it. They just have to grasp the opportunity and they can’t get a piece of it.

Even if it is not cheap in a short period of time, as long as Qin Wuhua and Wu Ye are both dead, other abilities are not afraid of Li Wei, who thinks that he has perfect evolution. In the morning and evening, the whole of China and the whole world will become the contents of their Li family!

This point, even Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua have to admit.

If there is no support provided by the system as a support, the abilities of the abilities who are still groping in the abilities are how to play the strength that has reached the seventh-order intermediate level while the strength is still rising at a terrible speed. Hey? Not to mention the vast China, the only seven abilities of the abilities are Wu Ye, Qin Wuhua, Rabbit Boss, and Big Gray. Once they die, it is no exaggeration to say that Li Wei on the Eurasian continent. There will be no more opponents!

What is even more frightening is that as long as Li Wei’s abilities reach the tenth order, his genes will be completely integrated with the gene fragments of the mutant worms, thus achieving a perfect 'evolution' in a certain sense, and transformed into a thoroughly zerg, No longer human.

Although the zerg and the worm are one word difference, the real difference is like humans and poultry. One has wisdom to stand at the top of the food chain, and one has no thoughts like cannon fodder.

In the Zerg world, the order is sensible, the higher zerg can arbitrarily drive the zergs lower than them, let alone the lowest-level mutant worms, and their thoughts can even be directly attached to the worm's brain, 'seeing' to the worms Everything you see. The higher the level of the Zerg, the more low-level zerg and worms can be controlled, the wider the range of perception, and the more information transmitted in both directions. In addition to their own strength, this is why the Zerg is extremely difficult to kill. One.

In the end-time plane, there are not only bugs, but also hundreds of millions of fusion zombies. The Zerg can not only control the insects in the world, but also control the fusion zombies that are parasitized by the mutated worms. At that time, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua would like to kill Li Wei. I am afraid that it will be a hundred times more than a thousand times more difficult than now. Even if it is likely to lose his life, he will not be able to kill him.

The purpose of the creation of the Cosmic Mercenary System was to train qualified fighters and kill the Zerg. Upon reconnaissance of Li Wei’s information, the system immediately issued Wu’s a-level time-limited mandatory task, which required him to completely kill Li Wei and Li Wei within one month, destroy Li’s experimental data, and eliminate the birth of the Zerg. may.

This is the first time that the system gives the task level directly at the same time as the task is issued, and the task difficulty is not trivial.

From receiving the task, Wu Ye had to temporarily put down all the affairs of Yucheng, and led Qin Wuhua to lead the guards to leave Yucheng, looking for opportunities to annihilate the Li family.

In order not to stun the snake, Ji Xiang took negative resistance to the behavior of the infected people in accordance with Wu Ye’s instructions. On the surface, it seems that the city seems to be indiscriminate, but in fact, it has quietly strengthened its defense. Infected people seem to be imposing, but in reality they can't touch the roots of Yucheng.

Wu Ye had system assistance and directly found the current position of the Li Yu brothers, but he repeatedly scanned the system many times, and did not find the researchers who were responsible for the experiment when he saw him in the Zhao Wang settlement. . How to use the system to kill Li Wei and Li Wei unexpectedly, and then cooperate with the guards to eradicate the Li family, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua have already had a belly case, but the most troublesome and difficult thing at the moment is not to kill them, but to find out Those researchers who hold experimental data.

These researchers did not go with Li Wei and others. Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua speculated that they should be hidden in a secret base, quietly developing production inhibitors for Li Wei and other infected people who are far from perfect evolution. It is also estimated that further experimental research is needed.

Because the production of a large number of inhibitors requires raw materials, experimental research also requires high-precision instruments and a relatively stable environment, Li Wei is bound to arrange them in a very secret place.

Wu Ye can only confirm that this place is not in Yunzi City and surrounding areas, and far away, there is no clear direction, Wu Ye's mental strength is not enough to support his extensive scanning.

So, I can only wait now!

The Li Wei brothers can easily smash | so many infected people are against the city, these drugs that inhibit side effects are indispensable. Just like an addict who suffers from toxic and addictive torture, knowing that it can only drink and quench thirst, once the pain comes, it will still be at all costs.

Wu Ye uses the system every day to stare at the every move in Yunzi City, the sequelae of excessive mental exhaustion and the burnt points and crystal nucleus every day, so that he has more than one swearing pain, and the two brothers must be smashed. Ten thousand paragraphs.

Huang Tian pays off, Wu Ye stared for half a month, and finally a truck loaded with inhibitors drove into the city of Yunzi.

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